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1. A (largely 意为“很大程度上,主要地”;narrowly意为“勉强地”;badly意为“极其”;simply意为“仅仅”)

2. D (since we started to work in the company 是we have known each other since we started to work in the company的省略形式)

3. B (forgetful(健忘的)需要remind(提醒),而非inform(通知),warn(警告),instruct(命令,指导))

4. B (you don’t have to表示客观上没必要做某事)

5. D (根据句意,此处应用形容词的比较级,且为特指,故其前加定冠词the)

6. C (sure, go ahead是习惯用语,表示允许对方做某事)

7. B (the water is running表示水正在流)

8. C (put to use in April, 2007相当于时间状语从句when the road was put to use in April, 2007)

9. D (句子的主语是inspectors,谓语动词为一般将来时,因此疑问部分应为won’t they)

10. D (此处为非限制性定语从句,先行词为his computer software,指物,故引导词为which)

11. D (在so...that 或such...that 引导结果状语从句时,当so或 such 位于句首时,主句应采用局部倒装形式)

12. A (本句是强调句型,句中用了spend...in的句型,in被省略,repairing the old clock在句中充当介词in的宾语)

13. C (that引导的从句一般不作介词宾语;it不引导宾语从句;which必须给定选择范围才能用。只有what符合要求,可引导宾语从句,且在宾语从句中作主语)

14. B (that引导同位语从句)

15. A (last在此表示否定,有“最不喜欢的”之意)

16. A (make out意为“看清,分辨清楚”;see through意为“看穿,识破”;look out 意为“小心,当心”;put out意为“扑灭(火焰)”)

17. D (them在从句中作prove的宾语)

18. A (due to表示按原计划安排或预期,相当于expected to)

19. B (however相当于no matter how,意为“无论怎样”,后可接形容词或副词)

20. C (be second to 为固定短语,意为“次于”)

21. B (与belonging形成对比的,应该是一种因无家可归而产生的孤独(loneliness))

22. A (根据句意,对无家可归的小孩来说,Mary给予的是一个新家)

23. D (根据句意,对Mary来说,这一做法已经成为一种习惯,一种传统)

24. C (host 意为“主持(会议等)”)

25. A (根据前句可知,此处指刚刚领养了孩子的“新”任父亲)

26. B (根据下文可知,这朵玫瑰存在了20多年,自然是“褪色的”(faded))

27. D (不知道自身的天赋或特长,看不到自己的价值,因此会有worthless 的感觉)

28. C (句意为“带来(brought)了生命中的两个重要人物”)

29. A (根据下一句话可知,选项应为“被爱”(loved))

30. D (根据第六段可以得出答案为unconditionally(无条件地))

31. B (与文章第三段中的what was possible for me形成呼应)

32. C (be proud to 意为“为……感到自豪”)

33. A (start out表示开始的情况)

34. D (know表示“知道,明白”)

35. B (symbolize表示“象征”)

36. D (beginning表示新的生活的“开始”)

37. A (remind表示“提醒”)

38. C (tie...together表示“把……维系在一起”)

39. D (leave表示“使……处于一种状态”)

40. B (besides在此处表示递进,用来加强语气)

41. C (文章讲到了作者用钱为启发物进行的教育活动改变了讲座的气氛,由此推断,作者一开始觉得很难跟这些特殊群体的学生说话,主要是由于没有引起他们的兴趣)

42. A (从第三段I think I honestly touched some of them可知,作者是通过他的关切和诚挚感动了这些学生)

43. B (由文章第三段最后一句Finally I closed with telling them no matter what happens,someone out there really cares about them and is pulling for their success可知,无论发生什么,总有人会关注他们并且将他们引向成功,这说明了人间有真爱)

44. C (由文章第一段的首句可知,作者按预定计划给当地一所高中学生作报告,对象是少年妈妈和学校中犯事的学生,故作者应为一位社会工作者)

45. B (根据文章第一句话可知,2008年北京奥运会将会给中国的旅游业带来一个光明的前景)

46. C (从第四段中可看出,Spiliotopoules认为,根据雅典的经验,北京要提前作好设施用途的转变计划)

47. A (boost表示“提高,促进”)

48. A (受益于奥运会的举办,雅典的旅游业有了很大发展)

49. A (从文章第一段最后一句But now everything was shadowed with fear可知,作者对前途深感渺茫)

50. B (从文章第二段可看出,既是眼科医生也是雕塑家的Ron非常同情作者的遭遇,意欲鼓励他)

51. B (由文章第三段的a young man in a wheelchair等内容可知,这些学生是非常特殊的群体,都是残疾人)

52. C (由文章末尾可知,相同的遭遇让作者决定通过这种形式与学生同甘共苦)

53. A (通过四人各自的描述和本文开头的介绍可知,Miss Seventeen是一档电视节目)

54. B (由于和相处三年的男友分手,Amber想要学会自立)

55. D (四个人中,只有Connie对她的专业举棋不定)

56. A (由文章内容可知,女孩们可在Miss Seventeen这个节目中相互交流)

57. B (由全文可知,本文主要讲述人造手臂的力量)

58. D (由文章第二段第一句Scientists in the United States are studying ways of increasing the power of the human hand, or rather of its muscles可知,答案为D)

59. A (由文章第三段可知,每只人造手每次可举起450千克,也就是说,双手每次可举起900千克,故举起2,500千克的任务需3次完成)

60. C (由文章第四段可知,“HandiMan”这种人造手力量大,操作方便,甚至可用无线遥控,故答案为C)

61. E62. B63. A64. D65. F

66. reach67. disturb 68. beyond69. owner70. alone

71. whether72. improving 73. equal 74. graduated 75. memories

76. √77. hold held 78. But And

79. was后加so 80. 去掉for 81. free freely

82. with in 83. America American84.praises praised

85. 去掉the

【One possible version】

From June 1st, 2008, China will ban ultra-thin plastic bags from supermarkets and stores. Recently a survey has been conducted about our government forbidding the use of plastic shopping bags.

70% of them are in favor of the ban. The reasons are as follows. Firstly, as many as 3 billion plastic bags are used every day in China, causing a severe waste of resources. Secondly, the ultra-thin plastic bags get easily broken and are left abandoned everywhere, ending up as litter. Worse still, the low rate of recycling results in the badly polluted environment.

On the contrary, 30% of them are opposed to the ban. For one thing, it is inconvenient to the consumers if the supermarkets don’t supply plastic bags. For another, having to pay for plastic bags will put economic pressure on customers and add trouble to the management of supermarkets.

As for me, I approve of the ban. The ban on plastic bags brings China in line with a growing international trend to cut plastic bags use. Besides, rubbish has been acknowledged as one of the country’s biggest environmental challenges and the ban on plastic bags is one of the solutions to the problem.