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Strategy for Developing Chinese Tourism Service Industry From the Angle of

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[a]lecturer. Foreign Languages Teaching & Research Department, Qufu Normal University, Qufu, China.

*Corresponding author.

Supported by Soft Science Project of Shandong Province (No. 2013RKB01010), and the Philosophy and Social Science Foundation of Shandong Province (No. 13CDYJ23).

Received 18 July 2013; accepted 20 September 2013


In order to develop tourism service industry in China, tourism service should be taken into consideration based on human being and tangible service acting on tourists. Service quality of international tourism depends largely on Chinese tourism translators, so it is the key to improve the quality of tourism translators. From what aspects translators can be improved is an inevitable topic. The paper analyzes the features of Chinese tourism translators. Excellent tourism translators should possess the four good traits, that is, strong professional awareness, deepcultural consciousness, growing service awareness and highlevel of organization and coordination as well as strong team work ability. And then some strategies are put forward. In order to achieve the improvement of the above four facets, what requires in theory teaching in China is to adjust personnel training from curriculum setting and teaching method. In practical teaching what school and government need to do is to strengthen practical environment and to establish the platform of cooperative training together. These measures are of great significance of developing Chinese tourism service.

Key words: Tourism service industry; Tourism translator; strategy

MI Ning (2013). Strategy for developing chinese tourism service industry from the angle of Tourism Translators. Canadian Social Science, 9(5), -0. Available from: http:///index.php/css/article/view/j.css.1923669720130905.2815

DOI: http:///10.3968/j.css.1923669720130905.2815.


China is a major tourist country with abundant tourism sources, so paying close attention to tourism industry will bring huge economic and cultural benefits with a powerful effect. Tourism belongs to services and is always an important part of services. What’s more, tourism is transforming from traditional services to modern services. From a development view, the modern services features of tourism are becoming more and more obvious, so we should take a positive attitude and cultivate carefully as well as speed up the development of modern tourism services. Study on the strategy for developing tourism service industry has its necessity and urgency. At present scholars at home and abroad have done some researches on the strategy for development of tourism service industry. However, what they are less concerned about is service benefits given by international tourism translators. The paper raises the writing background that the tourism service industry puts forward the new requirements for tourism translators and China tourism translators should adapt to the demands of tourism market. The paper analyzes the research findings of predecessors, makes up the deficiency, and discusses the strategies for the development of tourism service industry from the angle of China tourism translators.


Tourism service is a kind of integrated service in a certain economic development stage, and it is a kind of intangible interaction which happens between tourism service providers and recipients. World tourism organization defines tourism service as any service provided by tourism industry to tourists, including tourism and 12 related categories like service, amusement, culture and so on. Study on tourism service has aroused great concern in China and abroad. Since the mid-twenty century scholars abroad have been researching into diversified facets of tourism service using different theories like service management, service marketing, service economics and experience in economics. Throughout their researches, they can be divided into four aspects: basic research, perception research, quality research, electronic tourism service and tourism e-commerce service research. There is great difference in researches on tourism service perception and quality between China and foreign countries. Po-Ju Chen; Deborah L Kerstetter (1999) in foreign countries usually analyze expectation and satisfaction for tourism services, factors affecting tourism service perception from the angle of tourists. Based on that, they put forward some suggestions on how to improve tourism industry service. Xu Xiumin (1998); Liu Dexiu (2002); Qin Yuanhao (2000) in China show their more concern about psychology, attitude and skills for tourists. However, service quality of international tourism is given less attention, and the development of tourism services is seldom discussed from the angle of quality of tourism translator. With the wider spread of international communication, the number of foreign tourists is on the increase year by year. In order to ensure the fluency and efficiency of the exchange there needs to be a great number of high-qualified tourism translators. How about quantity and quality of Chinese tourism translators? Do Chinese tourism translators go with the tendency of tourism development in China? The topic in the previous studies is given to less attention. In order to prompt tourism service industry it should be regarded as a worthy problem.


