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【摘要】 目的:分析维持血液透析患者维生素A对贫血、钙磷代谢影响,为临床治疗提供依据。方法:选择2012年6月-2015年6月笔者所在医院血液透析中心的维持性血液透析患133例,抽取患者透析前空腹静脉血,检测维生素A、血常规、钙、磷和甲状旁腺激素。


【关键词】 血液透析; 维生素A; 血常规; 钙; 磷

中图分类号 R692.5 文献标识码 A 文章编号 1674-6805(2016)15-0001-03

【Abstract】 Objective:To analyze the influence of vitamin A on anemia and calcium-phosphorus metabolism in hemodialysis patients,and to provide the basis for clinical treatment.Method:133 cases of maintenance hemodialysis patients in the hemodialysis center of our hospital from June 2012 to June 2015 were selected.The fasting venous blood was drawed before dialysis,the vitamin A,routine blood,calcium,phosphorus,and parathyroid hormone were tested.Result:(1)In 133 patients,the average concentration of vitamin A was (50.61±14.43)?g/dl.Multiple factors regression analysis showed that vitamin A was positively correlated with blood calcium concentration(r=0.458,P

13 cases were standard,accounting for 10%.Patients with iPTH300 ng/L accounted for 53%,there were no statistically significant differences in age,levels of vitamin A,serum calcium and phosphorous between iPTH300 ng/L group(P>0.05).Conclusion:Vitamin A is the related factor influencing the hemoglobin and blood calcium levels.Maintenance hemodialysis patients have common anemia.Patients’ serum calcium phosphate test results show low calcium and high phosphorus,nearly 53% of maintenance hemodialysis patients have secondary hyperparathyroidism.


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