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[题型1] 根据句意和汉语提示,写出符合句意和语法的单词。


① Don’t _________(笑) at others when they are in trouble.(南通市)

② He has moved into a_________ (现代的) building in a busy street.


③ Please say it louder. I can’t hear you_________ (清楚地).(南通市)

④ You’d better let in some fresh_________ (空气).(苏州市)

⑤ Sue always_________ (分享) things with her friends.(苏州市)

⑥ Little knowledge is a_________ (危险的) thing.(苏州市)

⑦ Sandy has lots of_________ (业余爱好).(苏州市)

⑧ Where is Jim? I’m afraid he has_________ (忘记) we’ll have a meeting this afternoon.(河北省)

⑨ There are so many new words in the_________ (二十九) lesson. It’s hard to understand.(河北省)

⑩ Science is one of my favorite_________ (科目). What about you?(河北省)

[答案与归纳] ① laugh② modern③ clearly④ air⑤ shares⑥ dangerous⑦ hobbies⑧ forgotten⑨ twenty-ninth⑩ subjects 做这类试题时,应注意名词的单复数形式、动词的各种形式、基数词与序数词、代词的不同格以及形容词的比较级和最高级形式等。

[题型2] 根据句子的意思,用适当的词填空。


① ―Can you help me to solve this difficult maths problem?

―With_________ .(孝感市)

② Mary and her friends_________themselves at the English party last night.


③ His eyesight is too poor. He can_________see anything.(孝感市)

④ Forty-five minutes is three_________of an hour.(孝感市)

⑤ With the help of his teacher, he has already_________up with his classmates in study.(孝感市)

⑥ Teachers’ Day in China is in September while Thanksgiving Day in America is in_________ .(江苏启东中学)

⑦ Peter, don’t eat_________food! It is bad for your health.(江苏启东中学)

⑧ ―What makes you so happy, Tom?

―Oh, I’ve got an_________to Mary and Peter’s wedding.(江苏启东中学)

⑨ When I decided to go back home, it got dark, and what was_________ , it began to rain.(江苏启东中学)

⑩ When I met an old friend of mine in the street, I was so excited that I_________his hands for a long time.(江苏启东中学)

[答案与归纳] ① pleasure② enjoyed③ hardly④ quarters⑤ caught⑥ November⑦ unhealthy⑧ invitation⑨ worse⑩ shook 要想做好这类试题,首先要正确理解句意,然后再填入符合句意的单词,还要注意各类词的词形变化。

[题型3] 根据句子的意思,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。


① Three_________ (five) of the students in our class are League members.


② He left home in a hurry because he had some problems_________ (solve)in his office.(泰州市)

③_________ (1uck),modern medicine can help people with eye problems in less developed countries.(泰州市)

④ ―Excuse me, where is the_________ (lady) room?

―It’s over there.(泰州市)

⑤ He speaks Chinese very well though he is a_________ (Canada).(泰州市)

⑥ How_________ (excite) it is to go surfing in Hawaii!(徐州市)

⑦ There_________ (be) some fruit juice in the bottle. Pass it to me, please.


⑧ Who teaches_________ (they) physics?(徐州市)

⑨ It’s_________ (sun) today. What about going on a picnic?(徐州市)

⑩ Drive slowly and_________ (care) when you are near a school.(徐州市)

[答案与归纳] ① fifths② to solve③ Luckily④ ladies’⑤ Canadian⑥ exciting⑦ is⑧ them⑨ sunny⑩ carefully 要想做好这类试题,必须注意不同词类之间的转化,尤其要注意名词的数与格、代词的各种格、基数词与序数词相互转化时的形式变化、形容词与副词的比较级和最高级形式、动词的各种形式及其用法等。

[题型4] 根据句意和所给的首字母,写出该词的正确形式。


① ―I am so glad to have passed the driving test.


② After b_________ deeply, he jumped into the river to save the drowning child.(江苏启东中学)

③ The children are too young to dress t_________, so the kindergartners have to help them.(江苏启东中学)

④ We can play tricks on friends on April 1, but they will not be a_________ with us.(莱芜市)

⑤ When I told them the funny jokes, they couldn’t help l_________.(莱芜市)

⑥ The plane flew higher and higher. At last it d_________ in the sky.


