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新目标英语七年级(下)重、难点讲解(Units 1~2)

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Unit 1 Where’s your pen pal from?

1. ―Where does he live? 他住在哪里?

―He lives in Paris. (P2) 他住在巴黎。

1) 这是由where引导的一个特殊疑问句,用来询问人所居住的地方。在这种特殊疑问句中,如果主语是第三人称单数,则助动词用does; 如果主语是其他人称形式,则助动词用do。 但不管用do还是用does,其后的动词都要用原形。例如:

―Where do your parents live? 你父母住在哪里?

―They live in Shanghai. 他们住在上海。

―Where does Tom live? 汤姆住在哪里?

―He lives in the countryside. 他住在乡下。

2) live是不及物动词,意为“居住”,其后需要跟地点状语。这种状语常常是由at/in/on等介词构成的短语。例如:

He lives in Beijing. 他住在北京。

They live on the farm. 他们住在农场。

We live at No.148 in May 4th Street now. 现在我们住在五四大街148号。

She lives across the street. 她住在马路对面。


He is living there with his elder brother. 他和他哥哥住在那里。

2. ―Where is your pen pal from? 你的笔友是哪里人?

―She’s from Australia. (P2) 她是澳大利亚人。

想弄清楚对方是什么地方的人或来自什么地方时,要用“Where + be + 主语 + from?”句式。 be from相当于come from,意为“来自……”、“是……人”、“出生于……”。例如:

He is from Japan. (= He comes from Japan.) 他是日本人。

They are from Singapore. (= They come from Singapore.) 他们是新加坡人。


Where are you from? / Where do you come from?

The girl isn’t from the USA. / The girl doesn’t come from the USA. 那女孩不是美国人。

3. ―What language does she speak? 她讲什么语言?

―She speaks English. (P3) 她讲英语

1) speak与tell比较:

speak意为“说”、“讲”,它强调说话的能力、方式或对象,不强调说话的内容。它作及物动词用时,后面一般接表示某种语言的名词或代词作宾语;作不及物动词用时,后面一般跟介词to。 例如:

I don’t speak Chinese. I speak Russian. 我不讲汉语,我讲俄语。

Don’t speak to me now. 现在别跟我说话。

tell意为“讲述”、“告诉”,经常用作及物动词,指将某事告诉他人,后面跟单个宾语或双宾语。有时表示“嘱咐”或“(语气较轻的)命令”,常用于tell somebody to do something结构。例如:

He is telling the children a story. 他正在给孩子们讲故事。

I can tell you something about my family. 我可以告诉你我家里的一些情况。

Please tell him to come early tomorrow. 请告诉他明天早点来。

2) language与speech比较:


English is a modern language and Latin is an old language. 英语是一种现代语言,拉丁语是一种古老的语言。

She knows five languages. 她懂五种语言。

What is his native language? 他的母语是什么?


His speech at the meeting is wonderful. 他在会上的发言很精彩。

He speaks London speech. 他说的是伦敦方言。

3) English作“语言”解时是不可数名词。表示“英语说得多或说得少”,应该说speak much/little English,而不能说speak many/few English。 试译:他英语讲得太多了。

误:He speaks too many English.

正:He speaks too much English.


This is an English car. 这是一辆英国小汽车。

4. Does she have brothers or sisters? (P4) 她有兄弟或姐妹吗?

1) 这是一个选择疑问句。选择疑问句一般分为两部分,前一部分是一个一般疑问句,后一部分是由连词or连接的选择对象。 or意为“或”、“或者”、“还是”。回答时,不能直接用yes或 no,而是要根据具体情况从两个并列的选择对象中选出其中之一。例如:

―Do you play basketball or football? 你打篮球还是踢足球?

―I play football. 我踢足球。

―Does she like apples or bananas? 她喜欢苹果还是香蕉?

―She likes apples. 她喜欢苹果。

2) have意为“有”,表示“某人有某物”,其第三人称单数形式为has。 构成否定句和疑问句时,美国人常用助动词do/does,而英国人常在have后直接加not和直接将have放在句首。例如:


Does he have any friends? 他有朋友吗?

He doesn’t have any friends. 他没有朋友。


Have you any English books? 你有英语书吗?

