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As images of its citizens hiding in bomb shelters[防空洞] flash across television screens worldwide, Israel is still eagerly welcoming visitors from all over the world. Once you step into Israel, you will find the country can be unexpectedly peaceful and charming. Israel is a country in the Middle East, on the narrow region connecting Africa and Asia. It is a remarkable[显著的], fascinating and controversial[争议的] country. There are snow-capped mountains in the north alongside dry wildernesses in the south, and desolate[荒凉的] areas alongside modern lively cities. Although small in territory[领土], Israel’s landscape and climate are varied, and its dense population does not interfere with[妨碍] a wealth of plants and wildlife, as well as many natural attractions.

Israel is in a subtropical[亚热带的] region, with two seasons: a hot, dry summer period and a cold, semi-wet to wet winter period. It is a land of bright sunshine. This ensures a good suntan[晒黑], but requires appropriate[适当的] protection. Most of the year, the climate in Israel is pleasant, and you can tour the country the whole year round. However, it is recommended to visit during fall and spring, when the temperature is especially favorable.

Israel’s ethnic and religious mosaic[镶嵌] is rich and amazing, and it has numerous cultural institutions[协会] and entertainment centers. Thanks to its rich history and sanctity[圣洁] for the three monotheistic religions, it has many ancient and holy sites.

The most prominent[显著的] characteristic of Israel’s population is its high diversity. Besides the main division of the country’s inhabitants[居民] into Jews (80%) and Arabs (20%), there are many more subdivisions[细分]. Another major characteristic of the Israeli population is its rapid growth rate. Since the establishment of the State, the population of Israel has increased almost tenfold[十倍], mainly due to the immigration of Jews from around the world.

Hebrew and Arabic are the official languages of Israel. Hebrew, Arabic and English are compulsory[必修的] subjects at school. French, Spanish, German, Yiddish[依地语], Russian, Polish and Hungarian are widely spoken. Local and international newspapers and periodicals[期刊] in a number of languages are readily[容易地] available. All street and most commercial signs are in Hebrew and English and often in Arabic.

With a population of about 706,000, Jerusalem is the capital of Israel and is also the largest city of Israel. Apart from the political importance of the city, Jerusalem, known as the Holy City, attracts tourists who come to Israel because of its rich history and its overwhelming importance to the three great religions ?Judaism, Christianity and Islam.

Israel is a world-class destination which offers numerous cultural and religious attractions, spas[矿泉] and renowned sea resorts ?all within an atmosphere that combines[结合] the very ancient with the ultra high-tech. The Dead Sea is a very popular attraction. It is one of the world’s best-known and most unique therapeutic[治疗的] resorts. The region is characterized by an unusual combination of natural resources and climatic conditions ?the saltiest sea in the world that is also mineral-rich.

Israel has many vacation sites that offer a variety of leisure[休闲] and sports activities. You can walk among sanctified[神圣化的], historical and archeological[考古的] treasures, wander among fascinating geological[地质的] formations, or stroll through unique nature sites. The choices of recreation are actually unlimited. Israel certainly can be your destination of leisure, recreation and historic discovery.







