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译者简介:刘萌萌(1988.11― ),女,汉族,河南漯河人,云南民族大学外国语学院硕士研究生。研究方向:英语笔译。













The Circle

Bing Xin

Introduction to Indian philosophy said: “The prince said loudly like a lion: ‘If I kept living in a circle of birth, growth, illness and death, and could not achieve the great wisdom...or I will be as yesterday.” Then I got some reflections to create this article.’”

When I was just go into the society, a tight dark circle had covered me, but I never noticed.

Gradually, I developed to the outside world and felt limited by the circle. The circle also seemed to shrink inside. How scared! There were only darkness, sadness and trouble in the circle.

When the circle shrinks a little, I would get up and campaigned along the edges once. What’s the result? It still firmly covered me. I had to keep quiet there and couldn’t move.

It shrinks again. I got up and campaigned along the edges once more. After this circle was repeated several times, I felt tired…

Oh, Circle! Can’t I even resist you to the end? Will I have to limited to the circle forever?

Stand up! Be patient! Try hard!

Yeah! The tight circle finally should crack. ─when I looked outside, just light, happiness and freedom stand there. ─as long as I can jump out of the circle!

My future was promising! I could resist it and I won’t be limited inside forever. Efforts! Patience! I split this distressing circle and jumped outside! (刘萌萌译)

(This article was originally published in Journal of Yanshan University in December of 1920, Volume 1. (4), Signiture: Wanying.)