I haven’t any English books. 我没有英语书。

5. I live in Toronto,Canada,and I want a pen pal in China. (P5) 我住在加拿大多伦多,我想找一位中国笔友。



He wants a new computer. 他想要一台新电脑。

Will you want anything more,sir? 你还想要些别的什么东西吗,先生?

I want to be a teacher. 我想成为一名教师。

want还可以用于want somebody to do something结构,表示“想要某人做某事”。例如:

I want you to help me with my work. 我想让你帮助我工作。

He wants me to stay here. 他想让我留在这儿。


误:I don’t want going to this party.

正:I don’t want to go to this party.


误:Do you want that I make you some coffee?

正:Do you want me to make you some coffee?


We must think very carefully before we decide what to do. 在决定做什么之前,我们必须慎重地考虑。

I’m thinking about the exam. 我正在想考试的事。

I think (that) I have to go now. 我想我现在得走了。

I think也可以用作插入语。例如:

You’re right,I think. 我想你是对的。

6. I think China is a very interesting country. (P5) 我认为中国是个很有趣的国家。


This is an interesting story. 这是一个有趣的故事。

Your speech is very interesting. 你的发言很引人入胜。

表示某物对某人来说有趣或引起某人的注意时,其后接介词to。 例如:

The book is very interesting to me. 这本书对我来说很有趣。

注意:如果指某人对某物或某事“感兴趣”,则要用be interested in。 例如:

I’m very much interested in the film. 我对这部电影很感兴趣。

We are interested in playing football. 我们对踢足球感兴趣。

7. I can speak English and a little French. (P5) 我会讲英语,也能讲一点法语。

a little与little比较:

两者都可以修饰不可数名词。 a little意为“一点”、“一些”,含肯定意义; little意为“几乎没有”,含否定意义。例如:

I have a little bread. 我还有点面包。

I have little bread. 我几乎没有面包了。

a little还可用作程度副词,放在形容词或副词的比较级前作修饰语,而little不能这样用。例如:

Please come a little earlier tomorrow. 请明天早一点儿来。

My mother feels a little better today. 我妈妈今天觉得好些了。

8. I like going to the movies with my friends and playing sports. (P5) 我喜欢和朋友一起去看电影,还喜欢参加体育活动。

1) like doing something与like to do something比较:


I like dancing. 我喜欢跳舞。

He likes to make things. 他喜欢制作东西。

但like doing something中的doing something表示习惯动作,而like to do something中的to do something表示偶尔的、一次性的动作。例如:

I like swimming. 我喜欢游泳。

I like to swim today. 今天我想游泳。

2) go to the movies相当于go to the cinema,意为“去看电影”。例如:

Do you often go to the cinema? 你经常去看电影吗?

Let’s go to the movies. 我们去看电影吧。

3) and与with比较:

and和with都有“和”的意思,但在用法上区别很大。 and是连词,用来连接两个并列的词、词组或分句。 and连接的两个人或事物在句中作主语时,谓语动词应为复数形式。例如:

I can read and write. 我能看书、写字。

He likes meat and rice very much. 他非常喜欢肉和米饭。

Tom and his brother are middle school students. 汤姆和他弟弟都是中学生。

注意:and连接肯定的并列成分。如果连接否定的并列成分,则要用or。 试译:香蕉和苹果她都不喜欢吃。

误:She doesn’t like bananas and apples.

正:She doesn’t like bananas or apples.


Will you go to the movies with us? 你愿意和我们一起去看电影吗?

Please come with me. 请跟我来。

Lisa with her parents lives in China. 莉萨和她的父母都住在中国。

9. It’s too difficult! (P5) 这太难了!


very和too两者都是程度副词,都可以用来修饰形容词或副词。 very意为“很”,表示程度的增加,too意为“太”,“过分”,表示超过容许的程度。例如:

It is very cold today. 今天天气很冷

It is too cold today. 今天天气太冷

注意:very不能与too连用,不能说“It’s very too cold today.”,但可以将very改为much,即可以说“It’s much too cold today.”。

10. Can you write to me soon? (P5) 你能尽早给我回信吗?


Write your name here. 把你的名字写在这儿。

He writes with his left hand. 他用左手写字。

write作“写信”解时,可以用在“write somebody”,“write somebody a letter”,“write a letter to somebody”,“write to somebody”等结构中。表示“我会写信给你。”可以说:“I’ll write you a letter. /I’ll write a letter to you. /I’ll write to you. /I’ll write you.”

