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>> 中美大学新生入学教育比较 中美思想政治教育内容比较及启示 中美高校新生入学教育比较及其启示 中美家庭教育比较及启示 中美大学生心理健康教育比较及启示 中美大学生创业教育的比较与启示 中美大学素质教育比较与启示 中美高等教育评估制度的比较及启示 中美创新创业教育比较研究及启示 中美家庭教育的比较及启示 中美残疾人高等教育比较及启示 中美高校体育与健康课程内容的比较及启示 中美家庭性教育内容比较 中美大学生思想政治教育内容的异同及其启示 中美外语教育的比较及其启示 从中美大学新生教育看中国大学新生 中美大学生思想政治教育路径的比较与启示 中美债务重组准则比较及启示 中美高校预算管理比较及启示 中美股利分配政策比较及启示 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:l.

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Comparing contents of university freshmen education

in China and U.S.and implications


(Institute of Higher Education,Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China)

AbstractThe contents of university freshmen education in China differentiate from those in the U.S.regarding design concept,core aims and implementation.University freshmen education in the U.S.steps up more efforts to help students to plan their own blueprints and develop their abilities and skills.Helping students to succeed fluent transitions from high school to university is also a key task for university freshmen education in the U.S.In contrast,the attention paid to highschooltouniversity transition in China is still inadequate.Currently,freshmen education in Chinese universities is conducted mainly as a tool for student management and service,more attention has been paid to the education of students′ emotional recognition and adaptability.By comparing the contents of university freshmen education in China and the U.S.,it can be seen that all the contents of freshmen education in Chinese universities should be designed to fulfill the need of students;Chinese universities shall also change their traditional working regime,and try to cultivate students′ characteristics from all aspects;More attention shall be paid to the cultivation of students′ basic abilities and skills;Besides,Chinese universities shall step up more efforts to assist their students to tide over the transition period from high school to university.

Key wordsChina;U.S.;freshmen education;comparisons;implication