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The Chinese Dream and Strategy of College Students’ Growth and Success

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Abstract The chinese dream is a dream of the people in the final analysis. College students are the builders and successors of the cause of socialist modernization, and are the main force and reserve army to achieve the Chinese dream. Today, college students undertake the future mission to fully build a moderately prosperous society and achieve socialist modernization. In order to complete the mission and boost realization of the Chinese dream, college students should have ideological, political and moral qualities, professional knowledge, professional competencies, physical and mental qualities. At the same time, we should realize college students’ dream of success from three dimensions as follows, universities should attach importance to talents, teachers should strive to be “four haves’ teachers to foster talents, students should cherish ambitious dream to seek success.

Key words: College students; Talents; Chinese dream

Ma, Z. X., & Zhang, L. (2015). The Chinese Dream and strategy of college studentsgrowth and success. Higher Education of Social Science, 8(5), -0. Available from: URL: http:///index.php/hess/article/view/6937

DOI: http:///10.3968/6937


The realization of the Chinese dream requires to gather the strength of great unity of all nationalities of China, and also requires that “the majority of young people to be brave and take on the important task entrusted by the times, be ambitious, but also down to earth, make efforts to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese dream in vivid practices.” (Xi, 2013, May 5) As the outstanding people in the youth, college students are a group with active thinking, strong creativity, most knowledge, and play a role as a bridge between past and future in the development of human society. Their growth and success concerns about the realization of the Chinese dream.


The contemporary college students shoulder the historical mission to achieve the goal of “two one hundred years”. Building a moderately prosperous society and realizing socialist modernization is the responsibility entrusted by the time during the process of realizing the Chinese dream.

1.1 Chinese Dream Is a National Dream, and Is Moreover a Dream of the Youth

To achieve the Chinese dream is a great and arduous task, requiring decades of struggles, and the contemporary college students are at this important stage. The general secretary Xi Jinping points out at the forum with the teachers and students from Peking University,

the students who are now studying in colleges and universities are about 20 years old. In 2020 when a moderately prosperous society is built, many people will be less than 30 years; In the middle of this century when modernization is basically realized, a lot of them are less than 60 years old. That is to say, to achieve the goal of ‘two one hundred years’, you and hundreds of thousands of young people will be involved in the whole process. (Xi, 2014, May 5)

Chinese dream is a dream of history, modern times and the future. Chinese contemporary college students take the baton to realize Chinese dream, and the realization of Chinese dream relies on the efforts of young people from generation to generation. “If the youth has the ideal and responsibility, the country will have a prospect, the nation will have a future, and we will have a steady stream of powerful forces for our goal of development.” (Xi, 2013, May 5) The college students who are gradually coming into the society, at the one hundred anniversary of CPC’s founding, will become vibrant and courageous young people, so they shoulder the historical mission of “two one hundred years’” goal. Contemporary college students’ shouldering the historic mission of building a moderately prosperous society and realizing socialist modernization will lay a solid foundation for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

1.2 The Historical Mission of College Students During the Process of Realizing the Chinese Dream

To achieve the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, it’s aimed at constructing a prosperous, democratic, civilized and harmonious socialist modern country. Chinese dream is realized by the goal of “two one hundred years”, and contemporary college students shall play different roles to achieve the goal of “two one hundred years”. This is determined by the strategic goal of the Party and the country and the important role of college students in the future.

1.2.1 The Reserve Army to Realize the Goal of “the First One Hundred Years”

Every generation of young people has their own fates and opportunities, and must plan their own lives and make history under the current time. Young people are the most sensitive barometer of the times, responsibility of the time is entrusted to them, and glory of the time belongs to them (Xi, 2014, May 5). Firstly, from the perspective of time, there’s only eight years for the current college students to achieve the one hundred anniversary of CPC’s founding in 2021. In the processing of realizing the goal of “the first one hundred years”, college students’ skills, qualifications and experience are not enough to shoulder the beam of modernization. They are just the reserve army with full of vitality and great future, only play the role as assistants. The second is from the perspective of task, during these eight years, they should accomplish two tasks: complete their studies, and enhance their qualities comprehensively; enter professional positions, and join the modernization. The task of the contemporary college students during the realization of “the first one hundred years” decides that they can only be the reserve army at this stage, and should be prepared for joining the main battlefield of modernization and achieving the Chinese dream in the future. However, their developmental status during the realization of “the first one hundred years” has a basic and strategic significance for them to play a key role in realizing the goal of “the second one hundred years”.

