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Why Vietnam brides become so popular?

Vietnam brides started 20 years ago and the context for it was poor economic environment in the country and the unbalanced gender ratio after long time war. In Chinese mainland, the online popularity of them started from a man called Dai Wensheng in 2009, who broadcasted the blind date of him in Vietnam and arose many concerns of netizens. From then on, Vietnam brides have occasionally appeared in major media.

At the same time, traditionally Vietnamese brides used to be married to Taiwan, South Korea and Singapore. Due to the various problems which pop up after Vietnamese brides get married abroad, the management of Vietnamese becomes increasingly strict. With the constraints of other countries and regions, the Chinese market becomes a new force which rises suddenly. Since 2011, Chinese men has become the largest buyer market of Vietnam brides.



Money is the main force of this booming market. It is said that setting up an intermediary agent of Vietnamese brides introducing business does not cost much, and the salary of an ordinary intermediary staff member is very low. Every successful introduction of a bride earns at least 15000 RMB for the boss of the intermediary agent. Some large scale online intermediary can have the net profit of up to 0.3 to 0.4 million. Some large intermediaries relying on interpersonal communication can have a net profit of one million RMB.

In addition, the serious imbalance of gender in China and the soaring wedding cost are also pushing the Vietnamese bride market. In China the number of men in marriageable age is larger than that of women, and in some rural areas the difficulty to find a wife and tge high price to pay to the brides’ families make it very difficult for men to find a wife in the local place, therefore some people turn to "Vietnamese brides". People who get married with Vietnamese brides are mostly overage youths in rural areas, it is a large number of people with "rigid need". Marry a "Vietnamese bride" does not cost much, with a usual cost of tens of thousands of RMB. For rural families that are not rich, it is acceptable. That is why some agents and individuals smell the "business opportunity" and the "Vietnam bride" becomes so popular.

