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【关键词】滇龙胆 野生资源 分布调查 生态习性研究

An Investigation of the distribution of Yunnan Wild Gentiana Rigescens Resources and a Study of the Ecological Habits

Li Kaijin Cao Yun

【Abstract】Aim: This paper focuses on an investigation of the distribution of Yunnan wild gentiana rigescens and a study of the ecological habits, in order to find out the distribution and the reserves of wild gentiana rigescens resources, as well as the ecological habits, thereby provides the theory supports for the construction of the biology pharmaceutical industry of Yunnan Province. Methods: Investigation and anlysis, that is, investigating special plots of regions in Yunnan Province according to their different elevations. Results: After statistical processing, the results are as follws: (1)Compare the gentiana rigescens growing in the 1000m-1900m sea level area with those growing in the 1900m-2600m sea level area, under the condition, t=41.65, P

【Keywords】gentiana rigescens Distribution investigation Wild resources A study of the ecological habits


1.1 项目来源:为云南省《生物药业产业建设》楚雄州15万亩中药材种植和彝药产业建设的研究项目。

1.2 研究起止时间:2003年1月至2005年12月,历时3年。

1.3 研究成果:获2006年楚雄州人民政府科技进步三等奖。



3.1 开发:到目前为止,以龙胆草为主开发的药物制剂有:龙胆片、龙胆酊、龙胆合剂、龙胆浸膏、龙胆苏打片、龙胆泻肝片及龙胆化癌丹等系列药。

3.2 药理作用:促进胃液分泌,有消炎健胃脾,治疗咽喉肿痛、湿热毒疮、湿疹,治疗黄疸、热痢,抗肿瘤等作用。




7.1 滇龙胆野生资源分布情况,经统计学处理:①1000~1800米海拔段与1900~2600米海拔段滇龙胆自然生长情况比较,t=41.65,P

7.2 滇龙胆的主要生态习性指标为:①最佳自然生长海拔为1900米至2600米;②生长环境:喜生于林缘、林间空地、疏林间、山坡、草甸等环境中;③年平均相对湿度为60%;④花期7~9月,果期8~10月;⑤土壤条件:以黑色或黄色沙壤土为宜。摸清野生滇龙胆的生态习性,为人工规模化种植提供科学依据。


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