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"What a new thing it is for a machine to feed at all! The plough, the spade, and the cart must eat through man's stomach; the fuel that sets them going must bum in the fumace of a man or of horses. Man must consume bread and meat or he can-not dig; the bread and meat are the fuel which drive the spade. If a plough be drawn by horses, the power is supplied by grass or beans or oats, which being bumt in the belly of the cattle give the power of working: without this fuel the work would cease, as an engine would stop if its fumaces were to go out.

"A man of science has demonstrated 'that no animal has the power of orig-mating mechanical energy, but that all the work done in its life by any animal, and all the heat that has been emitted from it, and the heat which would be ob-tained by buming the combustible matter which has been lost from its body during life, and by buming its body after death, make up altogether an exact equivalent to the heat which would be obtained by buming as much food as it has used during its life, and an amount of Nel which would generate as much heat as its body if bumed immediately after death.I do not know how he has found this out, but he is a man of science-how then can it be objected against the future vitality of the machines that they are, in their present infancy, at the beck and call of beings who are themselves incapable of originafng mechanical energy?.

"The main point, however, to be observed as affording cause for alarm is, that whereas animals were formerly the only stomachs of the machines, there are now many which have stomachs of their own, and consume their food themselves. This is a great step towards their becoming, if not animate, yet something so near akin to it, as not to differ more widely from our own life than animals do from vegetables. And though man should remain, in some respects, the higher creature, is not this in accordance with the practice of nature, which allows supenonty in some things to animals which have, on the whole, been long surpassed? Has she not allowed the ant and the bee to retain supenonty over man in the organisation of their communi-ties and social arrangements, the bird in traversing3 the air, the fish in swimming, the horse in strength and fleetness, and the dog in self-sacrifice?"








作者塞缪尔・巴特勒(Samuel Butler),于1872年在英国出版,描述一个英格兰人的一次奇妙经历,他为发财而远寻一片适合畜牧的荒地。历尽艰辛,主人翁最终到达一个名为埃里汪的国家。这个国家的法规和习俗与其他国家有许多分别,主人翁记下了埃里汪的风土人情和一些主要观点,如他们对机器、未知人生和死亡的看法。作者在书中多用讽刺和颠倒逻辑的手法来反映维多利亚时代的现象,因此这段旅程蕴合作者对当时社会的看法和感受,发人深省,耐人寻味。