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中图分类号:G62 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1008-925X(2011)09-0-01


关键词:外语教学法 外语教学史 外语教学发展趋势

Ⅰ Introduction

Foreign Language Teaching Methodology studies the processes and patterns of foreign language teaching, aiming at revealing the nature and laws of foreign language teaching. Although there are no certain historic records, it is said that foreign languages teaching owns a history of more than 2000 years. Over the years’ development, a number of foreign language teaching methodologies are presented by different schools and scholars. Some of these methods have already disappeared as the development of foreign language teaching, while some of these approaches are still in use. This paper firstly gives a general picture of the history of foreign language teaching, and then it intends to describe some of the main foreign language teaching theories respectively. After that, the trend of foreign language teaching in the future is presented with the purpose to draw a relative complete outline of foreign language teaching methodology.

Ⅱ The History of Foreign Language Teaching

Usually, the history of foreign language teaching is divided into two parts: one is the history of foreign language teaching in China, and the other part is the history of foreign language teaching abroad.

Ⅲ The Trend of Foreign Language Teaching both at Home and Abroad in the Future

People have been looking for the best teaching method in foreign and second language teaching for centuries and there is no doubt that this attempt will be continued since there is no single absolute best method in foreign languages teaching. In the future, numerous methods will still in co-existing. However, there may be a shift of attention from seeking the best method to studying “individual differences”, which means that learner-centeredness and individualization will be emphasized. In the future, foreign languages teaching is supposed to become a learner- centered instruction that includes choices in four areas: objectives of learning; rate of learning; method ( or style ) of learning and content of learning. Thus the teacher will become less visibly central. Naturally the teacher’s role will shift form a traditional teacher to a monitor, a consultant and a facilitators of the students’ learning, etc. Teachers are expected to assist the learner to develop a natural capacity to communicate in another language. Because of the change on the teachers’ role, the students’ role and the emphasis of the foreign language teaching, consequently, the eclective Approach, which combines the psychological tradition, the humanistic tradition and the second language acquisition tradition in second, or foreign language learning and teaching will be employed.

Ⅳ Conclusion

After the review of the history of foreign language teaching at home and abroad, we find that the history of foreign language teaching in fact is pieced together by various teaching methods. It is a history of the establishment, application and development of the foreign language teaching methods. Since people have different ideas about languages and the way people learn languages; there are some social needs for languages and foreign language personnel; the study of foreign languages teaching has never stopped. Although, people are constantly searching for better teaching methods, one point which should be highlighted is that there is no single teaching method that is perfect or ideal; every teaching method has its advantages and disadvantages. In the future, numerous methods will still in co-existing. However, there may be a shift of attention from seeking the best method to studying “individual differences”, which means that learner-centeredness and individualization will be emphasized.