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1. Once upon a time, there was a king, who had 11 sons and a daughter Alice. The eleven princes went to school with a heart-shaped badge and a sword. They wrote on the gold board with diamond pen. Their sister Alice had a picture book, which was worth half of the kingdom. 从前有一个国王,他有11个儿子和一个女儿艾丽莎。这11个王子上学校的时候,胸前佩带着心形的徽章,身边挂着宝剑。他们用钻石笔在金板上写字。他们的妹妹艾丽莎有一本画册,价值抵得上半个王国。

2. But their happy life ended soon after their mother died. The king married an evil queen, and she treated the children badly. The grand ceremony was held in the whole palace, but the queen only gave the children a cup of sand. 可是幸福的生活很快就结束了,他们的母亲去世了。国王和一个恶毒的王后结了婚。她对这些可怜的孩子非常不好。整个宫殿里在举行盛大的庆祝,她只给这些孩子们一杯沙子。

3. One week later, the queen sent the little sister Alice to a farmer’s house in the countryside. And then she said many bad words about the princes, which made the father unwilling to talk with the sons. 一个星期以后,王后把小妹妹艾丽莎送到一个乡下农人家里去寄住。她还在国王面前说了许多关于王子们的坏话,国王再也不愿意理他们了。

4. The queen changed the princes into wild birds with witchcraft. “Fly to the wild field and make a living by yourselves,” said the evil queen, “Fly away like those giant birds without voice.” 王后把11个王子用巫术变成了野鸟。“你们飞到野外去吧,你们自己去谋生吧,”恶毒的王后说,“你们像那些没有声音的巨鸟一样飞走吧。”

5. The princes turned into 11 beautiful wild geese. They let out strange cries and flew out of the window of the palace. They flew over the park and to the forest. 王子们变成了11只美丽的野天鹅。他们发出了一阵奇异的叫声,从宫殿的窗子飞出去了。他们飞过公园,飞向森林里去了。

6. When they came to their sister’s, it was still dark. Their sister was sleeping in the farmer’s house. They flew over the roof, flapping and looking down. Then they flew to the forest off the coast. 当他们经过他们妹妹所在农户家的时候,天还没有亮。他们的妹妹还在农人的屋子里面熟睡。他们在屋顶上盘旋着,拍着翅膀,向下张望。然后他们一直飞向海岸边的一个大黑森林里去。

7. The poor Alice was playing with a leaf in the farmer’s house, because she had no other toys. She cut a small hole in the leaf, through which she could look into the sun, and she missed her brothers too much. 可怜的小艾丽莎呆在农人的屋子里,玩着一片绿叶,因为她没有别的玩具。她在叶子上穿了一个小洞,通过这个小洞她可以朝着太阳望,这时她想起了她的哥哥们。

8. Time flew! The little girl was 15 years old. It was time for her to go back home. The queen noticed that Alice was so beautiful, and she was angry and her heart was filled with hatred. She wanted to change her into a wild goose. 时间过得真快啊!转眼小姑娘就15岁了,是她回家的时候了。王后看到她是那样美丽,心中不禁恼怒起来,充满了憎恨。她想把她变成一只野天鹅。

9. One early morning, the queen went into the bathroom to do her witchcraft. She took up three toads. She said to the first toad, “When Alice comes into the bathroom, you sit on her head to make her as stupid as you.” 一天清早,王后走进浴室去施行巫术。她拿起三只癞蛤蟆,对第一只说: “当艾丽莎走进浴室的时候,你就坐在她的头上,使她变得像你一样笨。”