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>> 三网融合发展现状及其所产生的影响 我国报业发展现状、困境及出路浅析 全民体育发展困境及其出路 图像融合发展现状 破解“四道难题”的根本出路在于改革和发展 河北省农村文化消费现状及其发展趋势 河北省篮球后备人才培养的现状及其发展对策 四川文化与旅游融合发展的现状、问题及其对策 中国精神疾病现状堪忧及其出路 浅谈中三角的现状及其出路 我国民间借贷现状、问题及其出路 教师专业发展的瓶颈及其出路 论小城镇发展的角色困境及其出路 职业教育发展瓶颈及其出路浅探 中国公益慈善组织发展困境及其出路 河北省推进文化与旅游融合发展的十项措施 河北省观光农业与文化创意产业融合发展研究 河北省文化产业与旅游产业融合发展路径探析 河北省文化与科技融合发展对策研究 河北省旅游产业与文化产业融合发展研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:,2014-10-18.

[9]张宝富.推进媒体融合发展 加快经营转型升级――廊坊日报社打造新型媒体集团[J].新闻战线,2015,(3下):10.




Abstract: According to the survey, there are three states in the development of integration of Hebei newspaper industry: the first phalanx, the second phalanx, and the one outside of the phalanx. The challenges that Hebei newspaper industry facing are the difficulties in raising operating funds of new media, getting rid of the dependence on the original operating mode and finding suitable ways of media convergence. The outlet lies in different schemes for newspaper publishers, the publishers of mass newspaper building matrix of "melting media" and the publishers of narrow newspaper carrying out accurate and different transmission. And all kinds of newspaper publishers should explore profit model suitable for their own development.

Key words: Hebei newspaper industry, media convergence, matrix of melting media, accurate and different transmission, new media, digital publishing