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Here Comes “Eagle Dad”

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Speaking of education, there were “Wolf Dad” and “Tiger Mom” in the past; now here comes an “eagle dad”. Recently, a video that showed a little boy running naked in heavy snow was posted online and quickly attracted netizens’ attention.

The video was shot in New York, in the snow, with a temperature of 13 degrees Celsius below zero. In the video, a 4-year-old boy from Nanjing was running in the snow, wearing only underwear

and instructed by his father.

Some people criticized his parents for being cruel. But his dad, surnamed He, said the 4-year-old boy, Duoduo, was born premature and had a series of complications, so he designed a set of physical training and mental education programs for the boy.

The dad said he’s also taught his son kung fu, dancing, cycling and mountain climbing―and has thrown the boy into freezing water to toughen him up.

“I also give him ice cream on cold winter days to train his stomach to get used to the cold,” he said.

And the three years of extreme training proved effective. The child’s potential IQ is up to 218 and he has been admitted in advance to a primary school. “Now Duoduo is very healthy; he has never been to a hospital since delivery,” said Mr. He in interviews with local media in Nanjing.

Mr. He called himself “Eagle Dad” as eagles are known for their tough parenting, such as pushing their offspring out of the nest to force them to fly.

During the training process, Mr. He also wrote a book on how he trained and educated his son. The book, entitled Busy Dad, Lazy Dad Parenting Guide, will be published soon.

The story of “Eagle Dad” has led to a fresh debate over tough parenting style, which was also described in the controversial Amy Chua’s book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. Mr. He is under huge pressure because of his tough parenting.

Criticism on the Internet

Almost 70% of the netizens opposed his training method, 20% took a neutral stance, and only 10% thought his educational method was worth a try. Many netizens said Mr. He is a “vicious father” who deprives his child of a happy childhood. Imposing his own will onto a young child, it is not education but destructive enthusiasm.

Experts’ view

“It is possible for premature babies to strengthen themselves through physical training as kids are highly adaptive,” said a child care expert.

With a scientific program, physical training, even sometimes proper “freeze” in cold, can enhance a child’s resistance. But it is not applicable to all children. One should take a look at a child’s physical ability; do not use force, or else it would be counterpro-ductive.

“Eagle Dad’s” voice

“Eagle Dad” is unwavering to all the public opinion. “Naked cold training is a common educational method in Japan, South Korea and other countries. Why are we so shocked about it?” Mr. He said he hopes his son is not growing up like a flower in the greenhouse, becoming a spoiled “little emperor”. “Eagle Dad” told the reporter he would stick to training his son in his own way.

Has “Tiger Mom” gone soft?


Has “Tiger Mom” gone soft? One year after the release of her controversial book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, Amy Chua is back in the spotlight.

“I’ve changed a lot,” she told The Huffington Post. “In October, we had 30 kids at our house! We’ve hosted parties with lots of food and music.”

“I never checked (my elder daughter Sophia’s) papers because I knew she knew how to sit down and focus,” Chua said. “I know she is going to make mistakes in college.”

Instead of forcing her younger daughter Lulu to play the violin for hours a day, Chua “let her give that up” now. “My compromise is that I’m going to be as strict academically, but in exchange she has a lot of social freedom. Lulu has had four sleepovers in the last two months!” Chua said.

Now, with the book published already, Chua kept saying that Battle Hymn was always meant as a memoir, not a guide. Many of the scenes she described in the book are a far cry from the parenting style she advocates. “I put passages in the book and used very harsh words that I regret. Everybody has those moments you wish you could take back,” she said.

underwear n. 内衣

premature adj. 早产的

complication n. 并发症

toughen vt. 使坚强,使坚韧

in advance 提前

delivery n. 分娩

controversial adj. 有争议的

a neutral stance 中立态度

vicious adj. 恶意的

adaptive adj. 可塑的

enhance vt. 提高

resistance n. 抵抗力

counterproductive adj. 反作用

unwavering adj. 不动摇的

spotlight n. 聚光灯

sleepover n. 在外过夜

memoir n. 回忆录

a far cry from 与……相差很远

例如: People think the Harry Potter books are a far cry from traditional children book. 人们认为《哈利・波特》系列完全不同于传统的儿童图书。

harsh adj. 严厉的