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The definition of rural micro-credit

Various scholars make different definitions of micro-credit from different perspectives

Morduch (1997) defined micro-credit as a type of credit that lends to poor farmers, and usually has higher interest rates and small amount of credit, with no asset-backed, and maintain high repayment rates.

Jinpu Jiao, Jun Yang (2006), starting from the financial comparative perspective, defines micro-credit as a non-formal financial services—a new financial service which is different from the formal financial and traditional rural usury.




In general, the microcredit refers to a kind of credit services provided for low-income people and has a small amount, at the purpose of anti-poverty and promoting development.

The origins of rural micro-credit

The mode of rural micro-credit in the world

The experience of rural micro-credit

The origins, history and current situation of rural micro-credit in China

The origins of rural micro-credit in China

The history of rural micro-credit in China

The current modes of rural micro-credit in China

The problems of rural micro-credit in China

The significance of rural micro-credit in China

The significance of rural micro-credit in the world

The significance of rural micro-credit in China


Binswanger, H. P., Khandker, S. R., 1995. The impact of formal finance on the rural economy of Ind!ia. Journal of development, 32(2), pp.234-262.

Claudio, 1994. Stages in the Evolution of Thought on Rural Finance. Occasional Paper No. 2134.

Jonathan Morduch and David Roodman, 2009. The Impact of Microcredit on the Poor in Bangladesh: Revisiting the Evidence.

Morduch, J., Park, A., Wang, S., 1997. Microfinance in China. Poverty and Development.

Patten, R. H., Johnston, D.E., 2001. Microfinance success amidst macroeconomic failure: The experience of Bank Rakyat Indonesia during the East Asian crisis. World Development.

Pitt, M.M., Khandker, S.R., 1998. The impact of group-based credit programs on poor households in Bangladesh: does the gender of participants matter? Journal of Political Economy, 106(5), pp.958-996.

Deping Xiong, 2005. Rural microcredit: Mode, Experience and Enlightenment. Financial theory and practice, 134(26), pp.39-42.

Dongqing Zhao, Kangkang Wang, 2009