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On natural gas pipeline engineering construction and its safety management countermeasures

Zhang climb

Units: wuhan jiangxia China resources gas Co., LTD

Abstract: at present, natural gas has become one of the important resources, whether it's family, national or international have need this kind of resources, so natural gas pipeline construction also becomes very important. Natural gas pipeline engineering construction into a fast development period, how to further develop the engineering and further strengthen to the natural gas pipeline safety management has become a long-term and arduous task. This article mainly aims at natural gas pipeline engineering construction and its safety management were analyzed in the paper.

Keywords: natural gas; The pipeline engineering; Safety management

Along with the global demand for natural gas to grow, natural gas pipeline engineering construction is also obtained a rapid development. How to further improve the natural gas pipeline transport capacity, reduce natural gas transmission costs, and reduce the natural gas transportation process for environmental pollution condition is very important.

In recent years, along with the rapid development of economy in China, infrastructure construction is rapidly development. Optimize natural gas pipeline construction and increase its safety to promote regional economic development, constructing the harmonious society and national strategic structure adjustment plays an important role. In order to further promote the development of the cause of oil, petrochemicals, need to further emphasize and strengthen the construction of gas pipeline, and constantly expand the scale of development.

A, natural gas pipeline construction

(a) shield technology application

In natural gas pipeline in the construction of underground project construction, shield technology is one of the most important construction technology. In the extrusion type shield based on a closed shield technology now natural gas pipeline engineering construction of important construction technology.

First of all, this technology to the normal function of the city and the surrounding environment influence is very small. In addition to shield shaft place needs certain construction site outside, tunnel along don't need construction site, in the depths of the above-ground buildings can be through and rivers, even through all kinds of low also won't produce any embedding objects bad influence. Pollution from construction also is minimal.

Second, the shield construction machine main basis of tunnel construction section size, buried deep conditions necessary for the basic condition of surrounding rock and the foundation for related design and the manufacture, is suitable for a range of special equipment. Therefore, in the other sections or tunnel when use, should give full consideration to the size of the cross section, excavation stability mechanism of basic condition are the same, if there should be related to the transformation of the differences.

Third, the requirements of shield construction technology relatively higher. Because of the section as not adjust to the tunnel axis deviation and the tunnel timbering requirement is high.

(2) long pipeline engineering construction of EPC management model of application

EPC mode that is design-purchasing-construction mode, the mode of construction project in many large was often used. And the engineering in progress, cost, quality control has made some achievements.

Long distance pipeline construction relative to other engineering construction projects there in very different. First, the amount of pipelines are larger, line is also longer. Long distance pipeline construction of existing cross-regional, high strength and mobility strong and other characteristics, which can lead to long distance pipeline engineering than other engineering quantity for more difficult, is also higher. Secondly, in the long distance pipeline construction process of construction more more, accordingly, in information transfer is difficult, organization and coordination of the work difficulty bigger also. Again, pipeline construction process needs will focus on a local materials, but the pipe materials but need assigned to nearly kilometers across, the transportation hub also through more, accordingly, increase the lead to logistics and distribution of the difficulty. Finally, long distance pipeline transport often in the wild, and lack of emergency response capacity and conditions.

The EPC model can effectively guarantee the long distance pipeline transport problems in the, in the natural gas pipeline engineering construction can also play a role. This management model is still need to constantly improve, explore and perfect, and ensure that China's natural gas pipeline engineering construction of the orderly.

(3) international pipeline construction reasonable reference

First, the integration of cooperation pattern. In the pipeline construction as the exploration and development of natural gas, gas pipeline construction and operating and natural gas selling all the process as a whole, the company of affiliation by buying the company of affiliation, and resource countries pipeline transit company and other investment company through consultation, cooperation composition an integration of stock company, through the cooperation type of business, according to the investment proportion of the profits. This mode of operation for natural gas pipeline construction can provide a lot of help.

