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How to Make an Apology

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When it comes to the question on how to make an apology, different people will offer different ways. Among these ways, saying sorry face to face, making an apology through phones, text messages or emails and making an apology via others are most usually adopted.

From my point of view, I consider saying sorry face to face as the best way to make an apology. The following reasons may account for my preference. Firstly, saying sorry face to face indicates a more sincere attitude than any other way. In terms of making an apology, people attach more importance to attitudes than words. Secondly, it can be more helpful to settle problems, which offers a good chance for people to talk about the differences in detail. So it is not difficult to understand why I like saying sorry face to face to make an apology.

I think a small apology can make a big difference.



首先,点题到位。言以简洁为贵(Brevity is the soul of wit),在100多字的篇幅中,要把自己的观点陈述清楚,意味着不能旁扯,不能有废话,一定要重点突出。该生在这方面做得很有技巧,承接已经给出的第一句,列举了常见的一些致歉方式,然后很快地切入正题――当面道歉。




(1)Among these ways, saying sorry face to face, making an apology through phones, text messages or emails and making an apology via others are most usually adopted.

这一句中,并列的三个成分比较长,建议在最后这个并列成分的“and”之前,加上逗号,使句子结构更加清晰。一般情况下,学生会按照教材写的或者老师教的“A, B and C”来行文,但语言在实际的使用中,往往是千变万化的,因此需要根据实际情况灵活调整。

(2)In terms of making an apology, people attach more importance to attitudes than words.

“In terms of making”使用不当,其主语不应该是“people”,这样前后两个分句之间存在主语不一致的情况。建议改为“While accepting”,这样上下句的主语就一致了,主语是“people”,语义顺畅,逻辑连贯。

(3)Secondly, it can be more helpful to settle problems.

“it”的指代不是特别清楚,跟它实际指代的对象“saying sorry face-to-face”中间隔了一个句子“In terms of making an apology, people attach more importance to attitudes than words”,这就导致读者需要花费一定力气才能弄清句意,甚至会不明所以。建议改为“making a face-to-face apology”之类的明确表述。

(4)Secondly, it can be more helpful to settle problems, which offers a good chance for people to talk about the differences in detail.


(5)Which offers a good chance for people to talk about the differences in detail.

句中的“the differences”可以用“their differences”代替,如此,该语境中的意义就会更加具体。

(6)结尾的句子,如果适当进行添加,语义就会更加明确、效果就会更好,比如添加:“I think a small apology can make a big difference, if you do it right. ”

How to Make an Apology

When it comes to the question on how to make an apology, different people have different ways. Among these ways, saying “sorry” face-to-face, making an apology through phones, text messages or emails, and making an apology via others are the most frequently adopted.

From my point of view, I consider saying “sorry” face-to-face as the best way to make an apology. I prefer this for the following reasons. Firstly, saying “sorry” face-to-face indicates a more sincere attitude than any other way. While accepting an apology, people attach more importance to attitudes than words. Secondly, making a face-to-face apology can be more helpful in settling problems, as it offers a good chance for people to talk about their differences in detail. So it is not difficult to understand why I think saying “sorry” face-to-face is the best option.

I think a small apology can make a big difference, if you do it right.