10. My favorite subject in school is P.E. (P5) 在学校里我最喜欢的科目是体育。

in school意为“(学生)在学校里上学”,at school也是这个意思,两者没有什么区别。这时,school前面没有冠词。例如:

Is Mary in school now? 玛丽现在上学吗?

We are at school together. 我们一起在学校学习。

比较:She teaches in a school near here. 她在这附近的一所学校教书。


1. 用speak或tell填空。

1) I have something to______you.

2) He can______a little Japanese.

3) The baby just begins to______.

4)______him to give you some paper.

2. 用and或with填空。

1) He often goes to school______Tom.

2) She is a dancer______singer.

3) She______I are both teachers.

4) The teacher______his students is waiting for the bus.

3. 用want或think填空。

1) My sister______to learn English,too.

2) I don’t______he will come today.

3) I______some hot water.

4) I______that it is a good film.

Key:1. 1) tell 2) speak 3) speak 4) Tell

2. 1) with 2) and 3) and 4) with

3. 1) wants 2) think 3) want 4) think

Unit 2 Where’s the post office?

1. ―Where’s the park? 公园在哪儿?

―It’s on Center Street. (P2) 在中央大街。

1) “Where is/are ...?”用来询问某人或某物在什么地方。其中where是疑问副词,应放在句首,其后用is还是用are要根据主语而定。答语中应该用it/they/he/she代替问句中的主语,同时要明确回答出人或物所处的地点。 where’s是where is的缩写形式,where are一般不缩写。例如:

―Where’s the bank? 银行在哪里?

―It’s near our school. 就在我们学校附近。

―Where are your parents? 你的父母在哪里?

―They are in Shanghai. 在上海。

2) on Center Street意为“在中央大街”,Street前面通常不加定冠词the。 类似的例子如:Fleet Street弗利特大街(伦敦),Wall Street华尔街(美国)表示“在街上”,英国人常说in the street,而美国人则常说on the street。 例如:

What’s in the street? 街上有什么?

A car is parked on the street. 一辆小汽车停在街上。

2. The library is between the restaurant and the supermarket. (P8) 图书馆就在饭店和超市之间。

between作介词用,表示“在……之间”。 between ... and ... 意为“在……与……之间”。例如:

The park is between the bank and the post office. 公园就在银行和邮局之间。

There is only a road between our village and theirs. 我们村和他们村之间只隔一条路。

注意:1) 表示“……到(至)……之间”,只能说between ... and ...,不能说between ... to ...。 试译:我们在七点到八点之间吃早饭。

误:We have breakfast between seven to eight.

正:We have breakfast between seven and eight.

2) 若between后面跟代词,则代词应为宾格形式。试译:开会时,他坐在李明和我之间。

误:He sat between Li Ming and I at the meeting.

正:He sat between Li Ming and me at the meeting.

3. The pay phone is next to the library. (P8) 投币式公用电话紧挨着图书馆。

next to与near比较:

next to是复合介词,意为“在……旁边”、“紧挨着……”,其后常跟表示场所、顺序的名词作宾语。例如:

Who stood next to you? 当时谁站在你旁边?

Put the box next to my desk. 把这个箱子放在我的书桌旁。


The lake is near our school. 那个湖在我们学校附近。

The bus stop is quite near. 公共汽车站就在附近。

My aunt lives quite near. 我姑姑住得相当近。

4. The pay phone is in front of the library. (P8) 投币式公用电话在图书馆前面。

before,in front of与in the front of比较:

三者都可以表示“在……之前”。 before主要指“在某一时间之前”,与after相对。例如:

Please come to see me before Sunday. 请在星期天以前来看我。

You must come back before five o’clock. 你必须在五点之前回来。

before还可以表示“在某位置前面”,相当于in front of。 例如:

She sits before/in front of me in the classroom. 在教室里她坐在我前面。

A dog is running before/in front of Jack. 一只狗在杰克前面跑。

in front of指“在某范围以外的前面”,而in the front of指“在某范围以内的前部”。例如:

There is a big tree in front of the small house. 那所小房子前面有一棵大树。

He is sitting in the front of the bus with the driver. 他和司机坐在公共汽车的前部。


The teacher is standing in front of the classroom. 老师站在教室前面。(指教室外边的前面)