1.2.2 The Main Force to Realize the Goal of “the Second One Hundred Years”

To promote the realization of modernization, the contemporary college students are the main force and pillar. Firstly, from the perspective of time, the college students who are about to come into the society from now will all enter the main battlefield of socialist modernization in 2050. They will be at the age of about 30 years old, will have sharp thinking, strong sense of innovation, reasonably structured knowledge, full energy, and will be at the golden period of life. The vast arenas provided by jobs and their advantages in qualities will give them a good time to fully display their talents and serve the motherland with the creative labors. Secondly, from the perspective of social status, during the realization of “the second one hundred years”, their social status will change. Some people will gradually become the backbone in various industries, and leaders in various fields and social elites will stand out from them. Their brilliant achievements, various bright titles and honors will be won at this stage. Until then, the contemporary college students will produce the national or even world-class politicians, ideologists, scientists, educators and other prominent people. They are the main force to achieve the goal of “the second cone hundred years”. Thus, the contemporary college students shoulder the historic mission of realizing socialist modernization.

The contemporary college students are the important force to achieve the “Chinese Dream”, their historical mission is to complete the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation. “Now, we are closer than any time in history to achieve the goal of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and are more confident and capable than any time in history to achieve this goal.” “To walk to the end of one hundred miles, half of the people have to stop at ninety miles.” “When it’s close to achieve the goal of great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, we cannot slack off, but should redouble our efforts to mobilize the youth to fight for it.” (Ibid.) Therefore, we should strengthen education and carefully nurture the growth and success of contemporary college students, let them be both the chaser of the “Chinese dream” and implementer of the Chinese dream.


The contemporary college students are expected to shoulder the future mission to fully build a moderately prosperous society and achieve socialist modernization. In order to complete the mission and boost realization of the Chinese dream, college students should have the appropriate ideological, political and moral qualities, professional knowledge, professional competencies, physical and mental qualities.

2.1 Ideological, Political and Moral Qualities

Ideological, political and moral qualities, refer to the ideological and political concepts, moral principles or norms of a certain society or class reflected on an individual, are the particular psychological characteristics, interior status and ideological orientation manifested by an individual in a long-term ideological and ethical conducts. Ideological, political and moral qualities are the primary, basic and directional qualities for the contemporary college students to complete the future mission of the Party and the country.

2.1.1 Ideological Quality

College student’s ideological quality, means that during the study and life in college, the positive and stable functional status and relatively stable quality demonstrated by a college student in the aspects of the world, life and values. “When young people are vigorous, the country will be prosperous; when young people are strong, the country will be strong.” (Xi, 2013, May 5) In order to shoulder the two historic missions to boost the achievement of Chinese dream, college students must possess a Marxist theoretical quality, establish correct outlooks on the world, life and values, determine a lofty ideal, belief and firm political stance. Only with these qualities, when college students enter the complex society and face various challenges and temptations, they can grasp a correct course of life, and make contributions in achieving the “Chinese Dream”.

2.1.2 Political Quality

College student’s political quality means that after various ideological and political education, a college student demonstrate positive and stable qualities in political orientation, political stance, political view, political discipline, political discernment and political sensitivity, etc. The training of political quality includes the correct political direction. Only when a student has a high political consciousness, he will be more conscious and hard-working on studying science and culture for the revolution; firm political stance means that a student should identify, analyze and solve problems from the stance of the proletariat and overwhelming majority of the people, in order to maintain the national interests and the fundamental interests of overwhelming majority of the people; distinct political view regards no distinctive political view as no soul; strict political discipline; strong political discrimination and political sensitivity.

