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Why exactly they “selling own children”?

Some young people have to sell children since they ate the forbidden fruit.

Some baby girls are sold because their parents prefer boys to girls.

But, more parents sold children because of money.




Many young people want to live a rich and comfortable life but they just eat their heads off and have no skills. So they see selling their own children as a business. Like a couple in Jiangyong County, Sichuan, they sold three children in three years and didn’t miss them at all. Their answer was very simple: “we don’t want to raise them and by selling them we can make some money.” When get mad, they can not only sell their kidneys for an iPad, but also can pawn their own younger brothers for an iPhone 6 and of course can sell their own children, which is totally deviate from basic human affection and so horrible.

But when dig into the news deeply, it not hard to find that, the young people who sold children, were almost lived in small towns or migrant labors. They were bewitched by the luxurious culture and enjoyment culture in urbanization, but their living condition and promoting space cannot be improved by efforts. Is this also one of the reasons for the degradation of their mind and morality? We need to question it closely.



Recently, Liang Hong, writer of China in Liangzhuang, said in an interview that, “I feel more and more depressed when go back to Liangzhaung four years later.” Shan Shibing, a journalist, also said in his article that, “I want to cry every time go back to hometown.” In their articles, hometown is not the nostalgia full of small bridge, flowing water and houses, but means spiritual depression, material comparison, lack of fellow villager consciousness and family affection. What is the relationship between the destitution of villages and the selling of children? in order to truly rescue those children who were sold or are to be sold, we should look at the root of the problem.
