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\[收稿日期\]20150328\[基金项目\]新世纪广西高等教育教学改革工程立项项目(2012JGZ124); 教育

>> 教师教学设计能力述评 创新培训方式,提高双语教师教育教学能力 地方本科院校双语教师教学能力提升研究 藏族地区双语教学发展述评 高校青年教师教学能力研究述评 IBSTPI教师能力标准述评 校教师教学能力评价指标体系探究 从教师认知理论看高校教师双语教学能力培养 从黑龙江省少数民族双语教育现状看少数民族双语教师教学能力 聋校口语教学与双语教学述评 加拿大语言能力标准理论框架述评 双语教学语境下初中物理教师教学能力培养模式研究 教师情感教育能力研究述评 提高少数民族双语教师课堂教学能力的几点建议 少数民族双语教师课堂教学能力评价标准建构 “蒙汉”幼儿双语教师教学能力发展的幼儿园影响因素及对策 关于提高新疆少数民族双语教师教学设计能力的思考 浅析高校教师双语教学能力的构成与提高 新疆小学数学双语教师课堂教学能力培养的研究 南疆村小少数民族双语教师教学能力现状的调查研究 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.

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Review on CLIL teacher competence grid in EU


(College of Economics and Management, Guangxi Teachers Education University, Nanning,Guangxi530001,China)

AbstractBilingual teacher competence refers to the related knowledge, skills and characteristics that allow teachers to perform the bilingual teaching. All the bilingual teachers competence can be literally presented by 4 teaching objectives with cultural interconnection, 5 context dimensions, and 6 implementation techniques with focus on the cognitive system. Hence, this article summarized the CLIL teacher competence grid with 14 areas of competence, 29 competences and hundreds of indications of competence into five aspects, which are content knowledge, curriculum design, linguistic competence, learning environment construction and cooperative learning.

Key wordsbilingual education; bilingual teachers; competence; EU


Innovating teaching and learning modes to promote

students′ active learning

FAN Huihui

(Center for Faculty Development,Fudan University,Shanghai200433,China)


In recent years,with the renewal of teaching ideas,more and more colleges,universities and their faculty members began to use pedagogies and techniques,such as seminar courses,teambased learning and other teaching and learning modes to promote students′ ″Active Learning″.However,in the face of the problems of Chinese colleges and universities′ classroom,such as high student/teacher ratio and large class scale,many teachers encounter difficulties in their practice.This paper based on the analysis of the three types difficulties in the implementation of ″Active Learning″time in class is not enough,quality of student participation is not high and learning ability is different,introduces two kinds of teaching and learning mode,which purpose is to provide some feasible ideas to promote students′ active learning under the condition of the current teaching and learning realities.

Key words

active learning;zone of proximal development;blended learning;peer instruction