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贝奥武夫 第11期

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Believed to have been written down in the 8th century, Beowulf tells the adventures of a heroic Scandinavian warrior who rises up to defend[防卫] his

Danish countrymen after their great hall is attacked by a

demon[恶魔] named Grendel. For such a fantastical[空想的] story, director Robert Zemeckis once again taps into[利用] the animation technique he used in The Polar Express ―

having real actors perform their roles, and then later

using computers to animate their characters over them.

Behind the Scenes: Roger Avary and Neil Gaiman Discuss Beowulf

Even if the Beowulf story isn’t your cup of tea, the visuals are so extraordinary the story itself comes across as secondary. While the performances are 100% the actors, the movie is entirely motion capture.

Working in that virtual[(电脑)虚拟的] world, certain physical

attributes[身体素质] of the actors can be enhanced[提高]. But Avary and Gaiman both pointed out that the technology took nothing away from the work done by the actors on the set.

Gaiman said the actors worked on the movie two years ago in Los Angeles, wearing suits with dots[圆点] on them. Gaiman admits he’s even been thinking about the possibility of Anthony Hopkins getting nominated as supporting actor for his role. It’s Hopkins’ voice, his facial movements, his entire performance, but the problem is it’s a motion capture film.

Asked how they came to be involved in Beowulf, Avary said he was hooked[沉迷] on the story after

having to read it in high school. “Monsters, dragons, guys with swords...What’s not to love?” After getting hired and then fired from Sandman, Avary was looking

for something to do, and Beowulf was a story he’d

always had a desire to tackle[抓住].

Hooking up[加入] with Gaiman, the two set off to Mexico to write the script[剧本]. Avary said they wrote the screenplay “very, very, very quickly.” Robert Zemeckis

came onboard as a producer and backed Avary to direct the movie. But later, Zemeckis became available to direct. And then the decision to go with motion capture and do it in 3-D changed Avary and Gaiman’s

approach[方法] to the script. Gaiman said that before deciding on the 3-D motion capture, “We had the cheapest possible dragon fight at the end.” Zemeckis told them to “write whatever you want,” and Avary and Gaiman took that advice to heart. They even thought they’d gone too far, but Zemeckis told them that no matter what they came up with, no matter how far they wanted to push the fight scenes, it would cost him about a million dollars per minute. On working with Zemeckis Avary said, “It was really, really a blessing for him to make this movie.”







