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personal statement 范文

I would like to build on my solid educationand experience as an engineer for a Ph.D. Degree in computer science at adistinguished university. I wish in particular to be trained at an advancedlevel in a specialized area that related to algorithm and mathematics. Myultimate goal is to become a professor teaching computer science at a Chineseuniversity. I believe that advanced training in a quality graduate program willhelp me realize the goal.

I spent my undergraduate life in MinzuUniversity of China which is famous for its high quality teaching and the uniquefeature of multinational culture. During my four years’ study in computerscience and technology, I was enrolled in a full range of basic coursesincluding Programming Languages, Data Structure, Higher Mathematics, Principlesof Electric Circuits and Networks. With a sophisticated understanding of thesecourses, I have been well positioned to appreciate the basic theories ofcomputer science. I was extremelyinterested in algorithms design and mathematics and scored highly in most ofthem. My GPA was consistently in the top 10% in my department. Furthermore, asrecognition of my academic achievements, I was awarded the national scholarshipin the first year and the second prize scholarship in the second year.

In 2009, after finishing my undergraduatestudy, I passed the competitive graduate entrance examination and was acceptedby the Cognitive Science Department in school of Information Science andTechnology in Xiamen University which lies in the top 10 universities and itsCognitive Science is outstanding in China. In the first year of my graduatestudy, I attended a series of specialized courses such as Advanced ArtificialIntelligence, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing and Computer Visionwhich widened my horizon and deepened my understanding in computer science. Ialso distinguished myself by my academic record and won the second prizescholarship every year.

Through the long-term learning in computerscience, I found that the technology related strongly to logical thinking likealgorithm and mathematics fascinates me most. I actively took every possiblechance to obtain the algorithm knowledge and practice my programming skills. Inorder to complete the curriculum design in 2006, I accomplished the basicdesign and functions of a simple library management system and the teacher gaveme high score. In 2007, I cooperated with other two classmates and implementeda simple ATM system which was based on the CS structure. Some techniques suchas database, data communication and multi-thread technique involved in thesystem