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Module 10 Unit 3―4 单元练习

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Unit 3


1. The boy hurt himself while s down the stairs.

2. The concern for social stability ranks high on the (议事日程) of the government.

3. Exercise and diet play an important role in the p of the diseases.

4. An a charge is made for heavy bags according to the rule.

5. The bus came to an a stop, making many passengers fall off their seats.

6. You will spoil your (胃口) by eating sweets before meals.

7. The study showed that participants conscious decisions could be predicted with 70 percent accuracy by studying their (无意识的) brain activities.

8. Finding he was stopped by a wall of flames, John realized he was t .

9. No other buyers have b higher than this price.

10. Their first (反应) to the applicant is negative.


1. The number of the disabled people in the world is nearly 600 million. Because of their disability, they for a long time.

A. were discriminated

B. had been discriminated

C. have been discriminated

D. discriminated

2. “A lot more study has to be done what physicians can do for people with the results of this test”, says the professor.

A. in terms of B. in place of

C. in honor of D. in charge of

3. If a woman employee be fired for her pregnancy, the company will be fined.

A. need B. will

C. must D. should

4. It occurred to me yesterday maybe someday there wont be social security numbers any more, and on birth everybody will be given an email address.

A. which B. what

C. if D. that

5. ―Can you prepare the information the bank may need to know, Steven?

― . Ill try to finish it this afternoon.

A. Take it easy B. I like it

C. I quite agree D. By all means

6. Hunters know that birds are attracted by calls, and fishermen emphasize that you should be as quiet as possible if you dont want to go home emptyhanded.

A. academic B. abnormal

C. artificial D. annual

7. The wife is so angry and frustrated with her husband that she seems to have lost respect and for him.

A. abortion B. affection

C. admission D. acquisition

8. As no lions had been reported missing from any zoo in the country, this one in the possession of a private collector.

A. may have been B. will have been

C. need have been D. must have been

9. He also mentioned the fact his employees would be able to purchase the automobiles they produced―in fact creating a market for the product.

A. which B. whether

C. what D. that

10. We had hoped to get the painting but another couple against us, repeatedly offering a higher price than us.

A. had bided B. are bidding

C. were bidding D. will be bidding

11. If you have no choice but to move on to something else, try to at least the unfinished task and clean up after yourself.

A. put away B. wipe away

C. break away D. give away

12. ―Why are you going there now?

―Why? At least him leaving.

A. prevent B. to prevent

C. preventing D. prevented

13. your opinions are worth considering, the committee finds it unwise to place too much importance on them.

A. As B. While

C. When D. Since

14. The sunspot came into its active stage, that happens once every eleven years.

A. one B. it

C. the one D. what

15. I am looking for my pen. I cant remember I put it last night.

A. where was it that B. where it was that

C. that where was it D. that it was where


wipe away; refer to; be addicted to; in the first place; rebel against; care for; the vast majority of; end in; be familiar with; in large quantities

1. As is often seen, children often their parents.

2. The rain all the dust, making the city clean and beautiful.

3. There is no need to worry that we will go wrong because I the streets here.

4. Everyone should try to be an honest, hardworking and responsible man who deeply his family and friends.

5. You will be given a discount if you buy it .

6. When Columbus, you will be reminded of the discovery of the New World.

7. He tried to win back the support he had lost, but all his efforts failure.

8. cars made in China which are sold in the Middle East are transshipped via the port.

9. You shouldnt have taken up piano if you were not interested in it.

10. When something, you will find nothing can replace it.


1. Various computer games (突然出现) during the Internet boom.

2. She has just (因为……而失去……) heart failure.

3. They (很难说服) the old man to give up smoking.

4. Speaking is (人们交流的主要方式).

5. Cancer (吞噬……的生命) his mother.

6. She (擦净) her tears.

7. My car (向一边滑) on the icy road.

8. (与……相反) the doctors instructions, he went back to work.

unit 4


1. I cant tell you anything about the plan since it is c .

2. The tomatoes are pale or green, so we know they were picked before they were r .

3. You have to get a special c first if you want to apply for the job.

4. The lady stepped back and (审视) her drawing from a distance.

5. The l excuse he gave made the teacher angry.

6. Because of the accident, he got a twoyear (暂令停学).

7. If customers dont know how to use the products, they can d information from the companys website.

8. (评估) your current situation carefully before making the final decision.

