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Search Engines and Publishers’Rights Conflicts

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Fearing web search engines such as Google are encroaching on their ability to generate revenue, newspaper publishers plan to launch an automated system for granting permission for use of their content.

Buoyed by a Belgian court ruling that Google was infringing on the copyright of French and German language newspapers by reproducing article snippets in search results, the publishers said they planned to start testing the service before the end of the year.

"This system is intended to remove completely any rights conflicts between publishers and search engines." said Gavin O'Reilly, chairman of the World Association of Newspapers (WAN).

The cost of the project, known as the Automated Content Access Protocol (ACAP), was not disclosed, though the publishers have budgeted $785,000 to seek advice from third-party experts.

The pilot program stems from the huge popularity of search engines, which automatically return search results from newspapers, magazines and books, and usually link back to a publication's own website. Many publishers feel, however, that the search engines are becoming publishers themselves by aggregating and occasionally creating their own content.

Courts have generally upheld the legality of the way search engines operate, and the Belgian ruling against Google marks an unprecedented crackdown. Google has appealed the decision.







法律对搜索引擎的运行方式已经作了大致的规定,比利时法庭的裁决是对Google的空前打击,Google已对这一裁决进行了上诉。(Joseph Leu/编译)