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Q1:A look at what goes on in most classrooms these days makes it abundantly clear that when people think about education, they are not thinking about what it feels like to be a child, or what makes childhood an important and valuable stage of life in its own right. 满胜老师好,① a look at在句子中作什么成分,为什么可以这样用呢?②“make it abundantly”中的it指代什么呢?

A1:关于问题①,此处look是名词,作主语。具体分析如下:A look at的后面接了一个由what引导的宾语从句what goes on in most classrooms these days,二者合起来构成了一个名词短语,意为“只要看一下在现如今的大多数教室里所发生的事情”。该短语的中心词是look。

关于问题②,it在句中作形式宾语,指代clear之后由that引导的宾语从句。具体分析如下:本句的基本结构是主语+ makes + it (形式宾语) + clear (宾语补足语) + that从句 (宾语从句)。也就是说,make真正的宾语是that从句(that when people ... own right),该宾语从句被后置了(详见《英语语法新思维高级教程:驾驭语法》P10),同时在宾语的位置上添加了it作为形式宾语。这里的it被称作“先行宾语it”(因为它先于真正的宾语出现)。

在本句中,that引导的宾语从句中有一个由when引导的时间状语从句when people think about education (当人们想到教育时),与其对应的主句是“they are not thinking about what ..., or what ...”,包含由what引导的两个宾语从句。一个是what it feels like to be a child,其中it作形式主语,指代真正的主语to be a child,这里it可以称作“先行主语it”;另一个宾语从句是what makes childhood an important and valuable stage of life in its own right。


Q2:Meeting him, and seeing the enormous goodwill towards the bank in that room really brought home to me what it is that makes our bank so special. It is that we care about our clients, our colleagues, and the society we serve. 张老师您好,请问what it is中的it是指代后面的“that makes ...”吗?

A2:这里的it指代的不是“that makes ...”从句,而是“it is ... that ...”强调句型。下面我们来解读一下what从句的演化过程。

Step 1简单句:X makes our bank so special. (X使得我们银行与众不同。)

Step 2对X进行强调:It is X that makes our bank so special. (是X使得我们银行与众不同。)

Step 3对X进行提问:What is it that makes our bank so special? (是什么使得我们银行与众不同?)

Step 4

改为名词从句(变倒装语序为正常语序):... what it is that makes our bank so special ... (……是什么使得我们银行与众不同……)

然后把这个what从句放在brought home to me后边作brought的宾语,构成一个宾语从句。注意,这里有这样一个短语搭配bring sth. home to sb.,意思是“让某人意识到某事是多么严重(或困难、危险、重要等)”。在使用时,我们常常把bring的宾语sth.放到句末,即说成bring home to sb. sth. (尤其是在从句充当宾语的情况下)。比如牛津高阶词典上提供的这个例句:The television pictures brought home to us the full horror of the attack. (电视画面使我们意识到这次袭击有多么恐怖。)回到Q2的问题,在这里,what从句充当brought的宾语。因此前面一句话意为:见到他,以及在那个房间里看到人们对我行的极大善意,真的让我懂得了到底是什么使得我们银行与众不同。

此外顺便提醒一下,后面的一句话“It is that we care about our clients, our colleagues, and the societies we serve”也是一个强调句,被强调的内容是其中的that从句:a. It is that we care about our clients, our colleagues, and the society we serve. 该强调句省去了that makes our bank so special这部分内容,完整的句子应为:b. It is that we care about our clients, our colleagues, and the society we serve that makes our bank so special. (是我们对客户、同事及我们所服务的社会所给予的关心使得我们银行与众不同。)若去掉“it is ... that ...”强调结构,可将b句还原成:c. That we care about our clients, our colleagues, and the society we serve makes our bank so special. 由此可见,被强调的that从句其实是一个主语从句,后接谓语动词makes。


首先,本期的两个问题都涉及it的指代问题。Q1中的it属于“先行宾语it”,指代被后置的宾语从句。问题二中的it源于“it is ... that ...”强调句型。


a. ... makes it abundantly clear that when people think about education, they are not thinking about what it feels like to be a child, or what makes childhood an important and valuable stage of life in its own right.

b. ... brought home to me what it is that makes our bank so special.

a句中被后置的宾语是由that引导的从句,此时需要添加形式宾语it;b句中被后置的宾语是由what引导的从句,此时不能添加形式宾语it,不能说成:... brought it* home to me what it is that makes our bank so special.


除了作先行宾语,it还可以作先行主语,来指代that从句或不定式短语。如Q1中出现的“... what it feels like to be a child ...”。在此基础上,我们可以进一步拓展“It feels ... to be/do sth.结构”。我们经常会用“It feels (like)+ adj. + to do/be ...”这个结构来谈感受,表示“to do/be ...”的内容是一种什么样的感觉。比如:It feels wonderful to be sitting with you like this. (就这样和你坐着感觉真棒!)再比如想表达“到了30岁是一种什么样的感觉?”,我们就可以说:How does it feel to be 30?/What does it feel like to be 30? 这里it指代to be 30。