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商务英语 第9期

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How I Work

Hank Paulson

Chairman and CEO, Goldman Sachs

Work the phone―and the clock.

I’ve never used e-mail, but I’m a huge voicemail user. I do a couple hundred voicemails a day. And I return every call right away, whether it’s a client or someone in the firm. There are positives and negatives to this. I don’t have a lot of time for small talk. Occasionally there are wing nuts who call, and I pass them on to Julie, my assistant. But Julie doesn’t screen my voicemails. The people at Goldman Sachs have to be able to get to me. Clients have to be able to get to me.

I’ve always spent a lot of time on the phone. Even when cellphones were a novelty in the 1980s when I lived in Chicago, I was using one of those huge Motorola phones as I walked from the train station to the office. This past Christmas, my wife, Wendy, and my daughter, Amanda, and her husband and I spent ten days hiking in Chile, and my daughter took so many pictures of me with this big satellite phone attached to my ear.

When I got back to the office in January, I called 60 CEOs in the first week to wish them happy New Year. I had never done that before, but it was great. I asked them about their business and their relationship with Goldman. I spend at least a third of my time on Goldman people and culture―we have to be the employer of choice in our industry. So I spend time at business schools and am very involved in recruiting. Last year we started a Chairman’s Forum to raise awareness of the importance of business judgment. I taught more than 25 sessions to all 1,200 of our managing directors in Asia, Europe, and the U.S. That’s culture-building.

Forty percent of our earnings comes from outside the U.S., so I travel a lot. Whenever I travel, I take time to exercise. When I go to China―which I’ve been to about 70 times in the past 16 years―I book my flight so it arrives at 6 A.M., which is the earliest you can land. I check into the hotel and go right to the treadmill in the gym. Then, starting at 8 A.M., I’ll go back to back to back until 9 at night. I’ll get up the next day and do the same thing. I make sure to leave in the evening so I can be back at work in my office in New York the next morning.

I’ve always been very efficient and disciplined. If I have a business dinner, people know that it should start at 6:30 and be over by 8:30. When I’m home in New York, I'm asleep at 10. I’m up at 5:30 and try to work out four or five times a week. Once or twice a week, I run four miles in Central Park. I used to do seven-minute miles. Now I’m up to eight or nine.
