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新目标英语八年级(上)重点词语讲解(Units 1~3)

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Unit 1 How often do you exercise?

1. how often 多久一次

―How often do you watch TV? 你多久看一次电视?

―I watch TV every day. (P2) 我每天都看。

how often意为“每隔多久”、“隔多长时间”,“是否经常”,用来询问动作间隔的时间长度或动作发生的频率。面对这样的疑问句,比较严格的答语是once a year(一年一次);twice a month(一个月两次);every three days(每隔两天/每三天);every other day(每隔一天)等;比较随便的答语是often,sometimes,usually,always,never等副词。例如:

―How often do you go to the seashore? 你们隔多久去一次海滨?

―Once a week. 一星期去一次。

―How often do you go to the zoo? 你多久去一次动物园?

―Never. 从来不去。

2. hardly adv. 几乎不;几乎没有

I hardly ever exercise. (P5) 我很少进行锻炼。

辨析hard 与hardly:

hard 可用作形容词或副词。用作形容词时,hard意为“困难的”、“硬的”、“勤奋的”、“严厉的”、“苛刻的”。例如:

Tom is a hard student. 汤姆是个勤奋的学生。

Steel is harder than wood. 钢比木头硬。

The question is hard to answer. 这个问题很难回答。


It is raining hard. 雨下得很大。

He studies English hard. 他努力学习英语

The little girl looked at me and cried harder and harder. 那小女孩看了看我,哭得越来越厉害。


1) 意为“几乎不能”,“简直没法”,多与can连用,意思接近almost not。 例如:

Mum and Dad can hardly write their names. 妈妈和爸爸几乎连自己的名字都不会写。

I can hardly understand her. 我简直无法理解她所说的话。

2) 意为“几乎没有”,常和any或anything连用,意思接近almost no。 例如:

There is hardly anything in the room. 屋子里几乎什么东西都没有。

3) 意为“几乎不,从来不”、“很少”,常和ever连用,意思接近almost never。 例如:

It hardly ever snows here. 这儿几乎从来不下雪。

注意:hardly本身含有否定意义。因此,不能说:He can not hardly speak English. 应该说:He can hardly speak English. 他几乎不会说英语。

3. twice adv. 两次

Some students exercise once or twice a week (P3) 有些学生一周锻炼一、两次。

表示“一次”、“两次”,应该用once,twice,而不能用one time,two times。 表示“三次”以上的次数时,一般用“相应的基数词 + times”。 试译:


误:We met each other two times last week.

正:We met each other twice last week.

4. try v. 试图;设法;努力

I try to eat a lot of vegetables. (P5) 我尽量多吃蔬菜。

try to do sth的意思是“试图做某事”、“设法做某事”、“努力去做某事”。例如:

We must try to get everything ready before five o’clock. 我们一定设法在5点以前把一切都准备好。

I tried to get here early but couldn’t. 我尽力想早点到这儿来,可是来不了。

He is trying to draw a horse. 他正在努力画一匹马。

try doing sth的意思是“(用某一办法)试着去做某事”。例如:

Why not try doing it some other way? 何不用其他办法试一试?

The visitor tried knocking at the door,but no one answered. 客人敲门试试看,但没有人回应。

5. look after照顾;照看

So you see,I look after my health. (P5) 你看,我关心我的健康。

look after意为“照看”、“照顾”,与take care of同义,二者可互换使用。例如:

Han Meimei,please look after the twins today. 韩梅梅,今天这对孪生姐妹就由你照顾了。

Who is looking after the luggage? 谁在照看行李?

6. same adj. 同样的;无区别的

Is her lifestyle the same as yours or different? (P5) 她的生活方式与你的相同还是不同?


These two books are not the same. 这两本书不一样。

They were both born on the same day and in the same town. 他们俩同一天在同一个城市里出生。

the same as ... 意为“与……一样”。例如:

She is no longer the same as she was. 她同过去不一样了。

Is my bike the same as his? 我的自行车与他的自行车一样吗?

7. although conj. 虽然

So maybe I’m not very healthy,although I have one healthy habit. (P5) 所以,可能我不是很健康,不过我有一个好习惯。


Although it is raining hard,they are still working in the field. 虽然天在下着大雨,但他们还在地里干活。

He is very clever although he is young. 他虽然年轻,但很聪明。

注意:汉语中可以说“虽然……但是……”,英语中却不可以说“Although ... but ...”,因为although是从属连词,but是并列连词,两者不能同时出现在一个句子中,只可用其中一个。试译:


误:Although he is old,but he works hard.

正:Although he is old,he works hard.

正:He is old,but he works hard.

