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Washback effect of compound-dictation in CET-4 on Independent College

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摘 要:In accordance with Hughes(1989),washback effect can be defined as the effet of testing on teaching and learning.In recent years,washback effect of CET-4(college English Test-Band 4)on English teaching and learning has become a heated topic in testing field.With the development of economic globalization and educational diversity,independent colleges have become a new unignorable part of higher education in China.Therefore,in the author’s opinion,it is necessary that discussion should be made to explore the teaching and leaning of Independent College.The result shows that washback effect of the changes from compound-dictation of cet-4 on English teaching and leaning in this college is obvious.

关键词:washback effect;CET-4;independent college

中图分类号:H31 文献标识码:A


As a large-scaled standardized test for measuring the proficiency of College English teaching and leaning,washback effect of CET-4 on English teaching and leaning has become a heated topic in testing field.We have achieved a lot in studying on CET-4,including researches from theoretical level and practical level,which has made certain contribution to the College English teaching and leaning.

1.The change of compound-dictation in CET-4 and its washback effect on Independent College

The compound-dictation section of CET-4 consist of 7words and 3 sentences.From 2006 to 2011 year,the average words number of sentences is about not less than 18 while this of 2012 is less than 18.It is obvious that the average number of words decreases and so dose the difficulty degree of vocabulary.To the comparison,the difficulty degree of vocabulary of 7 words increases.This kind of change has obvious effect on the students and teachers of Independent College.

This papers aims to give an brief analysis on washback effect of compound-dictation in CET-4 on English teaching and leaning of Independent College.

The paper tries to answer:(1)If the changes from compound-dictation influence the students and leaning of Independent college? If yes,what are they? (2)If the changes from compound-dictation influence the teachers and teaching of Independent college? If yes,what are they? The following of this paper will try to specifically discuss the questions.

2.Washback effect on students of Independent college

2.1 Positive washback on students and leaning

In the Independent college the author worked for,the average score of English College Entrance Exam of students is low.And the score gained from listening section is especially low.Besides this,most students of this college are from Sichuan province.Due to the 5.12 Earthquake,Sichuan province suspends listening test in College Entrance Exam.These students did not take any listening train during their high school.According to the author’s observation,in a listening class,most of the students try hard to listen and write down the 7 words,but totally give up when the sentences come.