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For this issue of A Foreigner in China we asked three foreigners to make some observations about China based on their first impressions of the country and its people.

Mark Carter (USA)

Before I came to China in 2001, I really knew very little about this

country. I had never been to Asia before and never met anybody who had been to China. What I did know was that China has a huge population, the Great Wall, silk and chopsticks. Very rudimentary. I had no idea what Chinese people are like. There is a Chinese community in my hometown in Nebraska but they mostly ①keep to themselves. In my school there were kids whose parents were Chinese. These kids behaved the exact same way as everyone else and I never considered them to be different to me in any way. I had never met anyone who was from China itself.

When I arrived in China for the first time, my first impression was how many people there were. Even in rural areas you can see people in their thousands. The crowds and noise can be a bit overwhelming at first but now I am used to it. Maybe I have gotten too used to it. I find the quietness of my suburban neighborhood back home a little oppressive now!

I was also surprised by the people. I had always presumed that Asian people were very reserved and serious. It didn't take long for me to realize that Chinese people are quite chatty and jovial. I was also taken aback at their interest in foreign things. My first feeling when I settled in to life here was that Chinese people care very much about what people from other countries think about them. I found that unusual. I had always presumed that China would be a world of its own, so to speak, that operated independently of the outside. Chinese people always ask me if I like China. Well, I'm still here, am I not?

Fiona Mason (UK)

I first came to China in 1999. Like many Westerners, before coming to China, I had the idea that it would be far less materialistic than Europe or the US. I was shocked to find that Chinese people seem to be more materialistic than any people I have ever met before. Some foreigners become disillusioned because of this but I have come to understand that the fault is my own. The idea I had of China was a misconception. Of course, it cannot be like what we see in the Kung Fu movies. Nonetheless, there must be more to life than getting an MBA and having the latest mobile phone!

I think a lot of people in the West, especially young people, are very concerned about the effects of globalization. They see globalization as being the spread of a monoculture, based on Western values, which is killing the cultural diversity of the world. This is quite obvious to me since I started living in China. Many of the young people here seem to have ②turned their backs on their own culture and ape what they think is Western culture (It is actually a type of international culture). I think this is very sad because if young Chinese people copy Western styles without having an understanding of Western culture they will be left with only the shadow of a culture. Take the trend of 'celebrating' Christmas for example. Putting up Christmas trees and decorations does not constitute Christmas. It is a mimic of a Western festival which fails to capture its true atmosphere and spirit.

I can't be too hard on China for this because it is a phenomenon that is occurring worldwide. However, I hope that young Chinese people will have more confidence in the value of their own culture and draw inspiration from the thousand of years of Chinese civilization. If there is any country that will provide an alternative to Coca-Cola imperialism, I hope that it can be China!

Peter Nash (Canada)

I would say that I'm a pretty (not in the 'good-looking' sense of the word) typical twenty-something North American. I like to hang out with my friends and don't worry too much about the future. I have no master plan for my life and no real career goals. In many ways the freedom of adolescence has been extended by ten years for my generation.

The thing that struck me most when I came to China is how different the young people here are. Young Chinese people are far more practical and have a greater sense of responsibility than a lot of their counterparts on the other side of the world. The high level of competition in education and the job market makes young Chinese very diligent and committed. They seem to forgo the joys of a full social life like we have in the West.

In general, the atmosphere of progress can be felt in society itself. I have been in China for two years and for two years I have been listening to drills and saws. At first, it appeared to me that the entire country was one big construction site. When you come to China you can't help noticing a 'can-do' attitude and an overall sense that this is a society that is looking ahead, a country that is going somewhere. You don't get that kind of feeling in other places.



Mark Carter (USA) 马克・卡特(美国)




菲奥纳・梅森 (英国)








chopstick /`C4pstik/ n.(常用复)筷子

rudimentary /r6di`ment9ri/ adj.基本的;初步的

overwhelming /,9uv9`welmiM/ adj.无法抵抗的;压倒性的

oppressive /9`presiv/ adj.压抑的;压迫的

jovial /`_9uvj9l/ adj.天性快活的;愉快的

disillusion /,disi`l6E9n/ v.醒悟

misconception /`misk9n`sepH9n/ n.误解

globalization /,Gl9ub9lai`zeiH9n/ n.全球化

monoculture /`m4n9uk7ltH9/ n.单一文化

ape /eip/ vt.模仿

mimic /`mimik/ n.模仿者;仿制品

adolescence /,2d9u`les9ns/ n.青春期

counterpart /`kaunt9p3t/ n.极相似的人或物

diligent /`dilidE9nt/ adj.勤勉的;刻苦的

forgo /f5`G9u/ vt.作罢;放弃

drill /dril/ n.钻孔机;钻子

saw /s5/ n.锯

① keep to oneself 不交际

② turn one's back on 背弃;抛弃


文中,Fiona Mason在谈到先前对中国的印象时,用到了一个词“materialistic”。这个词在英语国家中,一般是用作贬义,指的是“某个人把金钱和物质当作了人生的头等大事”。

2.Coca-Cola imperialism

文中,Fiona Mason提到了一个词组――“Coca-Cola imperialism”。这是一个常常见诸于西方媒体的词汇,它指的是西方国家(尤其是美国)通过商业手段向其它国家(一般是发展中国家)施加文化影响。这个词汇的色彩是贬义的。它将西方产品对发展中国家市场的控制比作成帝国主义。


文中,Peter Nash 提到了一个词组――“Can-do attitude”。这指的是一种乐观的态度,即无论问及是否可以做某事,回答总是“可以做,没问题”之类的话语。