Second, usually by foreign oil and gas border, stage construction and operation buyout of the cooperation pattern, in China's natural gas pipeline construction can also appropriate for reference.

Second, natural gas pipeline safety problems existing

(a) the ageing of the pipeline and ruin

Due to the limited funds and cost, it is difficult to promptly to pipeline equipment to update and aging especially serious, because of these problems, to the natural gas pipeline construction and bring much security hidden danger. Because the natural gas pipeline in the wild or is more buried underground, relatively more bad natural conditions, the transmission medium pipe internally, contains all the corrosive chemical composition, therefore, easy to cause the safety accidents.

(2) pipeline serious violations

For underground pipe lacks certain standard management, so an increase in the number of safety factor. With city scale expands gradually, to the natural gas pipeline laying bring much convenience. But because of the lack of underground pipeline standardized management, and some construction unit not in accordance with the relevant regulations, carry out construction, some citizens also lack the safety consciousness, therefore, bring a lot of safety factor.

Pipeline construction of illegal buildings, influenced both for the normal pipeline inspection and maintenance, if there's a gas leak, can lead to a lot of casualties. This shows, the existence of the pipeline illegal buildings, affecting both the enterprise the safety in production, also a serious threat to the security of the society, therefore, should cause the high value.

Three, natural gas pipeline safety management countermeasures

Natural gas pipeline safety problem has caused extensive attention of the whole society, it is related to every aspect of the society, therefore, how to improve the efficiency of natural gas pipeline engineering construction safety problem becomes very important.

(a) improve various rules and regulations

Set up and perfect the various rules and regulations, and can improve the efficiency of pipeline construction and security. Only sound various rules and regulations, and could truly be rule-based, division of labor and more clear, each its. As a natural gas pipeline enterprise, should pay more attention to improve various rules and system, such as safety production responsibility system, safety inspection system, XunXian system and hidden danger of accident report system, etc. Various kinds of effective rules and regulations.

(2) strict quality

The quality of the pipeline construction is the important factor of increase its safety. Time should adhere to the "safety and prevention first" the principle, and adopts various effective safety management countermeasures to improve the safety of the gas pipeline engineering construction.

Natural gas pipeline in laid ends, should pay more attention to the management of its later period. Both to regularly inspect and inspection work, and regularly check leakage work, as for the problem should be timely report found that, for not abide by the relevant provisions for natural gas leak caused, according to the weight of the plot and the extent of the harm on serious processing, and improving the safety.

(3) strengthen the safety propaganda education

Because of human factors, which leads to the safety accidents happened is serious. Many people don't understand the dangers of existing pipeline tie up and harmfulness, there are also some sense of responsibility, these due to human reason, the existing problems of the serious influence the safety of the pipeline engineering. Therefore, to enhance safety propaganda education is indispensable. Both to improve the safety awareness of citizens, and to improve the enterprise staff's safety production factors. This is a long-term and arduous task.

(4) from the source for safety management and control

Only from the source control, to be effective to ensure that oil and gas pipeline engineering construction projects of zero hidden trouble put into production run. State law also clearly specified, oil and gas pipeline engineering construction should be strictly in accordance with the provisions for safety pre-evaluation for project risk factors and affect the safety of pipeline risk factors make full analysis, and puts forward some prevention measures, both must strictly implement safety pre-evaluation, and to ensure the production pipeline to after the operation should also in strict accordance with the production safety requirements, and improving the safety.

(5) to strengthen pipeline check measurement and the improvement

Pipeline corrosion is a kind of inevitable phenomenon, only through certain technical inspection, to be effective found pipeline corrosion, and targeted for pipeline maintenance, repair and replacement, can eliminate the security hidden danger in time, to ensure the safe operation of pipeline can. As a pipeline enterprise, should be fully realize accident the safety hidden danger of corrosion, should be increased economic investment, timely found that the problems of the pipeline, and timely to solve, enterprise to ensure the safety of the pipeline construction, and further increase the enterprise production safety and the safety of the society.


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