2.1.3 Moral Quality

Moral quality of college student means that on the basis of innate qualities, a college student should receive moral education to acquire relatively stable and inherent moral qualities which can play a long-term role. College student’s moral qualities mainly refer to social ethics. A highly qualified student should be the vanguard of social civilization, patriotic and law-abiding model of courtesy and honesty, friendly and thrifty model of unity; professional ethics means that a student’s attitude toward his professional learning shows his attitude toward the future profession, thus we should strengthen to improve the quality in this regard; family virtues means that college students are in the big family of college, they must learn to respect teachers, respect others, unite classmates, be helpful, honest and trustworthy.

2.2 Professional Knowledge and Professional Competencies

Professional knowledge and competencies refer to the knowledge, spiritual qualities and practical abilities which the contemporary college students should possess to deal with the relations with the nature and society.

2.2.1 Professional Knowledge

Professional knowledge is the basis of ideological, political and moral qualities and competencies for college students. Without a certain knowledge, the ideological, political and moral qualities will be a tree without soil, and the competencies will also be limited. Professional knowledge includes basic knowledge and professional knowledge. Basic knowledge is mainly to solve the problem of width of knowledge, and should be “wide-based” and “thick-based”. Professional knowledge is to solve the problem of “precise knowledge” and “deep knowledge”. In short, professional knowledge should achieve the combination of scientific spirit and humanistic spirit, interpenetration of arts and science, so as to foster talents with high-qualities and an all-round development.

2.2.2 Professional Competency

Professional competency of the contemporary college students refers to the competencies to comprehensively use various knowledge, conduct study and social practices, which mainly include basic competency and knowledge competency. The general competency of a college student is determined and influenced by his basic competency. Through basic knowledge, a student can form a scientific methodology and philosophical consciousness, can obtain information, process information, and solve the problems of “learn how to learn” and “learn how to think”. College student’s knowledge competency means that through improvement of professional knowledge, a college student should be able to form knowledge competencies which match the requirements of the times and social needs, including the competencies to master modern knowledge, to conduct teamwork, practices, innovations and scientific researches, etc..

2.3 Physical and Mental Qualities

Physical and mental qualities of the contemporary college students mainly refer to the physical quality and psychological quality of college students. The development of physical quality is the basis for the development of psychological quality, and development of psychological quality in turn affects physical development.

2.3.1 Physical Quality

Physical quality is the combination of the innate quality and lately acquired quality through training, mainly including physical function quality, bodily energy quality and motion competency quality. The age of knowledge explosion triggers intense social competition pressure and survival pressure, thus college students should pay a lot of energy, which requires them good physical function quality to meet the needs of the learning environment and highly-loaded activities. Abundant physical strength is the foundation of finishing heavy study task, strong energy is the guarantee of finishing the task high-effectively. The development of physical function quality and motion competency quality is in a proportional relation. Physical exercise is the basis of healthy body development. College students should pay attention to exercise and stay youthful vitality during the college life.

2.3.2 Psychological Quality

Psychological quality of college Students refers to the forming of stable personal qualities and its development levels in adapting and responding to the requirements of social life and learning life. It includes college students’ good self-awareness, which has a influence of their moral judgment and forming of personality, in particular a significant impact on the forming of personality inclination; a sense of innovation and a character of innovation, which is the most important part of psychological qualities of contemporary college students ; quality and ability to withstand setbacks, college students should have no fear of failure or hardship, and the courage to bear the loss of severe setback; good teamwork spirit, contemporary college students must have the character of extraversion, optimism, have a good sense and ability of overall cooperation and interpersonal coordination, not only with a high IQ but also high emotional intelligence, have good teamwork spirit.

In the comprehensive system of college students quality, the ideological and political and moral qualities plays a dominant role, which determines the direction and nature of the quality of college students in the new period; professional knowledge and professional competency plays a fundamental role which determines the general quality of students’ quality; Physical and mental qualities plays a role of protection, which is the material premise and a necessary condition for the development of the quality of contemporary college students. Three qualities have mutual influence and restraint, together constituting the overall quality of students. Only on the basis of good internal quality, the college students can complete the historic mission of the party and the people, realize their value of life, and become the builders and successors of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Generations of college students are contributing their efforts to realize the Chinese dream.


