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一、 用作系动词


1. 后接形容词

【经典例析1】(2002上海春)Although he has taken a lot of medicine, his health

_____________ poor.

A. proves B. remains

C. maintains D. continues


2. 后接非谓语动词


(1) 过去分词

此时的过去分词失去动作意味,仅表状态,转化为形容词,其后可加介词,用来说明与人相关的特征,如:hidden, dressed, lost, seated等。

【经典例析2】(2010福建卷)In April, thousands of holidaymakers remained_____________

abroad due to the volcanic ash cloud.

A. sticking B. stuck

C. to be stuck D. to have stuck


(2) 动词不定式

表示“尚待、有待”,后面接动词不定式的被动式,常见于“It remains to be seen whether...”(尚不确定,说不准)。

【经典例析3】(2006浙江卷)It remains

_____________whether Jim will be fit enough to play in the finals.

A. seen B. to be seen

C. seeing D. to see

【解析】选B。此题考查不定式的语态。remain to be done表“有待于”,惯用被动语态。

二、 用作不及物动词


1. 剩下、遗留


【经典例析4】(2010重庆卷)The palace caught fires three times in the last century, and little of the original building_____________ now.

A. remains

B. is remained

C. is remaining

D. has been remained


【经典例析5】(1999上海卷)The lady said she would buy a gift for her daughter with the_____________.

A. 20 dollars remained

B. 20 dollars to remain

C. remained 20 dollars

D. remaining 20 dollars


2. 停留、逗留


【经典例析6】(2006安徽卷)It was already past midnight and only three young men_____________ in the tea house.

A. left B. remained

C. delayed D. deserted



一、 单项选择。

1.(2009山东卷)The little girl who got lost decided to remain_____________ she was and wait for her mother.

A. where B. what

C. how D. who

2.(2009四川卷)Ladies and gentlemen, please remain_____________ until the plane has come to a complete stop.

A. seated B. seating

C. to seat D. seat

3.(2002全国卷)Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple, but it remains_____________ whether they will enjoy it.

A. to see B. to be seen

C. seeing D. seen

4. The solid stone tower has remained

_____________for thousands of years.

A. stands B. stood

C. standing D. to stand

5.(2009安徽卷)_____________a certain doubt among the people as to the practical value of the project.

A. It has B. They have

C. It remains D. There remains

6. ―Hi, Lydia. Are you going to the concert on Friday?

―I’d like to. But there are many problems_____________.

A. remaining to be settled

B. remained settling

C. remaining to settle

D. remained to be settled

7. The fact remains_____________ she tried to cheat in the test.

A. that B. whether

C. why D. how

8. It only remains for me_____________ our host for such a lovely evening.

A. thanking

B. to be thanked

C. to thank

D. thanked

Keys:1-5 AABCD 6-8 AAC