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About Zhou Rui’s short fairytales

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Zhou Rui’s representative work, “A Big Mouse and A Little Cat” series, has published 28 kinds of books, with a total accumulated sale of 2 million copies. It is recommended to read by various schools in China.

I once worked as a fairytales editor for Juvenile Literature for more than 9 years. During that period of time, I had edited and published many of Zhou Rui’s excellent short fairytales. Later, I anthologized Zhou Rui’s outstanding short works when I worked in Selective Periodical of Children Literature. So I am familiar with Zhou Rui’s short fairytales.

Zhou Rui is a representative of new generation fairy tale writers who emerged in new period after “the Cultural Revolution”. In the circle of children’s literature, his fairy tales are usually classified into “the boisterous school”. It is generally considered that he is one of leading roles or main representatives of the boisterous school. But I think that the three words of “the boisterous school” are far from enough to summarize the features of Zhou Rui’ fairytales.

Ⅰ. Zhou Rui’s short fairytale is one of the representative works of Chinese style fairytales.

He usually employs elements from ancient Chinese myths and historical stories as creation materials. On this basis, he would include elements in modern life in. These features are especially true in his works such as Seventh Heaven, Song Street and Secret Eyes. In Seventh Heaven, Zhou Rui not only creatively studies and applies some figures and stories of Journey to the West, but also has used language style of traditional utterance. He even adopts traditional poetry in his fairytales, adding interest to his fairytales.

Ⅱ. Zhou Rui always uses the least words to narrate his fairytales.

The Chinese style of Zhou Rui’s fairytales can also be found in the language arts. He always uses the most concise language to narrate his fairytales. In his fairytale The Bus Stop and the Sugar-coated Haws, he tells a four-day story vividly and concisely, which reveals an absurd phenomenon in life, with only 600 words. It’s somewhat like the masterpiece of “Theatre of the Absurd” Waiting for Godot (written by the Irish playwright Samuel Beckett). I once asked Zhou Rui, “Cannot you write more words about this story? For such a wonderful conception and theme, it’s really a pity for writing with few words.”

He answered, “I can only write it in this way. I don’t know how to write a long story.” He thinks he doesn’t need to depict every detail with so many words. It is enough as long as he presents the characters and essence of an object.

Ⅲ. zhou rui is a fairytale writer who is especially good at perfectly combining the elements of traditional culture with the avant-garde art perspective in Chinese fairytale circle.

In his work Song Street, Zhou Rui describes a street that is restoring to the ancient layout in the Song Dynasty, in which he vividly portrays elements in traditional culture on the one hand and, on the other hand, subtly reveals the damage of over-commercialized society in both the culture and people’s life. Zhou Rui shows the problems in an over-commercialized society where everybody deems pursuing commercial interests as the most important thing and discloses and satirizes the problems in the way of art, which is really an avant-garde art perspective. By writing freely, making fun of and cursing angrily, Zhou Rui harmoniously and perfectly integrate the traditional culture with the avant-garde art perspective, which manifest a writers’ sharp insight and high ability of using language.

Ⅳ. Zhou Rui’s short fairytales are of distinctive critical spirit and sense of humor.

It integrates these two characters perfectly. He often exaggerates and magnifies the unreasonable phenomena in our daily life, weaknesses and shortcomings in human nature, in ways that are unique in fairytales, sometimes even to an absurd extent to satirize and criticize them with humorous words. In this way, readers can get enlightenment and inspiration in laughter. His fairytale The Plug on Belly castigates people’s testiness in daily life; it also reveals that being too gentle will be harmful to our life unexpectedly.

Ⅴ. Zhou Rui is a master of imagination.

His works with amazing imagination are the pride of Chinese fairytales. His Click, Click, Click, Click is a miracle to show great imagination in Chinese fairytale. In the short length of this work, he tells the life circle of nature and humans’ destroy behaviors against nature for pursuing a little private interest. In the eyes of nature, such private interest is so pathetic and tiny.