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摘 要:在现行法中,承包合同是土地承包经营权取得的依据。由于不同承包方式取得的土地承包经营权的定位不同,家庭承包和其他

>> 农村土地“三权分置”的权利内容配置 农村土地“三权分置”的政策内涵与表达思路 农村土地“三权分置”的法律制度构建 农村土地“三权分置”制度的实施难题与破解路径 浅析农村土地三权分置所带来的影响 谈农村土地承包合同问题 谈农村土地承包合同纠纷 农村土地承包合同档案管理信息化构建研究 论我国的农村土地承包合同 谈农村土地承包合同纠纷中存在的问题与对策 农村土地承包合同纠纷中存在的问题与对策 关于农村土地承包合同纠纷的调查与探索 农村土地承包合同纠纷案件的法律应用 我国农村土地承包合同的法律规制 加强农村土地承包合同管理的途径分析 农村土地“三权分置”改革:要点与展望 “三权分置”:让农村土地活起来 浅谈农村土地三权分置改革问题 探索农村土地三权分置管理新模式 土地承包经营权“三权分置”下的农民股东权保护 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:,198642.

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Abstract: The land contract and management right drives from contracting agreement in current law. There are significant differences in the aspects of subject, object, content and conclusion procedure between contracting agreement in household contract and contracting agreement in other way of contract, because land contract and management rights are located in different positions and in different contracting methods. Under the background of separation of three rights of rural land, the land contract right should drive from contracting agreement, which should be the way of farmer household enjoying land contract right. The land contract right should be established on the date of execution of contracting agreement. The system design of contracting agreement mainly includes application of law, standard content and legislative mode. The contract law cannot be applied to contracting agreement, which should be regulated by rural land contract law. The parties to contracting agreement should include rural collective economic organization and farmer household. The term and content of land contract right should be provided. The demise of farmer household should be one of the reasons of discharge of contracting agreement. There is no need for contracting agreement in other way of contract. Through the way of allocation, the rural collective economic organization should give land management right to farmer household enjoying land contract right in household contract. The rural collective economic organization should give management right of rural land such as barren land to holder of land management right by the way of assignment.

Key words:rural land; separation of three rights; contracting agreement; land contract rights; land management rights