The talents are the dominant key to the future development of China and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, whilst the basis of talent training lies on education. Youth college student is the fresh blood of Chinese dream, and to boost the realization of Chinese dream, the following three aspects should be directed to fostering the growth and success of youth college


3.1 Abiding the Essence of University and Attaching Importance to Talents

Education is the foundation and key of a hundred years’ plans. Only through education, Chinese population resources can be better converted into talents resources. And only through fostering talents, the realization of Chinese dream can have talents support and intelligence guarantee.

“History is nothing but the activity of man pursuing his aims.” Dream is an aim to meet the needs of self-interest or purpose. One basic need for youth college students in higher education is to grow and succeed. Therefore, universities and colleges should hold a strong sense of personnel and firmly establish the central position of personnel training to build a high-level leading “dream team” in order to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. First, establish “all talent, all-round development” education philosophy. “Living in our great motherland in a great time, all Chinese people can share the same opportunity to enjoy a life colorful, a dream come true, a growth and progress together with the country and the era.” (Xi, 2013, March 18)

Second, take advantage of university resources configuration, give full play of talents of every youth college student, train personnel on a platform where talents gather together, science all present and foundation solid. Third, create a good style of study, promote independent thinking, pursuing truth, tolerating failure and in such a atmosphere, guide students to learn knowledge, cultivate sentiment, strive to increase the ability, through the realization of their life dream to boost Chinese dream as well.

3.2 Be the “Four Haves” Teachers to Foster Talents

Teachers are the keys of education. Only Universities teachers can fully play the role of dream-builders, young college students can be better promoted to acquire growth and success, and this fresh blood shall enter into the body of Chinese dream.

3.2.1 Ignite Student With Ideals and Beliefs

Ideals and belief are the cornerstone of a good teacher personality. Teachers are dream-makers as well dream-followers and dream-doers of the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation. First, play the leading role of practicing and propagating socialist core values to have a good control and a right step of youth college students’ life. Second, make good use of classroom lecture and university campus, with their knowledge and experience, ignite their unyielding longing for truth, kindness and beauty to convey a steady stream of force for the realization of the great rejuvenation of Chinese nation. Third, follow dreams and realize them. Have ideals and beliefs to light and wake ideals and beliefs of students and combine personal ideals and works with the development of the motherland and the people’s well-being closely to educate more and better talent.

3.2.2 Infect Students With Good Moral Character

Good moral character is the core of the practice of the educational mission of a teacher. Abundant knowledge to be a teacher, proper behavior to be a model. Teacher is a model to students, students as a mirror to the teacher. First, a teacher should have a noble heart. Shaping the soul, life and people require a teacher firstly to be morally qualified. Teachers should emulate the good, improve the quality of personality, by virtue to conduct and teach the students the right moral values. Second, devote to the work and love the students. Establish lofty career aspirations and firm career belief, devote all energy and sincere love to education, education and infect students with the truth, sincere and honest feelings, and strive to become a students’ good mentor and helpful friend. Third, strengthen self-cultivation. Noble morality is the most vivid, the most concrete and the most far-reaching education to students. Morality requires education, but more self-cultivation. It is necessary to read more books, read good books as well as to be humble and dedicated while in practice. Calm down your heart to teach and have peace in the heart of education.

3.2.3 Guide Students With a Solid Knowledge

A solid foundation of knowledge, excellent teaching ability, diligent teaching attitude, scientific teaching methods make a teacher, while knowledge is the fundamental basis. First, establish the lifelong learning concept. In today’s era of knowledge after another, only by eagerly learning and enriching ourselves, we can become a qualified educator and ensure the quality of teaching. Second, we must have a deep knowledge of the subject. Only by hard-working and dedicated spirit in research and learning, we can do well the “missionary” mission with our solid professional knowledge. Third, possess flexible teaching knowledge. Be a good mentor of students and help students grow faster and better. Fourth, possess extensive cultural knowledge. Be a smart teacher, help students from different perspectives. Fifth, possesses a wealth of practical knowledge. Education is from life, research in practice, education in action, spread the wisdom of the students with accumulated experience.