8. keep v. 保持;使……保持某种状态

A lot of vegetables help you to keep in good health. (P6) 吃大量的蔬菜能使你身体健康。


We must keep fit. 我们必须身体好。

The weather is keeping fine. 天气一直很好。

She keeps in the shade because it is very hot. 她一直呆在阴凉的地方,因为天气热。

keep in good health意为“保持身体健康”。例如:

We are keeping in very good health. 我们身体非常好。


―How long can I keep the book? 这本书我能借多久?

―For two weeks. 两周。

9. must modal v. 必须

You must try to eat less meat. (P6) 你必须尽量少吃肉。

辨析must与have to:

情态动词must与have to意思相近,但用法不同。 must表示人主观上“必须”、“应当”。 have to则表示客观上“必须”、“不得不”。例如:

I must go there. 我必须去那儿。(我认为有必要去)

I have to go there. 我得去那儿。(因某事需要我不得不去)

must只有一种形式,并且无人称、时态和数的变化;而have to有过去式had to和将来式will have to,其一般现在时有人称和数的变化。例如:

We must play sports every day. 我们必须每天都进行体育锻炼。

She has to clean her room on Sunday. 她不得不在周日打扫房间。

I had to write a letter to my parents last night. 昨天晚上我不得不给我父母写一封信。

They will have to water the trees tomorrow. 他们明天得浇树。

注意:用来表示否定意义时,两者有很大的不同。 mustn’t表示“不准”、“不许可”、“禁止”;don’t have to (或have not to) 表示“不必”。例如:

You mustn’t talk in class. 课堂上不准讲话。

You don’t have to worry about your son. We can look after him. 你不必为你的儿子担心。我们会照顾他的。


1. 用hard 或hardly填空:

1) I’m so tired;I can______ walk.

2) The people are all working______.

3) I know that he lives a very______ life.

4) I could______ believe my eyes.

2. 用must 或have to 填空:

1) We’ll______ get up early tomorrow morning.

2) We______ always follow the Party.

3) He______ wait for another two hours because the train was late.

4) You______ try to exercise every day.

Key:1. 1) hardly 2) hard 3) hard 4) hardly

2. 1) have to 2) must 3) had to 4) must

Unit 2 What’s the matter?

1. Have a cold 受凉;感冒

―What’s the matter? 你怎么啦?

―I have a cold. (P7) 我感冒了。

have a cold意为“患感冒”,这是固定用法。其中的不定冠词a不能去掉,也不能将a改成定冠词the,但翻译时不需要译出。如果是患重感冒,则在a后面加上bad,即have a bad cold。 例如:

Put on this coat,or you’ll have a cold. 穿上这件大衣,否则你会感冒的。

You have a bad cold and should have a good rest. 你得了重感冒,应该好好休息。

类似的含have的短语还有:have a stomachache胃痛;have a fever发烧;have a headache头痛;have a sore throat喉咙疼;have a toothache牙痛;have a cough咳嗽

2. should modal v. 应该

You should go to bed. (P8) 你应该去睡觉。


Parents should take good care of their children. 父母应该照看好自己的孩子。

We should study hard and make progress every day. 我们应该好好学习,天天向上。

should的否定形式是shouldn’t。 例如:

You shouldn’t play in the street. 你们不应该在大街上玩。

You shouldn’t go out at night. 夜里你不应该出去。

3. lie down躺下

You should lie down and rest. (P9) 你应该躺下休息。

lie down意为“在床上躺下(休息或养病)”,与stay in bed意思相近。例如:

She is not very well;she’s lying down. 她不舒服,正躺在床上休息。

Let’s lie down for a rest. 咱们躺下休息一会儿吧。

4. problem n. 问题;令人困惑的事物;难题

Write the problems in the chart below. (P10) 在下面的表格中填写这些问题。



We are discussing a most difficult problem. 我们正在讨论一个非常棘手的问题。

I’m afraid you have a problem;you’re eating too much! 恐怕你有一个问题,你吃得太多了!

I can’t work out this maths problem. 我解不出这道数学题。


If you have any questions to ask,please put up your hands. 如果你们有问题要问,请举手。

注意:在考试中,解决数理化方面的问题用solve the problem;回答英语、史地等方面的问题用answer the question。

5. too much 太多的

Maybe you have too much yin. (P11) 可能你阴气过盛。

辨析too much与much too:

too much意为“太多的”、“过量的”,作形容词时,后面跟不可数名词。例如:

I don’t like winter because there’s too much snow and ice. 我不喜欢冬天,因为冬天雪和冰太多了。

He has too much work to do today. 今天他有太多的工作要做。

much too意为“实在太”、“非常地”、“极其”,其后跟形容词或副词。例如:

It’s much too hot today. 今天天气太热了。

The box is much too heavy. 那个箱子实在太重了。

You are driving much too fast. 你开车开得太快了。

6. believe v. 相信;认为

Chinese doctors believe that they should eat more yin foods like tofu. (P11) 中医认为他们应该多吃像豆腐这样的补阴食品。

believe意为“认为”、“相信”,用作及物动词时,其后跟名词或代词,也可跟that 或what引导的从句。例如:

I can quite believe you. 我对你完全信得过。

I don’t believe what she says. 她说什么我都不相信。

I believe you are right. 我认为你是对的。

注意:1) 主句中的谓语动词为believe,而其后宾语从句为否定意义时,常将否定词not转移至believe前面。例如:

I don’t believe he can answer the question. 我认为他不能回答这问题。

2) 在否定的“简略答语”中,可将not直接放在believe之后,也可将not放在believe之前。例如:

―Is my car ready? 我的车备好了吗?

