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Several years back, Johnny Depp’s longtime partner Tim Burton famously called him “a character actor in a leading man’s body”. The description is so simple that it’s tempting to suggest that Johnny Depp’s works containing just those eight words alongside a photographic history of the actor’s career would be a respectable undertaking. Hopefully, however, there is something more to be gleaned from this retrospective of Depp’s cinematic works.

So what can one hope to learn about Johnny Depp? It’s fair to say that we have never seen Depp’s like before―this is a film star who has repeatedly shown himself capable of turning mainstream films into global blockbusters, but who still seems unwilling to use these hit movies as career building blocks in any conventional manner.

Any other actor blessed with Depp’s Apollonian looks would likely have set his sights on trying to become the next Paul Newman (an archetypal model that only a handful of today’s male stars could even aspire to). But each of the potential actors is burdened with at least one disqualifying role: George Clooney? Looks the part, but too knowing. Ryan Gosling? A peerless young actor who lacks the iconic presence of a genuine movie star―not that he’s likely to lose any sleep over that. Matt Damon? Too “everyman”. Brad Pitt? A heavyweight talent smothered by tabloid attention.

Johnny Depp, on the other hand, seems to earn “Best Actor of His Generation” plaudits whenever he takes on a serious dramatic role―but he seems equally engaged by the challenge of giving new life to Captain Jack Sparrow, the weird and cowardly “hero” of Pirates of the Caribbean. Even though Depp turns 50, there is still something of the teenager about him: a distinct sense that he chooses projects according to how much fun he’ll have making them, and in many cases how much confusion they will cause among his followers, and the countless media experts who are paid to impose a rational pattern on the “choices” made by stars of Depp’s wattage.

Searching for some long-term pattern within Depp’s body of work is a fairly thankless task; perhaps because of the haphazard manner in which he entered the movie industry, he seems positively to revel in the random, picking out his projects with the proverbial whim of iron, which is just as likely to lead to a questionable remake like Tim Burton’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory as it is to Depp’s arresting dual-character cameo in Before Night Falls.