3.2.4 Nourish Students With Benevolent Love

Love is the soul of education. Loving students are the heavy background of a teacher profession. Teachers should care students’ growth with true, sincere and honest feelings. First, respect the students sincerely. “Insatiable in learning, tireless in teaching”. Sincere respect will narrow the distance between students and teachers and strive to become a students’ good mentor and helpful friend. Second, fully appreciate the students. “There is no class in education.” A teacher should learn to appreciate different students and believe that everyone can talent. Respect the law of development of different students, explore the different talents of different students, apply different methods to different students and help students better growth and success. Third, generously care for the students. Care for healthy growth of the students, encourage students’ growth and progress, be a good mentor and guide of students’ growth and success.

3.3 College Students Strive to Pursue Dream and Realize Dream

Young college students play a role as a bridge between past and future in the development of human society. Thus, enhancing the quality of college students and promoting their growth and success is of significant importance to boost the realization of Chinese dream.

3.3.1 Have High Aspirations, Ideals and Beliefs

Chinese dream is the lofty ideal of all nationalities of China as well as a great expectation which the young generation should firmly hold. Ideals and beliefs are the spiritual calcium of individual. It directs our life forwards and determines the success or failure of individual undertakings. The mutual influences and interactions of the social and economic development, the accelerating pace of life and various ethos lead the convention of youth college students’ idea of being successful into utilitarian and practical. For this reason, youth college student should actively strengthen their ideological and moral cultivation, seriously study the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, constantly enhance road confidence, theory confidence and system confidence, firmly establish correct outlooks on the world, life and values, firmly grasp a correct course of life and integrate the realization of individual dream into a greater Chinese dream.

3.3.2 Consolidate the Theory, Enhance Research Capabilities

Youth college students have a more systematic modern scientific knowledge. After graduation, they will become the main force and elites of fully building a moderately prosperous society and achieving socialist modernization, so college students should pay attention to improve their scientific research capabilities. Study hard scientific and cultural knowledge, seriously study Chinese excellent culture and achievements of human civilization, consolidate theory foundation, improve professionalism, study hard and become a driving force of youth to make the voyage, enhance the capabilities to provide energy to youth fighting skills, enrich ourselves with all the achievements of civilization created by mankind. Youth college students are the most dynamic and creative groups, they should stimulate carving for knowledge and curiosity for the unknown, be eager to learn, good at thinking, having courage to explore, sensitive to innovate, with the premise of having good knowledge foundation, improve innovative thinking ability, be the forefront of innovation and creativity, constantly understand and grasp the truth.

3.3.3 Be Down to Earth, Devoting to the Social Practice

Social practice is an effective way to realize the Chinese dream for college students. Youth college students shoulder the historic mission of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, they are qualified builders and reliable successors of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Dream ahead, road at the foot. The winner is strong, while those who excel themselves are victorious. As a special group in the realization of Chinese dream, youth college students should keep in mind “empty talk endangers the nation, hard work brings the prosperity to the country,” they should be committed to hard work. Integrate theory with practice, and actively participate in social practice, find new knowledge and apply true knowledge in practice, in the process of solving practical problems, increase their abilities, and continuously improve practical ability, innovation and entrepreneurship, in order to lay a solid foundation to realize the Chinese dream.

3.3.4 Temper Character and Improve Self-Cultivation

Young college students are the leading force of a new social trend. Improving self-cultivation is the requirements for youth college student to adapt to the building a moderately prosperous society and realizing socialist modernization. Self-cultivation shows the ability and level how the young college students behave and work, on the one hand, young college students should combine the correct moral awareness, positive moral consciousness and moral practice closely together, consciously establish and practice the socialist core values, take the lead of good social atmosphere, and consciously promote patriotism, collectivism and socialist ideology, and actively promote social morality, professional ethics and family virtues. On the other hand, young college students should learn knowledge of literature, history, philosophy, art and other humanities and social sciences and natural sciences, etc., to improve their cultivation, cultural taste, aesthetics and so on. Meanwhile, level up the knowledge acquired to the humanistic spirit level, establish the human spirit, and participate in various social practice actively, broadens their horizons, cultivate sentiment, strive to increase their abilities and improve quality.


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