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中国瓷器 第6期

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Why do people call their ceramic wares[陶瓷制品]“China?” And how has our ancient country come to be known in English by the same word as porcelain[瓷器], instead of something based on a literal translation of the Chinese characters?

Several centuries ago, when European people marveled[惊异] at the fine pottery shipped from a mysterious[神秘的] nation in the Far East, they decided to give the works a name. The trader explained that the exquisite[精致的] products were made in a town called“Changnan” which people began to pronounce as“China” Possibly out of the conventional[传统的] practice of referring to a country by that for which it is best known,“China”came into use to refer to the actual country.

Chinese ceramics were created more than 2,000 years ago when Changnan was more like a village. The township was not established until the early 9th century AD, when the Song Emperor Jingde named Changnan with his own royal name as a reward for the local people’s creativity[创造力] and inspiration[灵感].

From then on, Changnan gradually fell into oblivion[遗忘] but Jingdezhen, or Jingde Town-being in the very same place, is still the capital of ceramics.

In the following dynasties[朝代], Jindezhen porcelain production as both an art and an industry continued to thrive and reached its zenith[最高点] in the early Qing Dynasty. The most famous type of Jingdezhen porcelain is the“blue and white” porcelain. A poetic depiction of it goes, “White like jade, sounds like a chime[钟] and thin like paper.” It’s really no exaggeration[夸张]. Chinese families take pride in possessing Jingdezhen made porcelain pieces.







horse around 嬉闹

I hope you don’t mind if my friends horse around after dinner.

小编闲语:想一下我们小时候经常玩的旋转木马,就是坐着“horse”在那儿“turn around”,很快乐地玩耍,所以用“horse around”表达“嬉闹”的意思很贴切。

over the moon 欣喜若狂

She’s over the moon about her promotion because she really wasn’t expecting it.

小编闲语:飞到了月亮上,人当然特别激动、特别高兴,所以“over the moon”生动地表现了一个人乐不可支的样子。