9. If you witness any unacceptable or (冒犯的) behavior, report it to us.

10. When you realize youve accidentally d an important file, you may find it back.


1. In most places, it is legal to pour dangerous chemicals into lakes and rivers.

A. offence B. defence

C. fence D. preference

2. With international and education exchange increasing every year, the number of Chinese students studying abroad had increased rapidly.

A. cooperation B. competition

C. construction D. conflict

3. Thanks to Bill Gates, a wonderful “window” people can surf the Internet freely has been created.

A. that B. which

C. where D. when

4. Burglars had while we were away.

A. broken into B. broken in

C. broken out D. broken down

5. Finding that their telephone number was really difficult to remember, the couple had it .

A. changed B. changing

C. to change D. be changed

6. Always staying calm is a key achieving success.

A. with B. at

C. from D. to

7. much money doing research, the company keeps to be one of the best in the industry.

A. Spend B. Spent

C. Spending D. Spends

8. It is raining heavily. I guess he not come back tonight, but Im not sure.

A. shall B. need

C. must D. may

9. Without their ideas and cooperation, this article so successful.

A. is not B. wouldnt have been

C. will not be D. hasnt been

10. makes the show wonderful is how committed the performances are.

A. How B. That

C. Who D. What

11. This restaurant has cooks from Italy and provides Italian dishes.

A. authentic B. lame

C. automatic D. controversial

12. ―If you want to be a member of the club, you have to pay $800 a month.

― It isnt worth that much money at all.

A. I have no idea.

B. I suppose so.

C. Are you kidding me?

D. Whats up?

13. Their conversation made me that they knew each other before.

A. request B. inspect

C. suspect D. pretend

14. ― I remind you of is to return the book to our English teacher.

―I will give it to him I see him.

A. What; the moment

B. That; immediately

C. What; while

D. Whether; once

15. The accident could have been avoided, but the driver too careless.

A. is B. was

C. had been D. should have been


break into; join forces; keep up with; deal with; related to; be faced with; run out of; be likely to; apologize for; belong to

1. He appeared very calm although he many problems.

2. When we , big things happen.

3. She tried to her brother, but her steps were heavy.

4. Judging from his expression, I guess he support us.

5. My aunt would come to me for help when she food.

6. She was very calm as she had the same things many times.

7. I cannot decide what to do with the dog because it my friend rather than me.

8. I havent seen any news the accident yet.

9. Last night thieves his house and stole some jewelry.

10. The little boy was about to cry when he his behavior.


1. The university asked me to provide all the information (与个人学术成果相关).

2. He devoted his life to (推动和平事业).

3. The talks (目的是为解决问题铺平道路) for a settlement.

4. He has (养成习惯) of getting up early since last year.

5. The new government (面临) many problems.

6. The thief (被判处) two years in prison.


Unit 3

一、1. sliding 2. agenda 3. prevention 4. additional 5. abrupt

6. appetite 7. unconscious 8. trapped 9. bid 10. reaction

二、1―5 CADDD 6―10 CBDDC 11―15 ABBAB

三、1. rebel against 2. wiped away 3. am familiar with 4. cares for 5. in large quantities

6. referring to 7. ended in 8. The vast majority of9. in the first place 10. addicted to

四、1. burst on the scene

2. lost her husband to

3. had great difficulty (in) persuading

4. the key way (that / in which) people communicate

5. is sucking the life out of

6. wiped off

7. slid sideways

8. Contrary to

Unit 4

一、1. confidential 2. ripe 3. certificate 4. inspected 5. lame

6. suspension 7.download 8. Assess 9. offensive 10. deleted

二、1―5 AACBA 6―10 DCDBD 11―15 ACCAB

三、1. was faced with 2. join forces 3. keep up with 4. is likely to

5. ran out of 6. dealt with7. belongs to 8. related to

9. broke into10. apologized for

四、1. related to my academic achievements 2. furthering the cause of peace

3. are intended to smooth the way 4. developed the habit

5. is faced with 6. was sentenced to