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Past the closed-circuit cameras, past the nondisclosure-agreement-wielding security guard, past the Damien Hirst1) pictures, past the hyper-organized assistant and the bold monochrome2) walls and the sumptuous3) gray sofas and the three giant orchids―past all the accouterments4) of the celebrity household―a toddler sat on the floor, playing with her nanny.

The nanny, a minute5), seemingly nondescript6) person in a careless ponytail, was doing the decorating. She looked up. “I’m sorry―I’ll be looking after her while we do this,” she said, a remark that prompted a moment of severe cognitive dissonance7), because this was not the nanny at all, but Victoria Beckham herself, barefoot, T-shirted, skin glowing, so tiny as to appear to be in danger of dissolving into the furniture.

Harper, 2, is Beckham’s daughter, but of course we know that already. We know it just as we already know the names of Beckham’s three sons, the name of her husband, her Spice Girls8) handle9) (Posh Spice), and many other interesting Beckham-related facts both important and trivial.

Beckham seized fame by the collar in 1996, when the Spice Girls emerged to become, briefly, the biggest thing in girl bands since the Supremes10); fame in turn grabbed her by the throat when she married David, then a dishy11) Manchester United midfielder with mercurial12) hair, boundless talent, and a yen13) for the limelight. They were more than the sum of their parts; he, one of the world’s most famous soccer players, with a deadly free kick; she, the impossibly thin, impossibly high-heeled quintessential14) wife, followed everywhere, photographed everywhere, even her most banal utterances repeated and dissected.

But in the last few years, a new kind of renown has been creeping up on15) Victoria Beckham. This is the renown that comes from having a serious job and being seriously good at it. Five years after she shocked the blasé16) New York fashion world by unveiling a collection of beautifully made, elegant dresses that were chic and understated17) and ultra-flattering, Beckham has established herself as a powerful force in the industry, proving again and again that she is far more than another celebrity slapping her name onto someone else’s product.

She knows her product intimately―she often says she designs clothes that she herself fantasizes about wearing―and they reflect her tastes: nothing busy, very few prints, color used sparingly, lots of calm clean grays, creams, navys, blacks. Her first collection evoked the work of Roland Mouret18), one of whose dresses she made famous when she wore it to David’s official introduction ceremony with the Los Angeles Galaxy19), but she has gradually acquired a new boldness; the confidence to find her own style.

Beckham’s ready-to-wear collection is still purposely small, but she is thinking big. She has branched out into sunglasses, handbags, and denim. She has started a younger, less expensive line, Victoria, Victoria Beckham, which features clothes that are less tailored, more casual, more colorful. She has taken her brand global and is expanding most rapidly in the Asian markets, particularly China.

Her ambition is endless. “I want to reach as many women throughout the world as I can,” she said. “There are more categories that I want to enter into. I have five categories at the moment. But at some point I would love to do shoes, I would love to do fragrance, I would love to do makeup, I would like to do underwear. There are so many things I want to do.”

At the moment, though, it was time to eat lunch. (Yes, she eats, though on the other hand she spends a large chunk of time each day doing a Tracy Anderson20) workout with a personal trainer.) We moved to the table. On one wall was a huge collage-y Julian Schnabel21); on another, a David Beckham original: a blown-up22) black-and-white photograph of the four children bouncing together on a bed. The house is a rental, and Beckham said she missed Los Angeles where the family lived most recently―the climate, the openness, the work ethic. “I am very career minded, and I think my personality is more suited to America,” she said. “I am a working mum.”

She is also a perfectionist involved in every aspect of her company, from the smallest detail on a cuff, to the type of cushions on the spectators’ chairs at her fashion shows, to the largest strategic decision about where she wants the company to go. From the beginning, Beckham said, she realized that her work was “not just turning up on the red carpet wearing my dresses.” She has in the last few seasons begun doing proper runway shows, but wisely started out doing small presentations, making a point of23) introducing each collection personally, walking the buyers and editors and sales reps through24) every aspect of every piece, dazzling them with her command of her product. She frequently schedules in-store events in which she talks to customers trying on her clothes in the dressing room, advising them even as25) they advise her right back.

Lunch―corn soup followed by a salad of greens and fruit for Beckham; sushi for Beckham’s assistant and me; and a fruit platter26) for everyone―was prepared and served by a chef. “You are going to think this is real―this is what I get every day!” Beckham said. But it is not, apparently. “Chris”―that is the chef―“comes in a couple of days a week and might make a giant lasagna27) so I can put it in the freezer and then do it myself,” Beckham said. “David does the cooking.”

David does the cooking? “Yes, he’s really good,” his wife said. When David was playing soccer in Italy a few years ago, she explained, the family was living in L.A., and he was left alone on his days off. “So he decided to go to culinary school.”

She says he is a hands-on28) father, just as she is a hands-on mother. The nanny apparently works just a few days a week, too, and so Harper sat with us at lunch. If they can, either Victoria or David always drives the children to school―three boys, three different schools―and collects them. At least one of them, she said, is at every parents’ meeting, every play, every sports event.

Beckham said that she has never missed a birthday, and that it is important to her to keep the children grounded29) and unspoiled. Both she and David come from close, hard-working families: David’s father was a gas-company engineer, and hers was an electrical wholesaler.

After lunch, Beckham put Harper down for her nap, the nanny having materialized30); sat for hair and makeup; changed into her work outfit, all in black. The ordered taxi failed to show up, so an operative from the on-site Beckham security detail31) drove us to Beckham Ventures Ltd., where the various teams―the handbag group, the denim group, the financial group―all work in a big open-plan32) space, and where Beckham was due to have her photograph taken by Juergen Teller33).

