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【摘要】 现代英语表示将来时间的手段是丰富多彩的,本文主要介绍了将来时间几种表示方法。

【关键词】 将来时间 表示法

【中图分类号】G423 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 1006-5962(2012)04(b)-0159-02

现代英语表示将来时间的手段是丰富多彩的,其中主要的有情态助动词will/shall(not)+动词原形,半助动词be going+动词不定式,半助动词be+动词不定式,半助动词be about+动词不定式,现在进行时以及一般现在时等等。

1 一般将来时

一般将来时(future indefinite tense)表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,或将来某一段时间内经常的动作或状态。

1.1 will/shall(not)+动词原形,表示将来

常用于表示说话人对将来事态的预见、推测;有时表示意图;还可以表示单纯的将来,指不带任何感彩的将来。will用于所有人称单复数。shall用于第一人称单复数(I, we),在非正式语体中,尤其在美国英语中,已经比较少见,但在疑问句中,第一人称通常还是用shall,表示询问、征求意见等。在正式文体中will比be going to更可取。

例如:She will be 18 next month.

He’ll graduate from university next year.

After graduation, they’ll become doctors.

Shall I open the door?

Shall I get you some more coffee?

I will post this letter for you.

Use your mind, and you’ll find a good idea.

Your habits will determine your future.


A small leak will sink a great ship.


Health, virtue and learning will ensure our happiness.


The project will be completed in five months.


1.2 is/am/are going+动词不定式,表示将来时间。

用be going+动词不定式,表示近期打算去做的事情或者即将发生的情况。既能表示预见,通常指现在已有迹象表明即将发生的某种事态;也能表示意图,指现在打算将来做某事。可以用表示将来时间的状语,也可以不用时间状语。不要时间状语,通常表示即将或者不久将要发生某种事态。但是在始终涉及将来的话语中be going to往往不重复使用。

例如:Look at the clouds!There is going to be a heavy rain.

Be careful! The wall is going to fall.

What are you going to do tonight?

She’s going to help me with my English.

I am going to challenge myself.我将挑战自我。

注意be going to 一般不用于条件从句的领句中。例如,If you leave now, you’ll never regret it.而不用 If you leave now, you are never going to regret it.

1.3 用“is/am/are+动词不定式”表示将来时间

be to do常用于表示根据安排将做某事,这种安排更加确定,一定会发生,通常不会改变。有时表达要求。

例如:The meeting is to take place in London.

They are to meet at the school gate at 8:00 tomorrow.

Mary is to visit China next week.

I am to make the real goal of life.


Some books are to be tasted.


You are to be back by 9 o’clock..

1.4 is/am/are about+动词不定式,表示将来。

be about to do 表示最近的将来,表示马上要做某事。

例如:The train is about to leave

He’s about to read your essay.

We are about to buy a car.


The English evening is about to begin.


1.5 用“现在进行时”表示将来时间


例如:Hurry up!The bus is starting.

Who is coming to your school today?