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提高你的英语表达能力――there be相关句式

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There引导的句子是一种倒装句,表示事物的存在。在there be句型中,there为引导词,无明显的词义,动词“be”表示“有”或“存在”的意思,主语(名词)在谓语动词be的后面,谓语be的形式随主语的单复数变化而变化。

1.There be+主语+(状语)。例句:

1)Where there is a will,there is a way. 有志者事竟成。

2)There was a knife and two books on the deskjust now. 刚才桌上有一把小刀和两本书(就近原则)。

3)There will be a meeting sometime next week.下个星期的某个时候要开个会。

4)There must be something wrong with it.一定是哪儿出了问题。

5)There ought to be some more buses during the rush hour. 在上下班的高峰期应该有更多的公共汽车。

2.There be + no + 动名词(短语)。= It is impossible to do something.例句:

1)There is no getting along with him. 简直无法与他相处。

2)There is no knowing what he will do next. 不知道他下一步要干什么。

3)There is no telling what time the plane willarrive. 说不上飞机会在什么时间到达。

3.There be + 主语 + 定语从句。例句:

1)There is nothing(that) worries me so much. 没有其他什么事能使我如此烦恼。

2)There was a friend(who) phoned you while youwere out. 你不在的时候,有一位朋友给你打电话。

4.There + 动词短语 + 主语 + (状语)。例句:

1)There is sure to be a bookstore near the school.这个学校附近肯定有个书店。

2)There is going to be a storm at sea in the com- ing twenty-four hours. 未来的24小时之内,在海上将有一场风暴。

3)There used to be a cinema across the street. 过去在街对面有一个电影院。

4)There seems(appears) to be a quarrel between the young couple. 这对年轻 大妻之间好像发生过一场争吵。

5)There happened to lie a small lake atthe foot of the mountain.山脚下正巧有一个小湖。

5.There + 不及物动词 + 主语 + (状语)。例句:

1)There once lived a learned man in this town. 这个小镇上曾经住着一个学识渊博的人。

2)Then there came a knock at the door. 接着传来了敲门声。

3)There remained nothing of his houseafter the fire.火灾以后他的房子片瓦不存。

4)There rose a full moon from behind the hills. 从小山背后升起了一轮满月。

5)There landed a foreign airliner on the runway.一架外国客机降落在跑道上。

6.There + 及物动词被动语态 + 主语 + (状语)。例句:

1)There was born another girl in thepoor family. 在这个贫穷的家庭中又有一个女孩降生。

2)There has been produced some more cotton this year.今年多生产了一些棉花。

7.疑问句 + … + be there + 介词短语(地点)。例句:

1)What's there on the desk?桌上有什么东西?

2)How many students are there in yourclass? 你们班里有多少个同学?

3)How much water is there in the basin? 脸盆里有多少水?