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摘 要:亚太地区国家众多,区情复杂,在经济高速发展的同时,也深受环境破坏之苦。因此,区域性环境合作机制的建立、完善及有

>> 关于中国利用亚太地区合作机制寻求进一步发展 中部地区区域性高校数字图书馆建设的探索 欠发达地区区域性公司投融资探讨 亚太地区邮局 区域性食品安全预警机制初探 西南地区区域性基础教育信息化现状及发展方向研究 少数民族地区区域性网络教研共同体的建构 美国应与亚太盟友积极合作应对亚太地区弹道导弹威胁 论中国在亚太地区的区域中心地位 老少边穷连片地区区域合作路径选择及机制建设的思考 鄂西北地区区域旅游合作浅析 两广地区区域旅游合作优势分析 陇东南地区一次区域性大暴雨发生机制分析 俄罗斯与亚太地区的能源合作以及中国的应对 中国参与亚太地区经济合作进程及影响 美智库设想:日俄美三方合作,实现亚太地区“再平衡” 美国亚太地区弹道导弹防御合作存在诸多制约因素 北京纲领:为推动亚太地区合作注入新动力 亚太地区财富管理机遇来临 亚太地区廉价机票预订攻略 常见问题解答 当前所在位置:.


[6]Asia-Pacific Regional Coordination Mechanism.Work of the RCM Thematic Working Groups in 2014 and plans for 2015[EB/OL].[2015-07-06]..




Mechanism of Regional Environmental Cooperation in the Asia Pacific Region

GU Ning

(China Institute of International Studies, Beijing 100005, China)

Abstract: Many countries in the Asia Pacific region, complex regional situation, with the rapid development of economy, suffered by environmental damage. Therefore, the establishment of regional environmental cooperation mechanism, perfect and effective operation of the area of environmental governance and the global environmental objectives are important. This paper summarizes these characteristics that his kind of cooperation is mainly dominated by the United Nations system, The major powers play a fundamental role, although the level of cooperation has been improved, but the mechanism is still loose.And the future prospects of the mechanism are analyzed.

Key words: The Asia Pacific Region; Mechanism of regional environmental cooperation; Prospect