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[考点一]it 的特殊用法


[中考真题链接](天津市)―Who is singing in the classroom?

―_____________must be Susan.

A.SheB.It C.This D.He



形容词性物主代词变为名词性物主代词既有特例(my――mine), 又有规律可寻:his/its不变,其他全是在形容词性物主代词后面加-s(your――yours,her――hers,their――theirs)。

[中考真题链接](苏州市)Some of the stickers belong to me,while the rest are________.

A.him and herB.his and herC.his and hersD.him and hers

[答案解析]此题空白处要表示的是“他的和她的”,很容易误选B。根据上下文可知,选项C中his and hers等于his and her stickers,所以应用名词性物主代词,故C为正确选项。

(南宁)It used to be apartment,but now it’s____________.

A.hers;mine B.her;mineC.her;my D.hers;my


(随州市)―Frank can’t find_______dictionary.

―Can you lendto _____?


C.my;yours;he D.his;yours;him

[答案解析]根据我们所熟悉的外国人名,Frank是男性第三人称,又加上第一个空后已有名词,所以第一个空应填形容词性物主代词his;第二句表示“把你的借给他用”,此处“你的”指“你的词典”,而空后又无dictionary,显然应该用名词性物主代词,即yours(=your dictionary);最后一空在介词to后,应用宾格him。综合分析得出正确选项为D。



no one;none

[精语点拨]二者都是表示否定意义的代词。no one只指人;none指人、物均可,后可接of短语。

[中考真题链接]①(武汉市)―Got any information about High School Examination?

―Well, I was trying to, but found________.

A.oneB.no oneC.noneD.some

②(山西省)It rained heavily this morning,but___________of my classmates were late for school.


③(宁波市)―It was quite a heavy snow last night.Is everyone here now?

―Yes,and ________of us was late for school this morning.

A.neitherB.either C.all D.none

Keys:①C② B③ D


other,the other,another,others,the others

[精语点拨]other 是形容词,用于单、复数名词前作定语,意思是“其他的”。例如:

Today we have Chinese,maths,English and other lessons.

the other特指前提为两者中的“另一个(个体或部分)”。例如:

I have two friends.One is a girl,the other is a boy.


I don’t like this cup.Please give me another.


In the park this afternoon,some of my classmates were climbing the hill,others were boating or drawing.

the others指在一个整体范围内与一部分相对而言的“另外、其他人或物”,指剩余的全部。例如:

There are 90 teachers in our school.40 of us are men,the others are all women.

[中考真题链接]①(上海市)I’ve got two tickets for tonight’s concert.One is for me,______is for you .

A.otherB.the other C.others D.another

②(江西)―What a hot day! Have you had a drink?

―Yes. But I’d like to have_____after work.

A.it B.one C.other D.another

③(内蒙古包头市)You should express your thanks by returning the kindness when you get help from _________.

A.otherB.anotherC.othersD.the other

③(南通市)In my class some students love music, ____ are fond of drawing and___ enjoy reading.

A.some ; the other

B.others; the other

C.others; the othersD.some; others

Keys:①B ②D ③C④D

this;that;it;one;the one何所指?

[精语点拨]在指代人、物、时间时,this相对近,that相对远;当用来代替前文已提到的(由定冠词修饰)单数名词时,不用this 而用that。例如:I like the book in your hand better than that in hers.

it指代上文已提及的同一事物名词,可数与不可数都行,其前通常无修饰语,还可替代上文中的整句或句中的一部分;one代替的是同类事物中的一个,且只能是可数名词,其前可有修饰语,the one特指同类事物中的另一个;此外,one 和that 都能替代上文提及的名词,只是one相当于“a(an)+名词”,表泛指;而that则相当于“the +名词”,表特指。例如:

His thankfulness to me was that of a stranger.

The white hare runs faster than the black one.

I’m looking for a mobile phone and I like one with a coloured screen.

The finger I put into my mouth was not the one I had dipped into the cup.

I wantto buy a computer ,but I can’t afford it now.That’s to say, I need a computer but Ihave no money to buy one.

[热题精练]1.Is ___ a bird flying into the sky?

2.―How do you make a face?―Do it like ____. ―Oh,___’s easy.

3.I hear there is something interesting in today’s newspaper.Could you read ____ to me?

4.Do heavy things always fall faster than light________?

5.The pollution problem may be the greatest of the world today.

Keys:1.that2.this;that 3.it 4.ones 5.one


①(兰州市)Most young people find____________exciting to watch a football match.

A.itB.this C.thatD.one

②[湖北黄冈]―Linda,the new term is coming,do you need a schoolbag?

―Yes,I’m going to buy_____________this afternoon.




[结伴同行]My English book is on the desk,and the exercise book over there is also mine.

[精语点拨]从字面上看,二者都是“我的”意思。不过,“my”只表示“我的”,至于“我的”什么,没说清楚,还需要后边加上名词才能说清意思;而 mine能根据上下文判断出“我的……”,相当于“my+上文(前面)提到的那个(那些)名词所表示的物”。

[热题精练]1.The table is _____.

2._____ mother is a doctor.

3.Look!The man wearing a overcoat is _____ uncle.

4.This pencil-box isn’t _____._____ is blue.

Keys:1.mine2.My3.my 4.mine;Mine

[中考真题链接]①(吉林省)―My pen is lost.

― Don’t worry about it.You can use____________

A.my B.mine C.meD.myself

②(兰州市) The book is__________.I wrote____________name on its cover____________.


B.mine,my ,myself



③(浙江宁波)―Excuse me.Is this________watch?

―No,it’s not_________.It’s Tom’s.

A.your;myself B.yours;mine

C.your;my D.your;mine

Keys:①B ②B③D