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【Abstract】Objectives: To compare the detection effect of polymerase chain reaction and enzyme immunoassay on herpes simplex virus infection. Methods: A total of 140 patients were selected in this study. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) were used to detect herpes simplex virus respectively. Another PCR method was applied when the results were different.Results: Among those 140 patients, through PCR, there were 57 positive cases, 6 cases of HSV-1 infection, 46 cases of HSV-2 Infection and 7 cases of mixed infection detected. Through ELISA, there were 59 positive cases. Among 140 cases, 17 cases showed no coherent results. In comparison with PCR detection, the sensitivities, specificities and positive predictive values of ELISA were 96.3%, 98.8%, and 89.8%, PCR were 97.1%, 92.8% and 95.6% respectively. Conclusion: It is indicated that ELISA is simple, rapid, high sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of genital herpes; the method is suitable for the testing of large batches of clinical specimens, which is recommended for clinical application.

【Key words】Genital herpes; Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection; Enzyme immunoassay (ELISA) detection


生殖器疱疹(genital herpes,GH)是临床上最为常见的性传播疾病之一,感染患者不仅生理健康受到严重威胁,还会显著影响患者生存质量[1,2]。精确的诊断是治疗生殖器疱疹的基础,然而目前临床上多以临床经验进行诊断,错误率较高且敏感度较低[3,4]。PCR和ELISA是两种常用的病毒感染临床检验方法,分别检测病原的DNA和蛋白质[5,6]。然而,两种方法应用于生殖器疱疹病毒的检测效果却少有比较。







使用SPSS 19.0软件统计分析,计数资料采用率表示,计算ELISA和PCR法测定的敏感性、特异性、阴性及阳性预测值。











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