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报复 第6期

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James had a terrible toothache. It kept him awake all night. His cheek was swollen and it was difficult for him to eat or drink. Anything very hot or cold made the toothache worse. If James ate anything sweet the pain was unbearable.

James did not want to take time off from work, so he I tried to bear the pain.He took pain-killer every hour. However, the tooth hurt so much when he tried to eat his lunch that he knew he had to go to the dentist. He asked his boss for time off. His boss could see that James was in great pain, and told him to take the rest of the day off.

The dentist agreed to see James immediately.

"Open your mouth," he said, "and let's have a look."

James opened his mouth.

"Which tooth is giving you trouble?" the dentist asked next.

James touched the tooth with his finger.

The dentist X-rayed the tooth, then he put the X-ray against a bright light.

"Oh, yes," he said, "I can see the problem. There is a cavity in the tooth. I'm afraid the hole is too big to fill. I must take the tooth out."

"That's all right," James said. "Just stop the pain."

The dentist gave James an injection and quickly pulled out the tooth. He dropped it into the garbage can.

"Don't throw it away," James said. "Let me have it please."

"Why do you want your old tooth?" the dentist asked.

"I'm going to take it home, put it in a bowl of hot honey and watch it suffer," James said angrily.