⑦ What should you do when you suddenly hear shouts of “fire”and smell smoke t_________ the door?(莱芜市)

⑧ India has the second l_________ population in the world.(莱芜市)

[答案与归纳] ① Congratulations② breathing③ themselves④ angry⑤ laughing⑥ disappeared⑦ through⑧ largest 做这类试题时,应结合语境,联系上下文,根据该词的首字母提示,写出符合句意且形式正确的单词。

[题型5] 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。


forty, you, cloud, fast, bookshelf(南通市)

① What will the weather be like tomorrow? It’ll be_________ .

② On her_________birthday, her husband bought her a new car as a present.

③ Mike, don’t swim in the river by_________ . It’s very dangerous.

④ He is the winner. He runs the_________of all.

⑤ There are quite a few_________in our reading room. We can choose any book on them.

fly, teacher, eight, miss, heavy(临沂市)

⑥ In China, September 10th is the_________ Day.

⑦ August is the_________ month of the year.

⑧ When Jack came to himself, he was lying in a corner and his purse was_________ .

⑨ Because it rained_________ , many planes were late.

⑩ After a five-day_________ , Shenzhou VI landed safely in Inner Mongolia,China at 4:33 a.m. on October 17,2005.

[答案与归纳] ① cloudy② fortieth③ yourself④ fastest⑤ bookshelves⑥ Teachers’⑦ eighth⑧ missing⑨ heavily⑩ flight 做这类试题时,先要理解句子的意思,然后从方框中选出合适的单词,再根据它在句中所作的成分,用其适当的形式填空。其考查的重点是名词、代词、数词、形容词和副词的各种形式及其用法等。

[题型6] 根据所给中文意思,完成英语句子。



① 董先生无论什么时候睡觉,总也睡不够。

Mr Dong doesn’t get enough sleep_________he_________ to bed.

② 查一下你们是否都有飞机票。

__________________you’ve got the air ticket.

③ 我叔叔以前是个司机,而现在他是工程师。

My uncle__________________be a driver, but now he is an engineer.

④ 轮到你在会上发言了。

It’s__________________to speak at the meeting.

⑤ 假如每个人都为保护环境做出自己的贡献,这个世界将变得更加美丽。

The world will become much more beautiful if everyone_________ a contribution to_________ the environment.


⑥ 刘翔是中国最受欢迎的明星之一。

Liu Xiang is one of_________in China.

⑦ 人们应该学会怎样保护自己。

People should learn_________ .

⑧ 谁在敲门?是汤姆吗?

_________ the door? Is_________Tom?

⑨ 我们把吴爷爷当成好朋友。

Grandpa Wu_________as our good friend.

⑩ 班会已经开了半个小时。

[答案与归纳] ① whenever; goes ② Make; sure ③ used; to ④ your; turn ⑤ makes; protecting ⑥ the most popular stars ⑦ how to protect themselves/how they can protect themselves ⑧ Who’s knocking at/on; it/that ⑨ is regarded/treated/looked on ⑩ The class meeting has been on for half an hour. 这类试题主要考查考生能否使用学过的词汇、短语、句式等完成句子。只要考生在平时学习中注意积累,语言基本功扎实,做好这类题目并不是太难。

[题型7] 阅读下面对话,请根据首字母提示正确拼写单词,使对话意思完整。

[试题再现] (浙江省)

A: Hi, Mons! I’m going to have a birthday p ① . I want to have it on Saturday e ② . Can you come?

B: Oh. I’m going to v ③ my grandfather on Saturday.

A: What about S ④ ?

B: I have to l ⑤.

A: Oh, no. When are you f ⑥then?

B: Well, Friday is fine.

A: Friday? That’s tomorrow! OK. We can have it then. Can you ask Ali to j ⑦us?

B: Sure. When and where shall we m ⑧?

A: Near our school gate at half p ⑨four.

B: Great! S ⑩you then!

A: Bye!

[答案与归纳] ① party② evening③ visit④ Sunday⑤ learn⑥ free⑦ join⑧ meet⑨ past⑩ See 这类试题主要考查考生运用英语进行交际的能力。其考查热点主要集中在看病、问路、打电话、购物及日常会话等话题。