Beckham is incredibly controlling of her image. Even in supposedly candid34) photographs, she is invariably shown posing as if she were on the red carpet: one leg in front of the other, body leaning back so that her hips jut forward and emphasize the slenderness of her form.

She never smiles―it is almost as if someone once told her that she looks better scowling35)―and instead affects36) a mien37) of distant hauteur38) that can come across as snobbishness, but in person reads more like shyness and insecurity. “I dunno,” she said, when asked about the no-smiling phenomenon. “I smile in family pictures.” Perhaps, she mused, the reputation she got for being moody during the Spice era stuck. Also, she said, “When you’re in a position to be paparazzi-ed just walking down the street, you’d look a little daft if you were smiling all the time.”

She says she is relaxed about how she looks in pictures. “I don’t want to be made to look like I’m 25,” she said. “I’m 39. I don’t have any issues with my age.” That is what she said, at least. But she fretted a bit before the session, and as Teller prepared to take her picture she asked―jokingly, but not―that he go easy on her wrinkles (not that she has any noticeable ones).

David, who spoke on the phone to his wife several times during the afternoon but, alas, never appeared in the flesh, is no slouch39) in the fashion department, either. They work well together, she said, and then began talking without irony about the brand―the brand she and David have fashioned together, along with Simon Fuller40), creator of American Idol―as if being part of a brand was the most normal thing in the world; as if that is simply what people do.

“You know, we don’t look at it as a big brand,” she said. “It is, but it happened very, very naturally. It seems that now everybody wants to make a brand; everybody wants to build a brand. Ours happened very organically.” And then she said: “The most important thing is each other and the children.”

The Beckham brand is one thing; the Victoria Beckham brand is another. “I just wanted to create beautiful clothes, good quality clothes I wanted to wear myself,” she said. “And then I wanted to create handbags, because I couldn’t find the right handbag that I wanted to carry. Then I couldn’t find the right sunglasses, so I decided to make my own sunglasses.”

There is no stopping her. “I want to get bigger and bigger,” she said. “I absolutely want an empire.”























1. Damien Hirst:达米恩・赫斯特(1965~),英国艺术家,其作品极具争议性。

2. monochrome [?m?n??kr??m] adj. 单色的

3. sumptuous [?s?mpt?u?s] adj. 华贵的,豪华的

4. accouterments [??ku?t?m?nts] n. [复] (外表的)装饰;装饰品

5. minute [ma??nju?t] adj. 极小的,微小的

6. nondescript [?n?nd??skr?pt] adj. 毫无特色的;毫无吸引力的

7. dissonance [?d?s?n?ns] adj. 不和谐;不一致

8. Spice Girls:英国辣妹组合,世界上最成功、影响力最深远的女子流行组合之一,代表作为单曲“Wannabe”。

9. handle [?h?nd(?)l] n. (尤指奇怪的)名字,名称;别号

10. the Supremes:至高无上乐队,20世纪60年代在美国流行乐坛盛极一时的女子三重唱组合

11. dishy [?d??i] adj. (尤指女人眼中的男人)帅气的,迷人的

12. mercurial [m??(r)?kj??ri?l] adj. 多变的;变化无常的

13. yen [jen] n. 渴望,热望

14. quintessential [?kw?nt??sen?(?)l] adj. 典范的;典型的

15. creep up on (sb.):(某人)不知不觉中体验到(某种情感或状态)

16. blasé [?bl?ze?] adj. (因司空见惯而)无动于衷的

17. understated [??nd?(r)?ste?t?d] adj. (服装、外表等)朴素的;低调的

18. Roland Mouret:罗兰・穆雷(1961~),法籍时装设计师,其设计的结构复杂的解构主义裙装颇受明星青睐。

19. Los Angeles Galaxy:洛杉矶银河队,美国职业足球大联盟(MLS)的球队之一

20. Tracy Anderson:特雷西・安德森(1975~),美国知名健身教练,被誉为“好莱坞塑身天后”,是众多明星的瘦身顾问。

21. Julian Schnabel:朱利安・施纳贝尔(1951~),美国当代艺术家,新表现主义运动的代表人物,其创作涉及多个领域,如摄影、绘画、雕塑、电影执导等,代表作为电影《潜水钟与蝴蝶》(The Diving Bell and the Butterfly)。

22. blown-up:(照片)放大的

23. make a point of (doing sth.):一贯注重;重视;明确要做

24. walk (sb.) through:耐心地给(某人)示范;详细地教授(某人)

25. even as:正当,恰好在……的时候

26. platter [?pl?t?(r)] n. (尤指奶酪和水果的)大拼盘

27. lasagna [l??z?nj?] n. 意大利千层面(以多层宽面条夹奶酪、肉末和蔬菜制成)

28. hands-on:亲历亲为的;事事过问的

29. grounded [?ra?nd?d] adj. 头脑清醒的;脚踏实地的;理智的

30. materialize [m??t??ri?la?z] vi. 突然出现

31. detail [?di?te?l] n. 分遣队;小队

32. open-plan:(建筑物、办公室、房间等)开敞式的,大开间的,无隔断的

33. Juergen Teller:尤尔根・泰勒(1964~),德裔艺术家、时尚摄影师

34. candid [?k?nd?d] adj. (照片)趁人不备时拍摄的,抓拍的

35. scowl [ska?l] vi. 阴沉着脸,绷着脸

36. affect [??fekt] vt. 假装;佯装;装出……的样子

37. mien [mi?n] n. 仪表;(尤指)神态

38. hauteur [???t??(r)] n. 傲慢

39. be no slouch:擅长(某类活动)

40. Simon Fuller:西蒙・福勒(1954~),美国著名娱乐节目制作人,《美国偶像》(American Idol)的创始人,贝克汉姆夫妇的好友