In order to develop tourism service industry in China, consideration should be taken into tourism service based on human being and tangible service acting on tourists. Service quality of international tourism depends on tourism translator largely, so it is the key to improve the quality of tourism translator. It is better to be definite about what features tourism translators possess in order to prompt the development of tourism service industry, which lays the foundation for putting forward some strategies. From what aspects translators can be improved is a key topic.

For the curriculum setting, it is a teaching method as well as a guarantee of fulfilling talents training standards. Curriculum setting should not be arbitrary and simple, on the contrary it should be systematic. With the combination of regionality more attention should be given to the features of tourism interpretation, like cross-language, cross-society, cross-culture, cross-psychology without the limitation of time and space so that universities can set the curriculum scientifically. Curriculum should include language classes, interpretation strategy classes to help make the interpretation accord with the purpose of informative presupposition and learn to be highly concerned about thinking way of some certain tourist group. Meanwhile, it also includes cultural courses which help satisfy the need for growing cultural information with different cultural background and realize the accurate cross-culture propagation. Apart from the above courses, correlated curriculum like improving the level of organization and coordination and team work ability should be taken into consideration. What’s more, Yuan Yining pointed out what’s needed to be learned is translation skills, such as machine translation, translation memory system, and terminology management system and software localization tools.

For the teaching method, teaching should center on students and extend the practice time of skill courses. Another point is to make full use of the established bilingual tourism corpus to do the teaching of translation, which may increase the translator’s cognitive ability of Chinese and foreign languages. In practical teaching what school and government need to do is to strengthen practical environment, including simulation training and on-site training. What’s more, another effective way is school-enterprise cooperation. It is suggested that a good partnership should be created between high colleges, tourism enterprises, and tourism educational structure, and establish the platform of cooperative training together to improve the pertinence of personnel training.

About the textbook writing, try to compile the high-quality textbook. At present books published in the market on tourism translation is hard-pressed to meet the huge demand in potential market. In terms of content, scholars compile the textbooks with attractive titles but lack of system. The textbooks only scratch the surface, and no enough instruction is given to help tourism translators solve the problems they meet during the practical process. Textbooks are very important for academic education, so the compilation of textbook should be carried out after enough investigation so as to compile professional textbooks close to Chinese situation used for future tourism translators. The textbooks should be more internationalized and adapt foreign things for Chinese use.

Besides, more attention should be paid on postnatal training of tourism translator. After tourism translators enter into their posts tourism enterprise should strengthen training of employees through holding a meeting or other organizational forms. The training contents include theory training of service specifications and other systems. Only after tourism translators pass the theoretical training exam do they enter into practical hands-on training during which tourism enterprises should set an example for tourism translators and make them operate under the instruction of excellent employees. Finally only those passing the theoretical and practical exams can go on duty so as to strengthen their service awareness. Of course, another effective way is to quantify standard of service quality and score daily performance of tourism translators. For those employees doing a good service job, tourism enterprises will give them certain material and spiritual rewards (award bonuses or circulate a notice of commendation), while for those employees doing a poor service job, tourism enterprises will give them a reprimand (criticism, education or a fine).


First, to improve the quality and efficiency of tourism service, promote the transformation and upgrading, sustainable development of tourism service, and enlarge the overseas tourism. High-qualified service from excellent tourism interpreters may help enhance the image of Chinese tourism, so what should be done is to make full use of information, scientific technology and culture to promote the added value of tourism, which will switch the tourism from extensive to intensive, develop the inbound tourism market and boost the international influence of Chinese tourism. Second, to play a positive role in promoting socialist cultural development and prosperity that tourism gives. Through foreign exchange tourism interpreters expand traditional culture of Chinese nation, improve the cultural and educational function of tourism, push forward forming core value system conductive to tourism development and facilitate a wider spread and greater development of Chinese culture. Third, to drive the change of translation talents cultivation mode and promote tour higher education, vocational education, discipline construction. The key to thriving tourism development are transformation and upgrading of personnel training. Study on quality of tourism interpreters and strategy cultivation not only meet the need of actual tourism development and provide the feasible advice for personnel training, but become the inevitable measures of foreign language majors’ reform and adjustment, which plays a positive role in foreign language reform. At the same time, it navigates the direction of the development of tourism middle professional education and higher vocational education.


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