―I believe not. 我想还没有。

―Can they come on Tuesday? 他们星期二会来吗?

―I don’t believe so. 我想不会。

7. get v. 变得

Everybody gets tired sometimes. (P11) 每个人偶尔都会感到疲倦。


The weather gets warmer,and the days get longer. 天气渐暖,白天逐渐变长。

I hope you’ll get well soon. 我希望你不久就能痊愈。

Please don’t get angry. 请不要生气。

8. few adj. 很少的;几乎没有的

You should go to bed early for a few nights. (P11) 这几个晚上,你应该早点睡觉。

辨析a few与few:

两者意思不同。 a few意为“有几个”、“有一些”,含肯定的意义。 few意为“很少”、“几乎没有”,倾向于否定。试比较:

He has few friends here. 他在这儿几乎没有什么朋友。

He has a few friends here. 他在这儿有几个朋友。

The problem is very difficult. Few students can understand it. 这个问题很难,没有几个学生能懂。

The problem isn’t quite difficult. A few students can understand it. 这个问题并不很难,有些学生能懂。

9. stay v. 持续;保持;维持

Eat a balanced diet to stay healthy. (P12) 膳食平衡以保持健康。


The temperature stayed hot last week. 上个星期天气持续高温。

The door stayed open all night long. 那扇门开了一整夜。

10. at the moment此时;现在

I like your school in Beijing,but I’m not feeling very well at the moment. (P12) 我喜欢你们北京的学校,但是我现在感觉不太好。

at the moment与动词的一般现在时态搭配使用时,表示“此刻”、“目前”的意思,也可以说成at this moment,相当于just now。 例如:

I’m very busy at the moment. 我此时此刻很忙。

The children are playing on the playground at the moment. 此刻孩子们正在运动场上玩。

at the moment也可与一般过去时态搭配使用,表示“那时”的意思,相当于just then,也可以说成at that moment。 例如:

He was not at home at the moment. 当时他不在家。

11. until conj. 直到……为上;直到……才……

I study late every night,sometimes until 2 am,but I don’t think I’m improving. (P12) 我每天晚上学习到很晚,有时直到凌晨2点,但我觉得我并没有进步。

until 既可用作介词,也可用作连词。其用法有两种:1) 用在肯定句中,意为“直到……为止”,谓语动词一般是延续性的,如:live,work,stay,wait,study等。例如:

Every day we work until 12 at night. 每天我们工作到晚上12点钟。

You’d better stay in bed until tomorrow. 你最好卧床到明天。

Let’s wait until the rain stops. 让我们等到雨停。

2) 用在否定句中,意为“直到……才……”,谓语动词一般是非延续性的,如:go,come,finish,stop,open,close等。例如:

Last night we didn’t get home until ten o’clock. 昨天晚上我们十点才回家。

I didn’t go to Shanghai until he came back. 等他回来我才去上海。


1. 用problem或question填空:

1) I have a physics______. Can you help me?

2) May I ask you a______?

3) After the talk,the speaker answered a lot of______.

4) This maths______ is not easy. I can’t work it out.

2. 用few或a few填空:

1) I have______ books. I can lend you one or two.

2) This novel is quite easy for you. There are______ new words in it.

3) I have______ friends here but______ good friends.

4)______ days ago,I got a letter from my mother.

3. 用too much或much too填空:

1) The coat is______ expensive.

2) You eat______ junk food.

3) There’s______ work;I can’t finish it at once.

4) The dress is______ long for me.

Key:1. 1) problem 2) question 3) questions 4) problem

2. 1) a few 2) few 3) a few;few 4) A few

3. 1) much too 2) too much 3) too much .4) much too

Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?

1. how long多久;多长时间

―How long is he staying? 他准备呆多久?

―He’s staying for a week. (P15) 他准备呆一个星期的时间。

how long表示“多长时间”,用来对一个动作或状态持续的时间提问。我们常用“for + 一段时间”来作答。例如:

―How long did you stay here last year? 去年你在这儿呆了多长时间?

―For two weeks. 两个星期。

―How long will your teacher be away? 你的老师要离开多长时间?