The teacher is standing in the front of the classroom. 老师站在教室前面。(指教室里面的前边,即讲台上)

5. The pay phone is behind the library. (P8) 投币式公用电话在图书馆后面。


两者都可用作介词,表示“在……之后”。 after指动态的先后,即次序的先后; behind指静态的先后,即位置的前后。例如:

After you,sir! 先生,你先走。(表示顺序)

The village is behind the hill. 村庄就在山的后面。(表示位置)


Let’s play football after school. 放学后咱们踢足球吧。

I’ll go swimming after three o’clock. 三点钟以后我将去游泳。

6. ―Excuse me. Is there a hotel in the neighborhood? 请问,这附近有旅馆吗?

―Yes,there is. (P9) 是的,有。

1) Excuse me与I’m sorry比较:

“Excuse me.”意为“对不起”、“请原谅”、“打扰一下”、“劳驾”,常位于句首,用于向陌生人问路、向别人询问情况、插话、客气地提出请求等场合。例如:

Excuse me. Where is the station? 请问,火车站在哪里?

Excuse me. Can you spell your name? 请问,你能拼读你的名字吗?

Excuse me. Are you Mr Owen? 请问,你是欧文先生吗?

“I’m sorry.”意为“对不起”,常用在说了或做了使别人感到不便、不快的事或者是自己觉得不合适的话或事之后,表示歉意。有时可省去“I’m”,单独用Sorry。 例如:

I’m sorry. I’m late. 对不起,我来晚了。

―Is he at school today? 今天他在学校吗?

―Sorry,I don’t know. 对不起,我不知道。

2) in the neighborhood是一个介词短语,意为“在附近”。 “in the neighborhood of ...”则表示“在……的附近”,相当于near。 例如:

There is a hotel in the neighborhood. 附近有一家旅馆。

Their house is in the neighborhood of the park. 他们家在公园附近。

7. Just go straight and turn left. (P9) 径直朝前走,然后向左转。

1) 副词just用在祈使语气中,比please更显得随便,意为“试请”,“且请”。例如:

Just have a look. 请看一眼吧。

Just shut the door,will you? 请关上门,好吗?

Just sit here and have a cup of tea. 请坐在这儿喝杯茶吧。

2) straight是副词,意思是“一直地”,在指示方向时常用该词。例如:

Go straight down the street until you come to the post office. 顺着这条街一直走,就可以到邮局了。

I’ll go straight home after the meeting. 开完会我就直接回家。

3) turn left意为“向左拐”,也可以说turn to the left。 turn right意为“向右拐“,也可以说turn to the right。 turn left和turn right是人们在指示方向时经常使用的两个短语,其中的left和right都是副词,而turn to the left,turn to the right中的left和right都是名词。例如:

Follow this road to the bookstore; then turn to the left. 沿着这条路走到书店,然后向左拐。

Turn right at the third building. 在第三座大楼那儿向右拐。

8. It’s down Bridge Street on the right. (P9) 沿着大桥街往前走,就在右边。

1) down在本句中是介词,意为“沿着”、“顺……而下”。例如:

The children are running down the hill. 孩子们正跑下山来。

要表示“顺/沿着街道、道路往前走”,可用down the street/road或up the street/road,还可以用along the street/road。 例如:

Walk down/up/along this road,and take the fourth turning on the left. 沿着这条路走下去,到达第四个转弯处向左拐。

Go down/up/along the street and turn to the left,you’ll see the theatre. 顺着街往前走,然后向左拐,你就可以看见剧院了。

2) on the right/left意为“在右/左边”,也可以说on one’s right/left,意为“在某人的右/左边”。如果表示“在……右/左边”,应该说on the right/left of ...,of后面跟表示地点的名词。例如:

He is sitting on my left. 他坐在我的左边。

The bed is on the right of the bedroom. 床就在这间卧室的右边。

Go down Center Street and my house is on your right. (P12) 沿着中央大街走,我家就在你的右边。

9. Welcome to the Garden District. (P11) 欢迎来到花园小区。

表示“欢迎某人到某地”时,常用“Welcome to ...!”,后接表示地点的名词。例如:

Welcome to China! 欢迎来到中国!

Welcome to our school! 欢迎你到我们学校来!

