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摘 要:自1969年计算机网络的诞生,网络的发展和应用已经走过近半个世纪并且逐渐影响至世界各地,甚至渗透到人们的生活中。于是,网络语言也应运而生,其标志性特征就是语言的变异性。语音、词汇、语法是语言的三个基本要素,网络语言变异包括语音、词汇和语法三个层面的变异。本文以英汉网络语言的谐音变异为主要研究对象,对英汉网络语言变异的特征进行对比分析,从而探讨出它们的相似和不同之处,也为跨文化网络语言交流做出一定的贡献。

关键词:英汉网络语言; 语音变异; 对比


The new model of language-netspeak, is a special variation of language. As far as the special speech community is considered, the language users may often disobey the language norm by changing the forms of language or creating some new forms. Language variation actually refers to the changes of language use.

ⅡPhonological Variation

Although it perceived as a form of writing, we cannot ignore the phonic characteristic of the netspeak. Compared with the traditional language, the netspeak is a form of special oral languages but presented by the form of writing, of which the phonetic variation in the Internet environment are mainly the following aspects:


Phonological variation in Chinese netspeak

(1)Homophones in Chinese netspeak. Homophones refer to the language with the similar writing but with the different pronunciation forms. Such examples as following:

Table 1 Homophones in Chinese netspeak

English letters E-mail=伊妹儿, download=当(下载), homepage=烘焙鸡, Modem=猫(调制解调器),etc.

Chinese Speech input methods大虾=大侠, 斑竹=版主(the administrator in BBS), 神马=什么(what), 帅锅=帅哥(handsome boy),etc.

dialects 稀饭=喜欢(like),银=人(people), 小盆友=小朋友(children), 童鞋=同学(students),etc.

Using figures 1314=一生一世(all life), 520=我爱你(I love you), 530=我想你(I miss you), etc.

mix 44k8=试试看吧(have a try), +U=加油(fighting),3X=谢谢(thanks),8U8=发又发(rich), etc.

(2)The use of onomatopoeia in Chinese netspeak. In Chinese netspeak, there are many onomatopoeia expressing laughter, such as hehe(呵呵), haha(哈哈), xixi(嘻嘻)and also some to express cries, such as wuwu(呜呜), wawa(哇哇), some to express surprise, such as hoho(吼吼), using zeze(啧啧) to express exclamation.

(3)Repetition of pronunciation in Chinese netspeak. In order to make the language on the Internet more vivid and smart, there also are some special repetitions of pronunciation in Chinese netspeak, such as the handbag “书包”(shu bao) is reduplicated like“包包”(bao bao), stupid笨蛋 (ben dan) is present as “笨笨”(benben), which sounds like a lovely child.


Phonological Variation in English netspeak

(1)Homophones in English netspeak.

In English netspeak, homophones can often be seen in the two forms, more example collected will be listed accordingly.

Table 2 Homophones in English netspeak

alphabeticCU=see you, How r u=how are you, Y=why, T=tea, O I C=oh, I see, thx=thanks,etc.

Using of figure 2(two):F2F=face to face, me2=me too, etc.

4(four):B4=before, 4u=for you, B4N=buy for now,etc.

8(eight): gr8t=great, l8r=later, w8=wait,etc.

(2) The use of onomatopoeia in English netspeak. In English netspeak, such examples as burble(laugh secretly), chuckle(laugh implicitly), ouch(surprise), buzzz...(like snoring), haha (laughter), aha( the exclamation of the new discovery). They are often be used by netizens to express their feelings vividly.


The comparison of English and Chinese netspeak on phonological variation

Looking at those examples above, we can clearly find that both English netspeak and Chinese netspeak have the number assonance because of their similar sound.

But Chinese language is always different

from English language. As a representative

of hieroglyphics, Chinese netspeak are firstly present on the aspects of Pinyin

homophonic. In Chinese netspeak, the homophonic variation some originated from

Chinese dialect, such as “酱紫”, which in fact is a language variation from the south Fukien dialect. It has the similar pronunciation with “这样子”(that it is). Also, some Chinese netspeak are caused by the arithmetic of smart spell input method, such as 斑竹(版主,banzhu)refers to the network manager, etc..

English is a unique phonogram, which is totally different from Chinese in the language structure. In English netspeak, the homophonic is decided by its alphabetic letters, such as “u” refers to you etc.. Compared with the Chinese netspeak, it may feel dwarfed. In a word, compared with that in English netspeak, the phonological variations in Chinese netspeak are outnumbered not only in amount but in classification.


In order to save the time, the netizens can not much consider the veracity of the express so as to make a lot wrongly written. However, these wrongly words with the similar pronunciation of the correct word can also be comprehended by netizens and unexpectedly make the original expressions more vivid and nifty. Thus, this kind of expressions has a large proportion in Chinese and English netspeak.

With the comparative analysis of the phonological variation in English and Chinese netspeak, it can be beneficial for the two cross-language groups having a better awareness of each netspeak so as to make a little contribution to the cross communication between Chinese and the West.


Poole, Stuart C. An Introduction to linguistics. London: Macmillan,1999.

Yule, George. The Study of Language. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1996.

Ashby, Michael. Introducing Phonetic Science. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2005.

Carr, Philip. English Phonetics and Phonology: An Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell,1999.

Ewen, Colin J. The Phonological Structure of Words: An Introduction. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,2001.


