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学用合一 情乐贯穿

开篇:润墨网以专业的文秘视角,为您筛选了一篇学用合一 情乐贯穿范文,如需获取更多写作素材,在线客服老师一对一协助。欢迎您的阅读与分享!

Step 1 Greeting

T:Good morning,boys and girls,nice to see you. I’m your new English teacher today. First I’d like to know something about you. What can you tell me?


T:May I know your name?

T:What do you usually do after school (on Saturday and Sunday)?

T:So I think ... is your hobby.

T:May I know your hobby?(To another student)

T:When is your birthday?

T:What would you like as your birthday present?

T:When is your birthday?

T:OK,... is the -th month of the year.

T:Your birthday is in the -th month of the year....


T:I’ve learned something about you. Do you want to know something about me?You can ask me questions.

【新授课的班级学生肯定对老师的信息很感兴趣,所以,我在PPT上只显示了自己生日等部分信息,括号中的内容需要学生提出相关问题后才能获取答案,如:May I know your name?(当学生问What’s your name?时,可以提醒学生:当要知道老师或长者的姓名时最好用May I know your name?上课伊始教师已示范过。)另外,“Birthday presents”一项要求学生在了解老师的爱好后,运用句型“I think you would like ... as your birthday present.”达到真实交际的目的。】

Step 2 Word revision

T:As you know I like doing word puzzles.Would you like to play a word puzzle game with me?Now let’s have a look.





(1)My grandpa often takes a after dinner.

(2)Excuse me,can I you a question?

(3)The sign means you shouldn’t the flowers.

(4)What’s the today?It’s Oct. 23rd.

(5)What does the sign ?It means “No Smoking”.

(6) is the sixth month of the year.

(7)It means “Danger” and you stay away from it.

(8)Miss Li was in the office ten minutes .

(9)The watch was on the desk a ago.

T:Now please look at the given phrases and sentences and try to tell the right words.

A:a hand phone

B:I have three letters. My first letter is in the word“him”not“his”. My second letter is in the word“at”not“it”. My third letter is in the word“any”not“and”

【这个环节用word puzzle的形式来帮助学生复习1~4单元的单词。前面9个要求学生在方格中填入合适的字母使其横行、竖行能拼成1~4单元中的四会单词,后面两个要求学生根据解释或描述写出单词。我没有用Can you spell the word...?的方式让学生拼写单词,而是要求学生首先读句子,在理解句意的基础上考虑横线上应该填的单词。这个方法主要是培养学生的英语阅读能力。考虑到六年级和初中英语教学要求的衔接,我认为从小学高年级起应该在课堂上有计划有步骤地培养学生的语言运用能力,尽可能让学生接触完整的英语句子、段落和篇章。】

Step 3 Ordinals revision

T:We can see three ordinals in the sentences B. What are they?

S:First,second and third.

T:Good.Do you know how to get an ordinal?Now let’s look at a rhyme together. Maybe it can help you.

Read the rhyme together.

T:Now can you finish Exercise One?Have a go!


T:Do you know most of the time we can write the ordinals as following.(Look at“Do you know”and try to finish it.)

【在复习了基数词到序数词的变化后,再引导学生学习序数词的缩写形式,达到复习课帮助学生温故知新的目的。在教学中,我板书first 和second的缩写形式,要求学生仔细看,并找出缩写的规律,再试着写出接下来的几个序数词的缩写形式。其中twelfth的缩写有可能受second缩写的影响而写成“12nd”。在学生完成后集体讨论并纠正错误,这样能使学生留下深刻的印象,这比教师反复讲解和强调的效果要好得多。】

Step 4 Preposition revision

T:Good job!(Show a picture of Su Hai) A girl’s birthday is in the 11th month of the year. Who is she?

S:She’s Su Hai.

T:Today Su Hai is telling something to her class. Let’s read the passage.

【我在这时呈现语篇,基于两点考虑。第一,培养学生的阅读能力。第二,引出1~4单元的一个重、难点:介词in,on,at的使用。在第二单元中介词in 和on在分别用于时间短语,但对于这两个介词的正确运用是六年级学生的一个薄弱点。针对这一现象,我结合之前学过的“at”,在这节课中帮助学生一起归纳、区分,此外,在这个语篇中我增加了年份的英语表达,这样,年、月、日的教学便趋于完整了。】

1.Read the passage above and try to answer the questions.

When is Dad’s birthday?

What would Dad like as a birthday present?

When is Mum’s birthday?

What would Mum like as a birthday present?

When was Su Hai born?

T:(Show PPT) Let’s read the three sentences.Do you know how to use “in,on,at” correctly?



2.Fill in the blanks.

(1)I usually go to school half past six.

(2)My brother often plays football Sunday.

(3)Christmas is December.

(4)I like swimming summer.(夏天)

(5)Children’s Day is June the first.


Step 5 Should and shouldn’t

T:Good job.I’ll give you a sign.Which sign should I give you?(PPT 出示分别表示赞赏、不满、愤怒的标志)


T:OK. What does it mean?

S:It means ...


T:Look at the pictures.Which signs can help them?Please choose the right ones and tell the meanings of the signs.(PPT显示不同的人物在医院、课堂、非停车区域却想吸烟、吃东西、停车的图片和文字)

【这个项目要求学生先根据图片选择合适的标识,同时用英语说出标识的含义,如对Picture 1中的男子说:You shouldn’t smoke in hospital.目的是让英语与日常生活更接近。风趣、幽默的图案很容易激起学生的学习兴趣。】

T:Look at the invitation. Mike’s birthday is coming.Yang Ling would like to go to his birthday party. Mum is telling Yang Ling what to do and what not to do. Please read the list and then complete the sentences.

【通过设置情境中国学生Yang Ling要参加美国同学Mike 生日聚会,引出妈妈给Yang Ling列出的“Not-to-do List”和“To-do List”,让学生在学习使用语言的同时也了解中西方习惯、礼仪的差异。】

Step 6 Sum up

T:Can you tell me what you have learned in this lesson?


Step 7 Homework

1.Finish the dialogues on Page 34~36.

2.Surf the Internet and try to find more information about the differences between Chinese parties and American parties then try to write a short passage. You can use the following modal verbs:should,may,must and can.

