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将来完成时用来表示在将来某一时间或某一动作前已经完成或一直持续的动作或状态,经常与“before+将来时间”或“by/until/till+将来时间”连用,也可与before或by the time引导的现在时的从句连用。将来完成时的基本形式为:be going to/shall/ will+ have done。


Before they come,we will have eaten three apples.

例1 I am sure he _______ ten telephone calls before you arrive there.

A. will have answered B. answered

C. had answered D. answer

解析:选A。before you arrive there是明确表示将来的时间状语,主句表示在这个时间以前累计接电话的次数,因此用将来完成时。


I will have taught English in this school for five years by the end of next year.

例2 The conference _______ a full week by the time it ends.

A. must have lasted B. will have lasted

C. would last D. has lasted



I suppose by the time I come back in ten years’time all these old houses will have been pulled down.

例3 By the end of next month,I _______ enough money for a holiday.

A. will save B. will be saving

C. will have saved D. have saved

解析:选C。by the end of next month是明确表示将来的时间状语,主句表示在这个将来时间前完成的动作,可以理解为单一事件,因此应用将来完成时。

4.表示比较肯定的推测,类似于must have done结构。如:

The kids will have arrived at the school by now.

相当于:The kids must have arrived at the school by now.


将来进行时表示将来某个时间正在发生的动作,或按计划一定会发生的事情,可以是推测或想象将来某一时刻正在做什么或者处于什么状态。将来进行时的基本形式是be going to/will/shall be doing,常与soon,this evening,on Sunday,by this time tomorrow,in two days, tomorrow evening等短语连用。



By five o’clock this afternoon the spaceship will have travelled eleven times round the world. (强调累计完成的动作)

I’ll be lying on the beach enjoying sunshine in Australia by next Monday.(强调那个时候将正在进行的动作)


将来完成进行时表示动作从某一时间(过去或现在)开始,一直延续到将来某一时间。将来完成时和将来完成进行时,形式上稍有不同,前者为be going to/shall/will have done,后者是be going to/shall/will have been doing。



We will have been eating at least for 20 minutes before he arrives.(强调他到时,“吃”这个动作已经持续了20分钟)

We will have finished our dinner when/before he arrives.(强调他到时,“吃”这个动作将已终止)


Tom will have worked here for 15 years by March next year.(强调累计结果)

Tom will have been working here for 15 years by March next year.(强调未间断)


The children will do their homework the moment they will have arrived home.(误)

The children will do their homework the moment they have arrived home.(正)


Robert will have been getting his driver’s license for over two years.(误)

Robert will have had his driver’s license for over two years.(正)

1. I just have two more courses before I graduate from university. By this time next year,I _______,and I will be looking for a job.

A. will be graduating B. will have graduated

C. graduated D. had graduated

2. My father and I are painting our house now. By the time you stop by tomorrow,we _______ our painting.

A. will have finished B. will be finishing

C. finished D. had finished

3. I won’t be able to attend the meeting tonight because I _______ a class then.

A. must have

B. will be teaching

C. teach

D. will have taught

4. Jason will be tired when he gets home because he _______ for over an hour.

A. will be playing football

B. will have been playing

C. has played

D. will play

5. By next Friday,I _______ my gift from my uncle.

A. will be receiving

B. will have been receiving

C. will have received

D. will receive

参考答案:1~5 BABBC(责任编校 彭益)