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Cosmo’s Annual Man Survey 2012

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Let’s Talk About Sex!

On a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being‘not satisfied’ and 10 being ‘very satisfied’―how would you rate your sex life right now?

If you could have sex in only one position for the rest of your life, it would be?

a) 38% say, missionary

b) 27% say, doggie style

c) 19% say, her on top (facing him)

d) 6% say, standing f) 10% say, side to side

How often do you get tested for STDs?

62% say, never

20% say, they only got tested once

8% say, regularly i.e. at least once a year

4% say, only after sketchy sexual activity

6% say, every couple of years

What doesmean to you?

36% say, it’s titillation; they get off on it

50% say, it’s instructional; they learn from it

14% say, it’s entertainment; they watch it for fun

The dating game

Are you in touch with an ex?

a) 24% say, yes and their current GF knows about it

b) 21% say, yes but their current GF doesn’t know about it

c) 55% say, no

Which aspect of your sex life have you lied about?

a) 20% say, the number of partners they’ve slept with

b) 40% say, the X-rated things they are into

c) 10% say, whether or not they have been tested

d) 16% say, the size of their penis

e) 14% say, the fact that they’ve paid for sex

You’re in a relationship, and a megan Fox-type is flirting with you. You…

26% say, they would flirt right back, but not take things any further

20% say, they would keep it polite but not encourage her―they have a girlfriend and they know it

24% say, they would walk away―they’re really not interested

30% say, they would flirt right back, and take things as far as they can go

What do you consider a romantic gesture?

33% say, taking her away for a surprise trip

10% say, buying her flowers

30% say, just being there for her

27% say, taking care of one of her everyday chores

Of the following, which is the most important personality trait for a woman to be‘relationship material’?

5% say, intelligence

19% say, a sense of humour

36% say, loyalty

40% say, caring and nurturing

At what point does the number of ex sex partners start to bother you?

45% say, if she’s had more than one other sexual partner previously

20% say, if she’s had more than two sexual partners

5% say, if she’s had more than three to five sexual partners

30% say, they don’t care how many sex partners she’s had in the past

Are you okay with your partner being friends with her exes on Facebook?

a) 40% say, yes, absolutely okay

b) 15% say, yes, but only if they’ve met the ex before

c) 45% say, no

When do you consider it okay to lie to your partner?

63% say, they would tell a little white lie to avoid an argument

20% say, they would tell a huge lie to avoid splitting up the relationship

17% say, they would never lie

Have you ever taken a sneaky peek into your partner’s texts, e-mail or Facebook messages?

39% say, no, they respect her privacy

23% say, no, but they would if they suspected she was up to something

18% say, yes, but only because it was open on her desktop

20% say, yes, they broke into her e-mail or messaging account

Would you break up with your partner if your parents don’t like her?

a) 44% say, yes they would

b) 56% say, no they wouldn’t

Which of the following can your partner joke about with you?

2% say, their penis

17% say, their mother

11% say, their finances

15% say, their bedroom skills

9% say, their sports team

46% say, she can joke about whatever she wants

Would you insist on your wife taking your last name?

43% say, Yes

57% say, No

If you are afraid to commit, what’s holding you back?

a) 26% say, they want the freedom to hang out with friends

b) 45% say, they want to make more money before they settle down

c) 29% say, they’re just holding out for someone better


Which of the following‘manscaping’ procedures would you consider?

34% say, teeth whitening

30% say, exfoliation or a facial

8% say, having their eyebrows plucked

10% say, manicure/pedicure

18% say, waxing

Have you ever peeked at another guy’s package?

a) 11% say, yes in the men’s room

b) 24% say, no but given a chance, they would, so they could compare

c) 65% say, no and they really don’t want to

When your girlfriend’s out of town, you are most likely to…

24% say, they would get drunk and stay out till late

26% say, they would have their friends come over for the football match and make as much noise as possible

4% say, they would sit at home in their boxers and eat pizza

46% say, they would really miss their girlfriend and want her home ASAP

If you could have drinks with one of these men, who would it be?

31% say, Bill Gates

24% say, Shah Rukh Khan

24% say, George Clooney

15% say, Russell Peters

6% say, Russell Brand

What is your greatest fear?

24% say, death

30% say, poverty

13% say, commitment

10% say, public speaking

13% say, failing at work

10% say, never finding love

All About Women!

Which female celebrity would you like your girlfriend to be more like?

11% say, Jennifer Aniston

17% say, Kareena Kapoor

24% say, Deepika Padukone

5% say, Nicki Minaj

13% say, Kim Kardashian

30% say, none of the above―their girlfriend is perfect the way she is

Which of the following body parts do you think women appreciate most in men?

13% say, abs

46% say, chest

6% say, arms

25% say, penis

10% say, butt

When a woman gets naked in front of you, the first thing you notice is…

31% say, her breasts

10% say, her stomach

3% say, her thighs

56% say, all of the fabulous nakedness

You zone out when a woman talks about…

9% say, what happened at work today

16% say, clothes, shopping or shoes

26% say, her friends’lives dramas

10% say, celebrity gossip

3% say, plans she wants to make with him

23% say, an issue she has with him

13% say, any subject raised while a match is on

When you text her and she replies instantly, you think she is...

56% say, she’s efficient

44% say, she’s desperate


What do you think about most during the day?

26% say, sex

16% say, their looks

23% say, work

35% say, money

Would you rather…

55% would rather be bald

45% would rather wear a toupée

71% would rather have a threeway with two girls they know

29% would rather have a have a one night stand with Eva Mendes

39% would rather be sexy like Ranbir Kapoor

61% would rather be smart like Mark Zuckerberg