―For three days. 三天。

2. away adv. 向远处;离开

I don’t like going away for too long. (P15) 我不喜欢离开太久。

1) away用作副词,与表示动作的动词连用时,意为“……去”、“……掉”,例如:

Did you stay behind or go away? 你是留下了,还是离开了?

The boy ran away. 那男孩跑掉了。

The Browns moved away to London last week. 布朗一家上星期搬到伦敦去了。

2) 常见的含away的短语有:far away很远;be away from ... 远离……。例如:

She lives far away. 她住得很远。

Many thousands of stars look small because they are far away from the earth. 成千上万颗恒星看上去小,因为它们离地球太遥远了。

The moon is far away from the earth. 月亮离地球很远。

3. send v. 送;寄;派遣

Send me a postcard from Hong Kong! (P15) 从香港给我寄一张名信片来。

send意为“邮寄(信件、包裹等)”、“发(电报)”、“汇(款)”、“(派人)送去”,用作及物动词,后跟宾语或双宾语。要表示“把某物寄送给某人”,可用sendsth或send sth to sb。 例如:

You’d better send it to him by air. 你最好航空寄给他。

Please send me some pictures of Beijing. 请寄给我几张北京的图片。

I’ll send you a book. (=I’ll send a book to you.) 我将寄给你一本书。

4. a lot 很;非常;常常

At night,I’m renting videos and sleeping a lot. (P17) 晚上,我会租录像带并且大睡特睡。

辨析a lot 与a lot of:

两者都可表示“许多”的意思。 a lot用作程度状语,修饰动词或形容词和副词的比较级,也可以用作名词,在及物动词后面充当宾语。例如:

We have a lot to do. 我们有许多事情要做。

He works a lot at home. 他在家干很多活。

a lot作程度状语用时,也可作“非常”解,相当于very much。 例如:

I like bananas a lot. 我非常喜欢吃香蕉。

a lot of后面既可跟可数名词,也可跟不可数名词,多用于肯定句中。例如:

He has a lot of friends in the school. 他在学校里有许多朋友。

There is a lot of meat in the shopping basket. 购物篮里有许多肉。

在疑问句和否定句中常用many或much代替a lot of。 例如:

Are there many people in the park? 公园里有许多人吗?

There isn’t much ink in the bottle. 瓶子里墨水并不多。

5. leave v. 离开;出发

He is leaving the first week in June and staying until September. (P17) 他准备 六月的第一周离开,一直呆到九月份。

辨析leave与leave for:


It’s time for us to leave. 我们该走了。

When are you leaving? 你什么时候走?


Every time he leaves his home and walks to the lift,he is all smiles. 每当他离开家去乘电梯时,总是满面笑容。

He left the army two years ago. 他两年前离开了部队。

leave for后跟所要到达的目的地,意为“出发到某地方”。例如:

She’s leaving for Hong Kong on Tuesday. (P18) 她准备星期二前往香港。


Why did you leave Paris? 你为什么离开了巴黎?

Why did he leave for Paris? 他为什么去了巴黎?

表示“离开(某地)动身去(某地)”可以说“leave ... for ...”。 例如:

We’re leaving Shanghai for Beijing tomorrow. 明天我们将离开上海动身去北京。


6. forget v. 忘记

I hope I can forget all my problems! (P17) 我希望我能忘记一切麻烦。


I’ll never forget them. 我永远也不会忘记他们。

I’m forgetting my French. 我渐渐地把法语忘掉了。

forget后面跟动词不定式和跟动词的-ing形式,意思不一样。 forget to do sth意为“忘了去做某事”,to do sth发生在forget之后。例如:

I’m sorry I forgot to return you the book. 很抱歉,我忘记把书还给你了。

Don’t forget to turn off the light when you leave the classroom. 离开教室时,不要忘记关灯。

forget doing sth意为“忘记(已经)做过某事”,doing sth发生在forget之前。例如:

I forgot telling you this story before. 我忘记以前给你讲过这个故事了。

7. finish v. 结束;完成

“I just finished making my last movie,” she says. (P17) 她说:“我刚完成一部电影的拍摄。”


I finished my work two hours ago. 两小时前我做完了我的工作。

We finished dinner at about eight o’clock. 我们大约在八点钟吃完了饭。



误:He finished to read the book last night.

正:He finished reading the book last night.


1. 用 leave或leave for填空:

1) We will______ tonight.

2) After a short stay in London,they will______ New York.

3) When are you______ us?

4) He is now visiting China. He is______ Canada tomorrow.

2. 用a lot或a lot of填空:

1) There is______ water in the river.

2) My father knows______.

3) Mother gave me______ to eat for lunch today.

4)______ people visited the city last week.

Key:1. 1) leave 2) leave for 3) leaving 4) leaving for

2. 1) a lot of 2) a lot 3) a lot 4) A lot of