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【摘 要】随着中国经济的发展和城市化进程的深入,大量人口从农村向城市流动。其中,人口流动中举家迁移规模不断增长,同时,

>> 城市流动学前儿童的生存状态与教育状况 城市流动儿童教育政策的困境与建议 城市化浪潮中流动儿童成长调查 计划免疫工作中流动儿童的管理 城市发展与流动儿童学前教育 南京市城市化进程中流动人口子女的教育状况调查 流动儿童与城市社会融合的困境与对策 现代化进程中流动与城市体验对“同乡村”居民的影响刘锦涛 新型城镇化过程中流动儿童教育现状分析 初中流动儿童社会支持与问题行为特点及其关系分析 浅谈贫困山区留守儿童教育与培养 论小学语文教学中流动儿童学习习惯的养成 NPO与流动儿童的社会教育 城市化进程中流动人口子女教育公平问题产生的原因及对策研究 城市儿童与流动儿童几项社会性发展因素的比较研究 流动儿童与城市儿童成绩差异研究 探讨城市中流动性经营者的成因及管理 城市化进程中流动人口对流出地的影响 城市化进程中流动摊贩治理矛盾的深层透视 关于城市中流动人口的住房问题研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.

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Abstract:With the development of economy and urbanization of China, huge rural population move into cities, among which the scale of family migration grows constantly and the number of migrant children also grows constantly in the meantime. The corresponding problem result from this is the growing of the number of poor migrant children in public schools in cities. Due to the restriction of household registration system and related policy, the parents of these poor migrant children are unable to access to public services after they move into cities in the destination localities. Their educationallevelas a whole is generally low, they don't have stable occupation and the better economic strength to satisfy the needs of poor migrant children in educational and cultural consumptions.In facing these poor migrant children who are living in the family back ground of deficient economic capital and cultural capital, public schools should build platforms for them to share educational resources and to narrow the gap of their family economic capital and cultural capital with families of those non-migrant children.

Key words:poor migrant children; education; school