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【摘 要】在口译过程中,由于相互间的文化差异性(即文化空缺现象),常常出现错误表达、遗漏信息、扭曲信息等,导致不能真实表达原语中的特定信息,甚至造成原语的信息失真。本文通过比较中英双语的不同文化内涵,旨在讨论口译中的文化空缺现象,以给出相应的解决方案。首先,本文介绍了论文的理论基础—翻译目的论;然后分析了口译中常见的几种文化空缺现象:文化背景,不对等,延伸和内涵和派生;最后,依据翻译目的论提出四种解决方案。


Chapter One The Skopos Theory

The Skopos Theory is an approach to translation which was put forward by Hans J. Vermeer and developed in Germany in the late 1970s and which oriented a more functionally and socioculturally concept of translation. Translation is considered not as a process of translation, but as a specific form of human action. In our mind, translation has a purpose, and the word “Skopos” was from Greek. (Nord 2006) It’s used as the technical term for the purpose of the translation.

In Skopos Theory, the top-ranking rule for any translation is the “Skopos rule”. Skopos is a Greek word for “purpose”. “The term Skopos usually refers to the purpose of the target text” (Nord 2006). In Vermeer’s own words, the skopos rule goes like this: “Each text is produced for a given purpose and should serve this purpose. The skopos rule thus reads as follows: translate/interpret/speak/write in a way that enables your text/translation to function in the situation in which it is used and with the people who want use it and precisely in the way they want it to function”(Nord 2006). According to Skopos Theory, the main principle for translation is “Skopos rule,” which means that translation methods and strategies are determined by its purposes, that is, “The end justifies the means” (Nord 2006). And in this theory, one of the most important factors that determine a translation purpose is the addressee-the target reader in the target language and culture with expectations and communicative needs. From this point, we can see that the status of the source text is obviously lower than that of the target text. Skopos Theory emphasizes is not the function of the source text, but the function that the target text should achieve.

Besides the skopos rule, there are still another two general rules, that is, coherence rule and fidelity rule. The coherence rule stipulates that the target text must be completely coherent to allow target readers to understand it, and must be given their assumed background knowledge and situational circumstances. The fidelity rule is about inter-textual coherence between the source text and the target text, and it stipulates merely that some relationship must remain between the two once the overriding principle of Skopos and the rule of coherence have been satisfied.

Chapter Two The Methods on How to Solve Above Interpreting Problems

There are so many problems that are aroused by cultural vacancy, and how to deal with it is such an important thing.

2.1 Literal translation

“ A literal translation is one which follows the words of the original exactly without considering the general meaning or style of the text” (Chambers,1995). But in my view, literal translation is simple and neat, not dragging its feet, it’s better to say that “literal translation” is the opposite expression for “dead translation”, “dead translation” is word for word translation, but “literal translation” is gentler. Some of the cultural meaning of Chinese words cannot find equivalents in English, and some of the cultural meaning of English words also cannot find a corresponding word, which is wholly vacancy. Then we generally use the literal translation method to solve this problem, such as “胡同” ( hutong), “阴阳” (yin yang), “秀才” (xiucai), “太极” (Taiji), “四书” (Four Books), “五经” (Five Classics), “剪纸” (paper-cut), “糖醋排骨” (sweet and sour spare-ribs), “北京烤鸭” (Beijing roast duck). “胡同” has been translated into the “alley” or “lane”, it is clear to us all that the two words cannot reflect the original flavor of the word itself which has a rich folk custom.

2.2 Transference

Transference is to adopt or copy something completely from the source language to the target language without alterations. In the background of the frequent exchanges between the eastern and western cultures nowadays, the English new words have influenced the Chinese lexis substantially. Chinese speakers have come to use the English new words.

As I see, the foreigners studying Chinese have to read more Chinese newspapers and magazines, listening to radio and watching TV. We should try our best to get in touch with English newspaper and radio.

In this case, we sometimes use “loanword”. When a word is adopted directly by one language from another, it is referred to as a loanword. Loanwords may retain a pronunciation similar to that of the original language. Such as some Chinese words: 咖啡 (coffee), 吉普车 (jeep), 沙发 (sofa),巧克力 (chocolate), and etc, they have become the basic vocabulary in our daily life and nobody would feel “an exotic atmosphere” when using these words. We can also find KTV, WTO, APEC, MTV, VCD etc.

2.3 Translate the implied meaning

Apparently, people in different cultures express words differently, because of difference of the mode of thinking. In that case, we should translate the implied meaning according to the context. People in different regions use idioms, proverbs and sayings with their own distinct characteristics. Idioms are highly used in the daily life of Chinese people; proverbs are short sayings of wisdom – of well-known maxims, truths or facts expressed succinctly and in a way that makes them easy to remember. And such method is most useful and helpful in translating idioms, proverbs and sayings.

A large number of Chinese idioms, proverbs and sayings invariably display deep-rooted Chinese qualities. “叱咤风云” (extremely powerful or influential ), “东施效颦” (imitate awkwardly ), “孟母三迁” (move one’s home for the desired environment for the education of one’s children ); “三个臭皮匠,胜个过一个诸葛亮”(Two heads are better than one), “江山易改,本性难移”(A fox may grow gray but never good)are such examples.


In this thesis, the author just probes into the cultural vacancy and the way to deal with the translating problems in this field. And as far as the cultural value of language is concerned, this thesis only touches upon part of it. The author regards the Skopos Theory as the guidance for the problems of cultural vacancy interpretation in this thesis, and many examples in real interpretation have been presented to analysis the solutions like literal translation, transference, translate the implied meaning and explanation to them by adopting the Skopos Theory, and the author believes that as long as people strive to strengthen the sensitivity in inter-cultural communication, and continue to explore the way to solve the cultural vacancies, one day these vexing problems will gradually be effectively addressed.

Besides, further researches in this field should be adopted and more comprehensive material should be used for this analysis, so that the findings may be more objective. For the study in this field, more real interpretation practices should be collected with the combination of other theories, so as to reach a more comprehensive result, and find better solutions to this.







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