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观察蜗牛 第5期

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You can spy on a snail if you move slowly and silently.Noise or a quick motion will make a snail disappear into its shell.If it hides, wait quietly as you study its gray, green, or brown spiral1 shell. Notice if it has red, purple, orange, or yellow markings.

Coming out of Its Shell As the snail comes out,first you'll see two long tentacles2,or eye- stalks3. The dark spot on top of each one is an eye. The snail can bend the eyestalks to see what's happening around it.The snail smells and feels things with a shorter pairof tentacles, called feelers4.

Moving Forward The flat, wide underside of the snail comes out last. It is called the foot, even though it doesn't look like one. Strong muscles are attached to the shell, and they move the foot. These muscles make the foot ripple5 from front to back. This pushes the snail forward.As long as there is enough water in its body to make slime6,a snail can climb almost anything.It glides forward and leaves a trail of slime.

Hunting for FoodA snail needs to be plump7 because it sleeps all winter and much of the summer. Finding food is easy. A snail eats new leaves, rotting plants, flowers, and mushrooms. As the snail eats,its long tongue moves back and forth. The tongue is covered with sharp little teeth, arranged in rows. The snail eats very fast.

Looking Closer While the snail is eating, look at its skin through a magnifying glass8.Its skin is wrinkled9 and bumpy10, but soft. Also, look at the top of the body where it connects to the shell. You will see a tiny hole, called the breathing pore11. It opens and closes slowly, letting air in and out. A loud noise will scare the snail back into its shell.Spying time is over until the snail decides to come out again.



向前爬行 蜗牛最后露出壳的是其扁平、宽大的底部。它叫“腹足”,尽管看起来并不像足。蜗牛有强有力的肌肉与外壳相连,它们使腹足行动起来。这些肌肉使腹足如波浪般由前向后波动,从而推着蜗牛向前行。只要体内有足够的水分产生黏液,蜗牛就能爬上任何物体。蜗牛向前滑移时,身后会留下一条黏液形成的痕迹。

觅食 蜗牛必须吃得圆滚滚的,因为整个冬天和大半个夏天它都在睡觉。蜗牛很容易找到食物,它吃新鲜的叶子、腐烂的植物、花和蘑菇。蜗牛进食的时候,长长的舌头前后蠕动,上面是一排排锋利细小的牙齿,它吃东西非常快。



1.spiral n.螺旋(形)

2.tentacle n.[动]触手,触角,触须


4.feeler n.触角,触须

5.ripple vi.一扭一扭地动

6.slime n.(鱼、蜗牛等)的黏液

7.plump adj.(动物、植物果实)长得圆滚滚的

8.magnifying glass 放大镜

9.wrinkled adj.有皱纹的

10.bumpy adj.有肿块的,隆起的

11.pore n.毛孔,气孔