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() 1. She is______girl. She is______English girl.

A.a...aB. an...aC.a...anD.a.../

() 2. Tom is______English. He is______English boy.

A. an...anB./...anC. /.../ D.a...a

() 3.______ live in Room 208.

A. The Green B. Green C. The Greens D. Greens

() 4. January is______first month of the year.

A. a B. / C. an D. the

() 5. We should think of______old and______sick.

A.a...a B. an...a C. the...the D./.../

() 6.______number of the students in our class is 52.

A. A B. An C. The D./

() 7. She can play______piano, but she can't play______football.

A. the... the B. the... / C./... the D.a... a

() 8. There is______"s" in the word "six" and______"s" is the first letter of the word.

A. a... the B. a ... an C. an... the D.a... a

() 9. A horse is______useful animal.

A. an B. a C. the D. this

() 10. He has already worked for______hour.

A. an B. a C. the D. three

() 11. Lucy wants to become______.

A. some teacher B. a teacher C. teacher D. teachers

() 12. Hainan is______island, isn't it?

A. the B. one C. a D. an

() 13. What do you usually do after______?

A. the class B. class C. the classes D. a class

() 14. I'll have to buy______trousers.

A. a B. two C. a pair of D. pair

() 15. I've thrown my old shoes away. I'll have to buy______.

A. a new pairB. a new one C. some new D. some new pair

() 16. My uncle told me he was going to visit______.

A. the United State B. the United States

C. United States D. United State

() 17. They failed six times, but they have decided to try______.

A. seven timesB. the seven timeC. the seventh timeD. seventh time

() 18. Who are those boys? One is my brother and______.

A. the big boy is Mike B. a big boy is Mike

C. the big boy is a Peter D. a big boy is a Peter

() 19. You will find______girl in black. She is______teacher.

A. a, the B. the, a C. a, a D. the, the.

() 20.______birds can fly very high in______sky.

A. The, the B. The, a C. An, the D.A, the

() 21. I'm not looking at______.

A. sun B. sky C. the sun D. some sky

() 22. The little boy wishes to be______.

A. Lei Feng B. the Lei Feng C. this Lei Feng D. a Lei Feng

() 23.______ have studied English in our school.

A. Most of students B. The most students

C. Most of the students D. Most student

() 24. Tom's brother hit Bob on______nose.

A. his B. the C. its D. a

() 25. We are going to have an exam______.

A. in the class B. in a class C. at the class D. in class

() 26. We have had______.

A. good dinnerB. a good dinner C. the good dinnerD. good dinners

() 27.______fine weather we have today! Let's go swimming.

A. What a B. How C. What D. How a

() 28. There's______apple tree behind______house.

A. an, the B. a, a C. an, a D. the, the

() 29. We can see the sun in______daytime, but we can't see it at______night.

A. a,the B. the,/ C. a,/ D. an,/

() 30. I saw______old man walking across the street and______old man looked worried.

A. an, an B. the, the C. an, the D. the, an

() 31. What______it is !

A. a heavy rain B. heavy rain C. a heavy rainsD. heavy rains

() 32.______ time we had at the party!

A. What wonderful B. What a wonderful

C. How wonderful D. How a wonderful

() 33.______ tallest building in the town is______Bank of China.

A. The, the B. A, a C. The , a D. A, the

() 34. Little Tom looked at the big shark______.

A. in the surprise B. in surprised C. in surprise D. at a surprise

() 35.______ more carefully you ride,______ fewer falls you'll get.

A. The, the B. A, the C. The, a D. A, a

() 36. He has made______decision that he will be______inventor some time.

A. a, the B. a, an C. the, an D. the, the

() 37. ――We haven't seen for______long time. Where have you been?

―― I have been for______holiday with my parents.

―― Have______nice time!

――Thank you.

A. a,the,a B. the,a,a C. a,a,a D. a,the,the

() 38. ――Excuse me ,can you tell me way to______Xinhua Bookstore?

――Go along this road, and then turn to______right at______first crossing,at______

end of the street, you can find it.

A. the, a, the, the, the B. a, the, the, a, the

C. the, the, the, a, the D. the, the, the, the, the

() 39. Why not take______friend with you? That's______good idea.

A. a, the B. the, the C. a, a D. the, a

() 40. Take the medicine three times______day.

A. a B. the C. an D. /

() 41. English is______language. It is______important tool.

A. a,a B. a,an C. the,an D. a,/

() 42. Meimei has______high fever and his mother is looking after her.

A. a B. the C. an D. /

() 43. Lucy takes______walk after supper every day.

A. the B. a C. / D. an

() 44. Paper is made of______wood.

A. a B. the C. / D. that

() 45.______ February is the second month of the year.

A. The B. A C. / D. an

() 46. We have no classes on______Sundays.

A. the B. a C. an D. /

() 47. I studied______English in______England.

A. /, / B. an, the C. an, an D./,the

() 48. We go to school by______bus.

A. / B. a C. the D. an

() 49. These boys play______football after class.

A. a B. the C. an D. /

() 50. There is______bridge over the river.______bridge is made of stone.

A. a, a B. a, the C. the, the D. the, a

() 51. Sunday is______first day of the week.

A. the B./ C. a D. an

() 52.______ Greens were having breakfast at seven this morning.

A. A B. An C. / D. The

() 53. She is one of______most popular teachers in this school. Every student loves her.

A. a B. theC. anD. /

() 54. There is______800 - metre - long bridge over the river.

A. aB. an C. the D. /

() 55.______ number of the students are playing______basketball on the playground.

A. A,a B. The,theC. The,aD. A,/

() 56. They often take a walk in______Bei Hai Park.

A. the B. a______C. / D. this

( ) 57. The old man was ill in hospital.

A. the B. / C. a D. an

( ) 58. There is no______book on the desk.

A. the B. a C. anD. /

( ) 59. Beijing is______capital of______people's Republic of______China.

A. a, the, theB. the, the, /C. the, the, theD. the, a, the

( ) 60. He started______school when he was seven.

A. theB. a C. an D. /

( ) 61. He has______great deal of interest in______English.

A. a, anB. the, theC. a, /D. a, the

( ) 62. He is______cleverest boy in our school.

A. aB. anC. theD. /

( ) 63. She often spends much______time reading.

A. aB. anC. theD. /

( ) 64. Boys likes to go______boating.

______ A. aB. anC. /D. the


1. Thomas Edison was one of______greatest inventors in______world.

2. Man is______only animal that can talk.

3. Is this house______older of the two?

4.______ earth moves around______sun.

5. I live in______northeast of China.

6. There are sixty minutes in______hour.

7.______ honest boy is Jim,______friend of mine.

8. Children usually go to______school at______age of seven.

9. Here is______useful book to read.

10. Would you like______rice or______bread for your breakfast?

11.______ poor are always happier than______rich.

12. He took me by______hand.

13. They have______son and______daughter.______son is a doctor and______ daughter is a teacher.

14.______ orange is orange.

15. He watched the student from______head to______foot.

16. What______interesting book it is!

17.______ clouds over______sea were lovely yesterday.

18. There is______little milk in the fridge, I'll go and buy some.