注意:welcome作为欢迎语使用时其前一般不加主语,如不能说“We/I welcome you.”,也不说“We/I welcome you to the factory/town.”。 “You are welcome here/in China.”的意思是“你在这里/中国是受欢迎的。”。 “You’re welcome.”单独用时,意为“不用客气”。

10. Turn left on First Avenue and enjoy the city’s quiet streets and small parks. (P11) 从第一大街向左转,感受一下城市幽静的街道和小公园。

1) 此句中enjoy意为“喜欢”、“享受……的乐趣”,它是及物动词,后面跟名词、代词。例如:

I enjoy all the school subjects. 学校里所有的课程我都喜欢。

They enjoy Chinese food very much. 他们非常喜欢中国食品。


误:He enjoys to live in the countryside.

正:He enjoys living in the countryside.

2) quiet是形容词,意为“安静的”、“宁静的”,在句中作表语或定语。例如:

We live in a quiet village. 我们住在宁静的小村庄。

Don’t be so noisy. Keep quiet,please. 不要这么喧哗,保持安静。

Please be quiet! 请保持安静!

11. Next to the hotel is a small house with an interesting garden. (P11) 紧挨着旅馆的是一个小屋子,小屋子带有一个很有趣的花园。

1) 这是一个倒装句,表示地点的介词短语放在句首,目的是为了与上文紧密衔接。其正常语序为:A small house with an interesting garden is next to the hotel. 又如:

Across from the park is an old hotel. (P11) 公园对面有一家旧旅馆。

2) 介词短语with an interesting garden在句子中作定语用,其中介词with意为“具有”、“带有”。例如:

His elder sisiter is a beautiful girl with two big eyes. 他姐姐是一个长着一双大眼睛的漂亮姑娘。

China is a country with a long history. 中国是一个历史悠久的国家。

There is a box with a lid on the desk. 桌子上有一个带盖子的盒子。

12. Bridge Street is a good place to have fun. (P11) 大桥街是一个娱乐的好地方。

have fun 意为“玩得高兴”、“过得愉快”,相当于have a good/nice/wonderful time。 例如:

We have a lot of fun at the party. 我们在聚会上玩得很高兴。

注意:在此处fun为不可数名词,没有复数形式,其前面不能用a。 试译:我们玩得真开心呀!

误:What a fun we are having!

正:What fun we are having!

13. I know you are arriving next Sunday. (P12) 我知道你将于下个星期天到达。

1) arrive与get比较:

两者都是不及物动词,表示“到达”的意思。 arrive后面需要跟介词at或in,其后再跟表示地点的名词。 arrive at后面跟较小的地方,如车站、邮局、学校、机场等; arrive in后面跟较大的地方,如城市、国家、地区等。例如:

When does the train arrive at the station? 火车什么时候到站?

We are arriving in Shanghai this evening. 我们今天晚上到达上海。


It takes you ten minutes to get to the school. 到学校你要走十分钟的时间。

I get to the factory at eight every morning. 我每天早上八点到达工厂。


When does he get home every day? 他每天什么时候到家?

The plane is arriving here this afternoon. 飞机今天下午到达这里。

2) 句中的are arriving表示一个按计划不久将要进行或发生的动作。 come,go,get,stay,leave,start等动词的现在进行时都可用来表示将来时间。例如:

We are coming. 我们就来。

When are you going to Shanghai? 你什么时候去上海?

14. Let me tell you the way to my house. (P12) 让我告诉你来我家的路。

1) “the way to ...”意为“去某地的路”,这是问路和指路时经常用到的短语。例如:

Please show me the way to the bank. 请给我指一下去银行的路。

I don’t know the way to the station. 我不知道去车站的路。


1. 用there be或have的适当形式填空。

1) John______a new pen in his bag.

2) In John’s bag______a new pen.

3)______any books on your desk?

4)______you any books with you?

2. 用behind或after填空。

1) Let’s have a rest______lunch.

2) A big tree stands______the house.

3) Read the words______me.

4) There is a river______the hill.

3. 用Excuse me或I’m sorry填空。

1)______. I can’t come to your party.

2)______. Is this your pencil-box?

3)______. Where is the bank,please?

4)______,but I really can’t understand what you say.

Key:1. 1) has 2) there is 3) Are there 4) Have

2. 1) after 2) behind 3) after 4) behind

3. 1) I’m sorry 2) Excuse me 3) Excuse me 4) I’m sorry